How do I attract other Black users to my threads?

Tue 15 Sep, 2020 06:38 am
None of your business.

I don’t ask you how many times you masturbate because that would be equally as intrusive.
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 06:45 am
I don't do that. That's none of your business anyway.

That's not the same thing as asking what a person's faith is.
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 06:50 am
Internalized racism is a form of internalized oppression, defined by sociologist Karen D. Pyke as the "internalization of racial oppression by the racially subordinated."[1] In her study The Psychology of Racism, Robin Nicole Johnson emphasizes that internalized racism involves both "conscious and unconscious acceptance of a racial hierarchy in which whites are consistently ranked above people of color."[2] These definitions encompass a wide range of instances, including, but not limited to, belief in negative racial stereotypes, adaptations to white cultural standards, and thinking that supports the status quo (i.e. denying that racism exists).


Also, most people across the US don't speak English properly, mainly due to regional accents, dialects, and usage of local slang.
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 06:50 am
Over here it is. Stop asking my religion and I’ll stop asking about your wanking frequency.
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 06:54 am
Drop it already. Stop concerning yourself with my faith.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 06:56 am
Also, most people across the US don't speak English properly, mainly due to regional accents, dialects, and usage of local slang.

Most Americans don't speak English properly? I didn't know that. I'm well aware of the differences in American English. There's such a thing as regional American English. I don't use slang.
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:01 am
You have a somewhat archaic way of speaking. When you try to sound English you sound 19th Century.

A lot of the words you use were considered slang originally.
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:10 am
I use archaic and colloquial English. Big deal. I'm not trying to sound British.
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:19 am
Most Americans don't speak English properly? I didn't know that.

It is noticeable if you actually watched any TV shows and films in the last 20 years that are not found on Christian TV.
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:22 am
So I'm not an African American because I don't agree with everything other Africans Americans say or do and/or into? That's a very stupid thing to say.

I don't like a lot of shows or films on TV about African Americans. Do you know why? A lot of them perpetuate negative African American stereotypes. I don't like stereotypes.
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:24 am
I've watched some TV shows and films from this century.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:24 am
At times you have, when replying to me.

I distinctly remember you using the phrase “jolly good,” when replying to me. Americans don’t talk like that and neither do we. It’s how you imagine we talk based on ignorance.

It’s another example of your bigotry. It doesn’t me though, you can be as Anglophobic as you want, you can even ratchet it up a bit if you drop the racism.
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:25 am
And you accused me of being a snob, mote in your eye or what.
0 Replies
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:25 am
I was being facetious when I said "jolly good show".
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:26 am
That doesn’t change anything I wrote.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:46 am
Its a waste of time to explain this to you. Looking at TV or movies over the years one would assume black American weren't Doctors or Lawyers.

Don't try to make this anything other than it is: a simple observation of a phenomena fed by stereotyping.

"Preach the Gospel every day. If necessary use words."
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:50 am
JGoldman10 wrote:

So I'm not an African American because I don't like and/or agree with everything other African Americans say or do and/or into? That's a very stupid thing to say.

I don't like a lot of shows or films on TV about African Americans. Do you know why? A lot of them perpetuate negative African American stereotypes. I don't like stereotypes.

0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:52 am
How do you go from a good post like this to 180deg the other direction on the next??
0 Replies
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 07:53 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Its a waste of time to explain this to you. Looking at TV or movies over the years one would assume black American weren't Doctors or Lawyers.

Don't try to make this anything other than it is: a simple observation of a phenomena fed by stereotyping.

"Preach the Gospel every day. If necessary use words."

I don't know what shows and films you've watched but I don't assume that.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 15 Sep, 2020 08:13 am
Fair enough. But there's been piles of paper written about I observe: racial stereotyping has informed black American portrayals on TV, and racist portrayals inform the opinions of a significant number of viewers of these portrayals. Nothing happens in a vacuum, to coin a phrase.

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