Joe Biden lied about academic record. You dont want a liar for President... DO YOU?

Fri 31 Jul, 2020 12:07 am

Typical pathological liar.
Like his boss who said, "You can keep your own Doctor."

After Bill and Barak, I think we've had our fill of lying Presidents for awhile.

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Fri 31 Jul, 2020 03:48 am
@Dr Sliptinschit,
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Fri 31 Jul, 2020 07:07 am
Meanwhile, back in April:

Former Vice President Joe Biden suggested Thursday that President Donald Trump may try to delay the election in November in order to win.

During the question and answer portion of a virtual fundraiser with former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, Biden told supporters, "I think he (Trump) is gonna try to kick back the election somehow, come up with some rationale why it can’t be held."


He took a fair amount of criticism for this, but as we see, he was correct.
Fri 31 Jul, 2020 07:43 am
@Dr Sliptinschit,
Typical pathological liar.

And his explanation for having lied is to claim that his memory failed him. Apparently he had a problem recalling exactly what the hell he accomplished in school. That happens to all of us . . . eventually.

And when it comes to his attraction to females, he seems to have a problem remembering that he isn't sixteen anymore.
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Dr Sliptinschit
Fri 31 Jul, 2020 04:45 pm
He took a fair amount of criticism for this, but as we see, he was correct.

Never trust what a child sniffer has to say.
Sat 1 Aug, 2020 10:02 am
@Dr Sliptinschit,
Why not?
Sat 1 Aug, 2020 10:13 am
For the same reason you would question the integrity of someone who would defend an elderly girl-sniffer.
Sat 1 Aug, 2020 10:47 am
What reason is that?
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Sat 1 Aug, 2020 11:14 am
For the same reason...

Okay, explain what that reason is. So if someone makes a statement and I wish to gauge its veracity I should determine whether the person who made the statement ever inhaled the atmosphere surrounding a girl? I'd like to know more about this as I wasn't aware that detecting a scent had anything to do with establishing anyone's credibility.

I might add, he was right about Trump's desire to cancel or postpone the election so, in that case at least, your prejudice would seem to be misplaced.
Sat 1 Aug, 2020 08:43 pm
So if someone makes a statement and I wish to gauge its veracity I should determine whether the person who made the statement ever inhaled the atmosphere surrounding a girl?

"Inhaled the atmosphere surrounding a girl." Hmm. I said it before and I'll say it again, hightor, you are a very resourceful person. In this case you're attempting to put the behavior of a creepy old guy who likes to touch, sniff, and stroke the hair and skin of females of all ages into terms more palatable to the sensibilities of those of us who think that he should keep his hands and lips off girls whose discomfort is painfully obvious. Sure, let's go with "inhaling the atmosphere surrounding girls."

But I suppose that, viewed from a cold and scientific standpoint, it is true that Joe is just inhaling the atmosphere surrounding those girls. However, in your pro-joe mode, you seem to have forgotten that ole Joe actually prefers to put his hands on young girls and grown women--ya know, hands in their hair, lips on their hair, nose in their hair.
I might add, he was right about Trump's desire to cancel or postpone the election so, in that case at least, your prejudice would seem to be misplaced.

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not pro-Trump. I guess you thought that bringing him up might detract from what I'm saying about Joe's behavior around girls. The truth is that you've decided that anyone who mentions Joe's problem is prejudice. So now that we know that you endorse Joe's tendency to touch, sniff, and kiss whomever he damn well pleases, we can agree to disagree.
Sun 2 Aug, 2020 04:08 am
However, in your pro-joe mode, you seem to have forgotten that ole Joe [and young Joe, too] actually prefers to put his hands on young girls and grown women--ya know, hands in their hair, lips on their hair, nose in their hair.

Yes, it's commonly associated with a practice known as "hugging". If you're that close to another human being and embracing him, it's likely that there will be more physical contact than you would have if you were just shaking hands or bumping elbows. And you'll likely get a whiff of their cosmetics or shampoo as well. But what does that have to do with Biden's credibility? What does it have to do with anything other than your own oversensitivity?

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not pro-Trump.

