Cosmos vs us

Thu 17 Jun, 2021 12:41 pm
“As you know already my opinion is that matter is held together due to the balanced "toggling" +/- forces within the core which is made up of only NEUTRALS?”
Seems you are talking about the molecule rather than the “core” (nucleus).

Piggy always say that the issue of the “core” (nucleus) is a very specific issue of physics. Of course piggy doesn’t think that any guy has ever seen the elephant. If you feel that your idea is capable to explain some physical and astronomical “hard problems”, just build your own model to research.

(Next, go on with the topic of “prisoner of consciousness”, namely those guys who are UNAWARE, argue for argue.)
Thu 17 Jun, 2021 01:15 pm
I was referring to the core as in the NEUTRAL which contains +/- balanced “toggling” forces within which hold matter together.

What else holds matter together do you think….glue? …not convinced on that one I’m afraid.
0 Replies
Thu 17 Jun, 2021 03:07 pm
Actually in the PRESENCE – SELF principle, the “twins paradox” can be analyzed:
The SELF (moustache), the age of the pig is associated with the PRESENCE (the pig).
So, if we analyze the age of brother A, we should stand on the reference frame of brother A;
If we analyze the age of brother B, we should stand on the reference frame of brother B.
In the physical environment of SR, no other physical factor affects the time. Then, the increase of their ages is the same situation. That means the ages of the twins are ever the same.

(There is another version of “twins paradox” concerning astronomers twins. But piggy doesn’t think that it’s the original physical meaning about SR. Just because of the PRESENCE of the Earth, strictly speaking this version can’t count as pure affair between the twins. It’s another specific affair in physics.)
The fun thing is that such “paradox” is reasonable. The problem is that “prisoner of consciousness” is not AWARE that such affair belongs to the category of “consciousness”. (The fun thing is that even some “prisoner of consciousness” themselves doubt whether such “paradox” is wrong. They are confused by their consciousness.) What’s wrong is they misconsider it represents the only angle to touch the elephant.
After the cross roads are two different roads extending in two different directions. Which road to go is up to one’s own choice.
Fri 18 Jun, 2021 12:09 am
My view is that the SPACE between the matter that is within us holds the key to PRESENCE/SELF.

SPACE itself is made of something.
Fri 18 Jun, 2021 01:18 am
And whatever that something is it is clearly "SEE THROUGH".
0 Replies
Fri 18 Jun, 2021 03:05 pm
Piggy has been defined as “dead man” by the First Order in what CN. Piggy really has no mood to imagine this or that casually.
In practice step by step in science, piggy understands more and more.
Now if some guys can feel that “non - paradox” is actually a bit better than “paradox” in science, piggy will be very satisfied.
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Fri 18 Jun, 2021 03:08 pm
His consciousness vs pig’s awareness, touchy and feely:
Piggy never believes a normal Chinese would go to PHF of USA to sabotage my effort and denigrate me.

Perhaps the consciousness of the First Order was that if they played down piggy in PHF, piggy would go back to their camp again and had to accept their arrangement for piggy’s fate (sausage).

But piggy’s AWARENESS is that piggy has to give up China entirely due to that incident. It made piggy entirely lost confidence to CN. Actually, piggy’s peripheral social resource has been entirely controlled by the First Order. Only unfavorable factors are allowed by them to come to my life. Piggy is AWARE that in order to prevent myself from falling into their ultimate complicated and absolute cruel game / trap again and waste the last a bit time in my life, piggy has to give up all the relatives as well as old friends in what CN and even to such an extreme degree that piggy has nothing to talk with the Chinese except给他江门地方黑恶势力钟永康集团及新会一中九一四班谁谁一个超文革赛阎王光荣称号快快全世界全宇宙打靶啦。当今时代,全世界没有什么人能够值得如此殊荣。呵呵.
Piggy is AWARE that those former classmates have become cruel and terrible enemy.

Piggy really doesn’t know when the First Order will decide to shout “execute”… Piggy not yet has an idea how to dig a hole under the fence and flee to America. Piggy is AWARE die hard in what CN…
Science now is AWARE. The PRESENCE and SELF are trying to escape from the confinement of those “prisoner of consciousness”. Piggy is not quite sure what’s it fate.
0 Replies
Sun 20 Jun, 2021 01:13 am
What I mean by the space “outside of the matter at a quantum level” is that as we are all clearly made up of atoms there is clearly space between these atoms.

