“Lord of creature” vs “Lord of creature”, touchy and feely
“matter, anti matter, dark matter, pure energy, preexisting quantum realm,100% ” in PHF galaxy;
“Blah blah, toggle, plus, minus, blah blah, gravity magnetism” in a2k galaxy;
Piggy really has no idea how to identify which one should be the true “Lord of creature”.
What piggy cares is that the great physics philosopher woody again delivered some meaningful questions for deep thinking:
“What happens when a particle meets it's antimatter counterpart is reasonably clear.
But what happens when an antiproton meets a neutron or a positron meets a muon (for example).”
And the stuff provided by Mr. Farsight.
“But what happens when an antiproton meets a neutron
They annihilate. Search on proton antineutron annihilation.”
Although piggy can’t access his link again, piggy estimate they annihilate too.
Sometimes piggy does appreciate that genius rabbit Dandan very much:
“As the proton and anti-neutron are not particle/anti-particle pairs there won't be a complete cancellation.”
Piggy agrees with his humble opinion very much. (note: his reaction equation seemed to be in the “standard” quark MODEL only. Piggy feels the quark MODEL looks like the building block game of kids. haha)
The partial cancellation demonstrates anti-neutron or neutron is a synthetic particle, perhaps, anti – proton or proton is part of it.
A bit regrettable, nobody provided stuff about “a positron meets a muon”…Piggy guesses “no”, because they are “two counter vortices of much different size encounter”. (For details, please see the chapter of annihilation in the thread “matter vs anti matter”.)
And piggy agrees with Mr. Farsight’s point “then the muon decays into an electron and more neutrinos. So all you've got left in your hand is an electron.”
Matter AUTOPILOTly trends to stay in lowest energy state / most stable state. A vivid analogy is that a pig love in sleeping most.
Through researching on such specific issues in physics, maybe people can trace the history of cosmos back to its boost point reasonably.
Have a lovely day, guys.