How do I attract other Black users to my threads?

Tue 15 Sep, 2020 08:54 am
@bobsal u1553115,
My mother told me about a show called Julia. It was an old '60s sitcom about an African American nurse, and at the time the show came out it was considered groundbreaking. Is it worth watching?
bobsal u1553115
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 09:41 am
Yes. And it was a ground breaker. And also a one of: a prime time non comedy show with black American characters.
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 10:46 am
@bobsal u1553115,
I'll take your word for it. I think my mother said Julia was very corny, but of course that's her opinion.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 10:51 am
@bobsal u1553115,
So-called "White privilege" is a bunch of crap. It's doesn't always work. I've met white folks who talked about this. Whites face discrimination too, just probably not as big a scale as Blacks, Asians, Hispanics and other minorities.

How is "White privilege" any different than "affirmative action"?

Why do some people think one is okay but the other isn't, and vice versa?

I read an account of a white woman who used affirmative action to her advantage.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 11:22 am
"just probably not as big a scale as Blacks, Asians, Hispanics and other minorities."

That difference in "scale" is White Privilege.

How is "White privilege" any different than "affirmative action"?

White privilege is a form affirmative action. GW Bush got into Yale on less than a C grade average, but his father and brother went so he was accepted as a "legacy" student. The millions that his family has spent on bldgs at Yale helped too.

Having white privilege means one will never need Affirmative Action.

White Privilege is a birth right. Affirmative Action was a legislative program to make equal access a fact as well as a goal.

Being born to wealth is a privilege. How many black American were born to wealth? Until more blacks are given an access to earn wealth to pass down to lift up the following generations, affirmative action is necessary.

I don't give much value to your anecdotal anonymous exception to the rule "white lady".

But the fact is there is affirmative action (ant there should be more) for women, Title IX, for example. The smart thing was staying away from the baggage racists have managed to tie to the term, "affirmative action".
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 03:01 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
I thought Affirmative Action mainly helped African Americans and Hispanic/Latino Americans.
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 03:36 pm
...my ethnicity doesn't define who I am...

Then why keep bringing it up? Just be a person.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 03:45 pm
I'm an American. I don't care.

So... A) you think being an American makes you somehow better than non-Elected

B) not caring is decidedly not Christian.

C) your above statement make you sound like someone who is nothing more than a parrot of the current U.S.A. President.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 03:47 pm
...you kook

Calling someone disparaging names is not Christian either.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 04:48 pm
Let me get this straight. You don't want to disclose to Christians whether you're a Christian or not because that goes against your country's culture?

That's a bunch of malarkey. I have friends online who know I'm a Christian; friends from the British Isles - from England, Ireland, and Scotland - who had no problem with telling me if they were Christian or not when I asked them.

To you, confirming to your country's culture; i.e., following what MAN says is, is more important to you than sharing your faith with others.

If you're a Christian GOD wants you to share your faith with others.

As I said, the Word says if you deny Christ in front of others He will deny you in front lf the Father (Matthew 10:33).

I'm not going to deny God in front of others. I'm going to be obedient to what the Word says.

And then you wonder why I call you a snob.
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 05:05 pm
JGoldman10 wrote:

Let me get this straight. You don't want to disclose to Christians whether you're a Christian or not because that goes against your country's culture?

That's a bunch of malarkey. I have friends online who know I'm a Christian; friends from the British Isles - from England, Ireland, and Scotland - who had no problem with telling me if they were Christian or not when I asked them.

To you, conforming to your country's culture; i.e., following what MAN says is, is more important to you than sharing your faith with others.

If you're a Christian GOD wants you to share your faith with others.

As I said, the Word says if you deny Christ in front of others He will deny you in front lf the Father (Matthew 10:33).

I'm not going to deny God in front of others. I'm going to be obedient to what the Word says.

And then you wonder why I call you a snob.

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 05:09 pm
Yes, but as you pointed out, there were other sorts of "affirmative action" and I was pointing another out to you, Title IX, that helped women get into collage through athletics. It made schools offer as much in sports scholarships to women as they did to men. I think one reason that Title IX is so successful is that they never identified it as "affirmative action".

Tue 15 Sep, 2020 05:22 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
But some people call "White privilege" a myth. Some White folks told me it didn't work for them.
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 05:56 pm
Hello Snood. I don't know what the problem is. If I did something that offended you I apologize. That was not my intention.

I just wanted your help with two threads- the comic and cartoon creativity thread I started last year in which I asked for help naming an African American superhero, and the recent thread I started about the McWhopper.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:20 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
If "White privilege" works why are Whites turned down for jobs that are given to minorities?

I know a guy who says "White privilege" doesn't work for him - he doesn't get free things for being White.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:53 pm
It worked for me for decades and I wasn't conscious of it at all. For years I always knew if I was up against a black candidate for the job I wanted, at least 2/3s of the time that job was mine. I also knew if by some chance he got the job the next one was mine, something VERY few black candidates I beat out knew about their chances. Better seating in restaurants, clerks leaving me alone in stores, better duty sections in the Navy.

The seductive thing about white privilege is that you don't have to turn it on off, recharge it, or pull out the membership card. Tall, blond, blue-eyed and height/weight proportionate - my life was golden. IS golden still to a very large degree. Banks never red-lined my neighborhood, and when I walked in the bank, the guard never watched me close.

The ones it didn't work for? If I met them and shook their hand I'd probably figure it out PDQ.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:54 pm
JGoldman10 wrote:

If "White privilege" works why are Whites turned down for jobs that are given to minorities?

I know a guy who says "White privilege" doesn't work for him - he doesn't get free things for being White.

LOL there are degree of privilege and white parents not needing to worry about their sons being gun down by the police after or during a routine traffic stop unlike black parents is a privilege that far out weight any minor economic privilege.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 08:04 pm
If "White privilege" works why are Whites turned down for jobs that are given to minorities?

I know a guy who says "White privilege" doesn't work for him - he doesn't get free things for being White.

Privilege gets you in the door and listened to. If you're a lox and don't get the job, that's on the lox's head.

I don't know "a guy" so I can't address his problems. I can tell you unless there were probs with hygiene, or dress, or lack of qualification, he at least got in the door and interviewed. Getting in the door is wonderful white privilege. It was usually all I needed to do. If I got the interview, 80% of the time or more - I got the job.

White privilege is the key to the door not the combination to vault for young people.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 08:05 pm
Thanks for reminding me. Another major perk.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 08:45 pm
Bob and Bill, you two are Christians right? You two really believe "White privilege" exists?

What about God's favor? God gives favor to anyone who is a Christian.

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