Something holds atoms together.I am personally not persuaded that this is “glue” …one uses glue to try and fix something that has been broken do you not?

My theory is that the balanced “toggling” forces that hold matter “we can touch” together may be separate from the forces that act upon this balanced system.

Is space made up of matter therefore?

Sun 20 Jun, 2021 01:57 am
Is this NOT a “reasonable” theory and if not can someone explain to me why it isn’t.
0 Replies
Fri 25 Jun, 2021 01:59 am
If piggy encounters Einstein, perhaps he would call piggy “baby pig”. Is it “reasonable”?

But the fact is that the moustache of the pig grows longer and longer, no matter what others’ consciousness might be (pretty boy or baby pig).
Sounds the PRESENCE and SELF are not controlled by consciousness. Is it “reasonable”?

“…are the “eccentric” but is UNAWARE of this.”
0 Replies
Sun 27 Jun, 2021 05:29 am
this is very like
Tue 29 Jun, 2021 12:13 am
The standard expression in English should be “this looks very like”, perhaps?
Actually, baby pig is just other’s consciousness. Not the SELF of the pig.
Thank you for your PRESENCE in this thread and chat.
0 Replies
Tue 29 Jun, 2021 01:46 am
At this moment:

Talk about that rabbit again. When some people try to research what’s “male rabbit and what’s female rabbit”, why they must associate the rabbits with time or movement /what inertial coordinate system ? Even a kid in the primary school can be AWARE how absurd they are.

(Relevant material:
The CPT theorem,
As well as
“Neutrinos are not their own anti-particles. Neutrinos are "left handed." That means that, no matter what inertial coordinate system we are in, we measure the spin to be +1/2. The anti-neutrino is right handed for all inertial coordinate systems.”
“…Let's use a rotation in real space for simplicity. Say that we have a particle that is moving along the, say, +z axis and that the particle has a spin. Use your right hand "grab" the velocity vector (pointing in the +z direction) with your thumb in the direction of the velocity…”

Any theory is just a method of description which tries to touch the elephant. Speculating the property of matter from the angle of external behavior is the third cancer in research of modern physics.

But in the new era of PRESENCE and SELF, the APPROPRIATE description of what’s a male rabbit and what’s a female rabbit should be “* is *, # is #”.

In the new era, we can be AWARE and ask such a question: Neutrino and anti neutrino should be something PRESENCE in this cosmos? What’s the SELF?

And then take a look at the PRESENCE and SELF (spiral spring and its chirality):
It’s STILL there. It’s the inherent property.
Left - handed is left- handed, right - handed is right- handed.
Of course there should be a neutral one without chirality too.

If an elementary particle, the neutrino, is neutral, it should have no chirality, but it can oscillate between +, neutral, or - in specific physical environment. This is philosophy. Vivid analogy: piggy is powerless at all in this society and has no firm stance of his own. In front of the First Order, piggy will have to put up his hands (surrender) and becomes a half – self payment watchman or a drudge in conformity with their will / consciousness; but in front of Jasper10, piggy will have to research the PRESENCE and SELF in the new era of science.

There might be many “inappropriate” methods of description in science over the past century. Those guys who are AWARE can imagine how serious the situation was.
The worst thing could be those “prisoner of consciousness” are UNAWARE of this. Perhaps they are UNWILLING to be AWARE of this.
“Heavy accumulated and hard to go back” it is.

So, for those guys who are AWARE, what could they do? Just left behind those “prisoner of consciousness” and “move on”? Reasonable?
0 Replies
Mon 26 Jul, 2021 05:03 pm
Next piggy move the ongoing topic with Dandan in PHF about the "vacuum fluctuation" here and wants to talk a bit more.

Topsquark’s comment:
Vacuum fluctuations:
Go back to the fields and their quanta concept. One of the Uncertainty principle's relationships is ΔE Δt ≤ℏ
We can abuse this a bit and say that we can get energy
ΔE out of the vacuum just as long as we "pay it back" in a time Δt
(Please don't quote me on that statement, it's descriptive but not really how it works.) Anyhoo this energy can go to produce particle/anti-particle pairs that recombine in a time Δt
to go back into the vacuum. This effect is called "vacuum fluctuation."

