Next piggy move the ongoing topic with Dandan in PHF about the "vacuum fluctuation" here and wants to talk a bit more.
Topsquark’s comment:
Vacuum fluctuations:
Go back to the fields and their quanta concept. One of the Uncertainty principle's relationships is ΔE Δt ≤ℏ
We can abuse this a bit and say that we can get energy
ΔE out of the vacuum just as long as we "pay it back" in a time Δt
(Please don't quote me on that statement, it's descriptive but not really how it works.) Anyhoo this energy can go to produce particle/anti-particle pairs that recombine in a time Δt
to go back into the vacuum. This effect is called "vacuum fluctuation."
Pig head Neila9876’ comment:
Quantum states are the key of QM.
From Duke de Broglie wavelength/frequency to wave function of free particle, to Schrodinger equation, to harmonic oscillator, to particle in Coulomb field, etc, what’s under talking is the particle itself (in different situations), what’s derived (quantum numbers, probability density, the energy levels, etc,) is the property of itself (in different situations).
When it comes up with the uncertainty principle (for example, the E, t one), what people talk about is two independent events: occurring of two particles and annihilation of two particles.
This semi-tramp urge guys to deliver effective experimental/astronomical report I mentioned ahead as soon as possible.
Now he Going, Going, Gone to the Tea House of Cosmos to refresh.
No one can provide effective experimental/astronomical report.
(to be continued)
Piggy has cleaned up the disturbance of those rat **** from that extreme idealist and feels science works more smoothly, naturally, explicitly and substantially.
Guys can compare them.
Now the pig head has advanced into the new era of PRESENCE – PROPERTY and wants to employ the method in the new era to analyze the above issue.
The emphasis lies in the issue of what’s time, piggy thinks.
According to piggy’s theory, time reflects the wave character of internal energy, exactly the frequency γ. (For details please see relevant chapters in the physics thread.)
So, what’s the true physical meaning of Δt tough? (Note: here Δt in Dandan’s original context is the changed amount of time rather than unit time / the criterion of time.)
It just means the light wave propagates ahead with the fixed frequency γ for a distance, namely, vivid analogy is the amount of bounce, bounce, bounce of a rabbit.
IF people consider they can get “ΔE out of the vacuum”, the ΔE should be considered as a released photon. Then, Δt just means this released photon travels / propagates ahead for a distance. This is the physical meaning of the ΔE ~ Δt system.
So, obviously Dandan’s statement “this energy can go to produce particle/anti-particle pairs that recombine in a time Δt” is irrational speculation at all. Moreover, after Δt, that released photon will travel / propagate ahead further and further, how can they “pay it back”?
The conception of "vacuum fluctuation" is empty theory.
The mathematical item ΔE Δt has no specific physical meaning.
The mathematical equation ΔE Δt ≤ℏ is more of a math game.
Liqiang Chen
April 18, 2022
If the so called what * radiation really can’t be observed in astronomical research, why not doubt the root of that THEORY. Nothing should be “too slight to be observed” nearby a black hole, piggy thinks. What a nice excuse.