Pig head Neila9876’ comment:
Quantum states are the key of QM.
From Duke de Broglie wavelength/frequency to wave function of free particle, to Schrodinger equation, to harmonic oscillator, to particle in Coulomb field, etc, what’s under talking is the particle itself (in different situations), what’s derived (quantum numbers, probability density, the energy levels, etc,) is the property of itself (in different situations).
When it comes up with the uncertainty principle (for example, the E, t one), what people talk about is two independent events: occurring of two particles and annihilation of two particles.

This semi-tramp urge guys to deliver effective experimental/astronomical report I mentioned ahead as soon as possible.
Now he Going, Going, Gone to the Tea House of Cosmos to refresh.

No one can provide effective experimental/astronomical report.
(to be continued)
0 Replies
Mon 26 Jul, 2021 05:09 pm

Now the pig head is sitting on the FULCRUM and wants to employ the method in the new era of PRESENCE – SELF to analyze the above issue.

The emphasis lies in the issue of what’s time, piggy thinks.

According to piggy’s theory, time reflects the wave character of internal energy, exactly the frequency γ. (For details please see relevant chapters in the physics thread.)

So, what’s the true physical meaning of Δt tough? (Note: here Δt in Dandan’s original context is the changed amount of time rather than unit time / the criterion of time .)
It just means the light wave propagates ahead with the fixed frequency γ for a distance, namely, vivid analogy is the amount of bounce, bounce, bounce of a rabbit.

IF people consider they can get “ΔE out of the vacuum”, the ΔE should be considered as a released photon. Then, Δt just means this released photon travels / propagates ahead for a distance. This is the physical meaning of the ΔE ~ Δt system.

So, obviously Dandan’s statement “this energy can go to produce particle/anti-particle pairs that recombine in a time Δt” is irrational speculation at all.
Moreover, after Δt, that released photon will travel / propagate ahead further and further, how can they “pay it back”?
The conception of "vacuum fluctuation" is empty theory.

The mathematical item ΔE Δt has no specific physical meaning.
The mathematical equation ΔE Δt ≤ℏ is more of a math game.

Liqiang Chen
July 27, 2021
0 Replies
Tue 27 Jul, 2021 01:10 pm
Singularity, touchy and feely:

In such ultimate extreme situation as singularity: L → 0, △t → ∞. (Here△t is unit time / criterion of time. ) No matter in the description of “curvature of space - time” or “inflation / deflation of space or time”, gravity has to break down, no longer applicable.

Now the pig head is sitting on the FULCRUM and wants to employ another special method in the new era of PRESENCE – SELF to analyze why gravity has to “break down, no longer applicable”.
There are two fundamental natural systems:
1. The PRESENCE – SELF system;
2. The PRESENCE – PRESENCE system (interaction such as gravity).

The affair of singularity belongs to the PRESENCE – SELF system. It’s an ultimate extreme situation in this system.
The PRESENCE – SELF system is an independent system, which is not disturbed by the PRESENCE – PRESENCE system. Namely, the affair of singularity doesn’t concern the gravity.
The mainstream confused the core of black hole with singularity. It’s not strange. Only in the new era of PRESENCE – SELF, resorting to physical model and the mass – space equation, this subtle difference can be demonstrated.
Of course, singularity can be considered as the ultimate black hole, it’s no wrong too. Haha

Liqiang Chen
July 28, 2021
Piggy believes that except the First Law of Cosmos which created by the First Order (the local dark lords of the Jiangmen city and who who of the Class 914 of the No1. Middle School of Xinhui always try every means to grind piggy down. No matter how many social resource they input, no matter how complicated their game would be, they must maintain the correctness of their “consciousness”: piggy only can be a half – self payment watchman in their small business or a drudge or a dead man) never changes, history is ever developing.
0 Replies
Thu 29 Jul, 2021 12:08 am
Below are stuff in previous post. Piggy repeats them at this moment.

The BB theory which considers that this cosmos came from a “singularity” can count as “standard” theory more or less;
The mainstream considers the core of black hole is also “singularity”.
That’s fun enough: a cosmos will pop up from a black hole at any time. Obviously it’s absurd. If they are not defective in the mind, they should abandon the BB theory. Isn’t that “toggling” between establish / abandon?

Now on the FULCRUM, the mass – space equation can provide a perfect solution. All are INTERCONNECTED. Even G* can join in the fun too. Why it must not be a good thing?

The core of black hole, touchy and feely:

As piggy said ahead, the affair of the core of the black hole is absolutely the affair of the PRESENCE. Then, in the new era, we can ask such a question: what’s the SELF of such a PRESENCE though?
Piggy’s humble opinion is that it’s mainly of the mass - space integrity which reflected by the mass – space equation: r ∝ 1/ M.

According to my physical model for elementary particle, after a huge star collapsed, an extreme situation might happen: all atoms and even the elementary particles would melt down, its internal energy might gather on a small spherical surface. All matters including light would reorganize and the energy gather on such a small spherical surface after they fall into the black hole.
At such extreme level, physical theories such as Mass Point Dynamics, thermal dynamics
, etc, would no longer be applicable to describe it.
According to the calculation with the whole mass – space equation r = a / M:
0 < the radius of the core of a black hole < the radius of an elementary particle.

Piggy trusts in more and more black holes will appear in cosmos and they can merge. More and more energy will be condensed.
According to the Mass – Space equation r ∝ 1/ M or the Energy – Space equation r ∝ 1/ E, the radius of the core of super black hole becomes even smaller. When M or E trends to infinite, r trends to zero: singularity. Cosmos doomed.
0 Replies
Sat 31 Jul, 2021 02:37 am
Piggy employed three different methods ahead to illustrate that “gravity has to break down, no longer applicable (in situation of singularity)”, “the affair of singularity doesn’t concern the gravity”. No contradiction.

So, the affair of singularity doesn’t concern the so called what “anti – gravity” too.

Gravity is the affair of the PRESENCE – PRESENCE system, so obviously gravity is something happened after the BB.

Such idea as “the BB was caused by anti – gravity” is merely unscientific speculation.
0 Replies
Wed 15 Sep, 2021 10:06 pm
Piggy has abandoned the inappropriate word of “SELF” in other threads and formally employed the scientific terminology of "(inherent) PROPERTY". Piggy reiterates this point hereby.
Science needs not to abstract its own specific issues to “cooperate” with / cater to whose psychology at all. How absurd it would be.
Game is over.
Thu 7 Apr, 2022 08:31 pm
Piggy has cleaned up the disturbance of those rat **** from that extreme idealist and feels science works more smoothly, naturally, explicitly and substantially.
Piggy reorganizes some former stuff about black hole in this thread. Guys can compare them.

The core of black hole, touchy and feely:

The BB theory which considers that this cosmos came from a “singularity” can count as “standard” theory more or less;
The mainstream considers the core of black hole is also “singularity”.
That’s fun enough: a cosmos will pop up from a black hole at any time. Obviously it’s absurd.

Now, the mass – space equation can provide a perfect solution.
The affair of the core of the black hole is absolutely the affair of the PRESENCE. Then, in the new era, we can ask such a question: what’s the “inherent property” of such a PRESENCE though?
Piggy’s humble opinion is that it’s mainly of the mass - space integrity which reflected by the mass – space equation: r ∝ 1/ M.

According to my physical model for elementary particle, after a huge star collapsed, an extreme situation might happen: all atoms and even the elementary particles would melt down, its internal energy might gather on a small spherical surface. All matters including light would reorganize and the energy gather on such a small spherical surface after they fall into the black hole.
At such extreme level, physical theories such as Mass Point Dynamics, thermal dynamics
, etc, would no longer be applicable to describe it.
According to the calculation with the whole mass – space equation r = a / M:
0 < the radius of the core of a black hole < the radius of an elementary particle.

Piggy trusts in more and more black holes will appear in cosmos and they can merge. More and more energy will be condensed.
According to the Mass – Space equation r ∝ 1/ M or the Energy – Space equation r ∝ 1/ E, the radius of the core of super black hole becomes even smaller. When M or E trends to infinite, r trends to zero: singularity. Cosmos doomed.

Liqiang Chen
April 8, 2022
Now piggy doubts whether the pig head understands physics or not as the what coffin box from what CN said in PHF in 2020:
In fact, shortly after piggy left PHF in 2020, a local guy stopped piggy on the street and insisted he had a physics question to ask me. Piggy just replied to that guy: “I know nothing about physics”. Bounce…


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