I never said you were, comrade, and I'm very happy to know your feelings on the matter. I don't see you as the most insightful person around but I never thought you were stupid.
Dr Sliptinschit
Sun 2 Aug, 2020 02:58 pm
@Dr Sliptinschit,
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Sun 2 Aug, 2020 03:15 pm
hightor wrote:
Yes, it's commonly associated with a practice known as "hugging". If you're that close to another human being and embracing him, it's likely that there will be more physical contact than you would have if you were just shaking hands or bumping elbows. And you'll likely get a whiff of their cosmetics or shampoo as well.
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Sun 2 Aug, 2020 04:00 pm
Yes, it's commonly associated with a practice known as "hugging".

What this tells me is that you have yet to watch the videos. If you had, you wouldn't have made the stupid mistake of calling them hugs. I see ole Joe standing behind the wife of a guy getting sworn in for something, and putting his hands on her shoulders and his nose in her hair as she looks absolutely annoyed. You call that a hug between two people. Normal people look at it and call it what it obviously is: some female putting up with an asshole. You seem to share Joe's inability to read faces and body language. Not very insightful. Kinda blind . . .

He does it to girls, too. Did you see Margaret Coon's face when Joe was getting a little snuggling in? When Joe gives a girl a hug, he prefers to hug them from behind. Again, we're just going to have to agree to disagree when it comes to what constitutes a hug. In my view, hugging and sniffing the hair of females from behind is kind of a one-way street when it comes to yours and Joe's version of hugging.
But what does that have to do with Biden's credibility? What does it have to do with anything other than your own oversensitivity?

Okay, maybe you're right. Joe did lie about his education when he knew he was lying about it, and he knowingly lied about it because the like was expedient to his goal. So yeah, I suppose he can be trusted to tell me the truth when it comes to other matters. Nah, that just doesn't ring true, does it? No it doesn't.

Also, I see that, according to you, anyone who points out how Joe physically makes females uncomfortable must be "oversensitive" and "prejudice". But the truth is that you're just a pro-joe kid defending an asshole.
Mon 3 Aug, 2020 04:12 am
What this tells me is that you have yet to watch the videos.

Let me guess...specially selected by the Trump campaign and possibly even edited? The guy's been pressing the flesh for forty years; he's probably in hundreds of video clips. If you haven't seen them all, you have no way of knowing if these isolated clips are truly representative of his behavior. As I have much better things to do with my time I think I'll pass.

Seems that the policies of his prospective administration are okay with you guys — you never criticize his programs but remain strangely fixated on instances of personal contact. Whatever.
Mon 3 Aug, 2020 08:59 am
Let me guess...specially selected by the Trump campaign and possibly even edited?

I'm not sure exactly what you're saying here, hightor. Are you saying that, because a pro-Trump person put up videos showing Joe's propensity for putting his hands, lips, and nose on young girls, it can be dismissed as propaganda? Or, are you saying that what we see in the the videos has been manipulated?

Most people understand that when they see an old man touching, sniffing, and kissing the hair of young girls, it doesn't matter whether a Trump supporter brought it to their attention or not; it takes nothing away from Joe's problem. Also, you've destroyed your own position. Your response to what is clearly seen in the videos is to claim that they have possibly been edited. This tells me that you DO understand the nature of what is seen on the videos; otherwise, you wouldn't have offered your "edited video" explanation.
The guy's been pressing the flesh for forty years

Yeah. No shyt. But let's hear what you're really saying. You're saying that, because Joe has had this problem for forty years, it falls under the grandfather clause or some other such nonsense. Of course, the grandfather clause had to do with code issues, and not old man behavioral issue. But you knew that already.
. . . you have no way of knowing if these isolated clips are truly representative of his behavior.

Silly boy. His behavior on the videos IS representative of his behavior. What else would it be representative of?
. . . strangely fixated on instances of personal contact.

Uh huh. Well, you've already forgotten that your response to those videos was to suggest the possibility that they were altered, which means that you understand that Joe's behavior on those videos needed some explanation. So you opted for the altered-video explanation. Fail!

Democrat Lucy Flores was preparing to give one of her final stump speeches in a race for lieutenant governor in Nevada when she felt two hands on her shoulders. She froze. “Why is the vice-president of the United States touching me?” Flores wondered.

Flores recounts her experience with Joe Biden in a first-person essay for New York Magazine, describing an incident in 2014 where Biden came up behind her, leaned in, smelled her hair, and kissed the back of her head.


So why don't you field that question from Lucy Flores? Why was the vice-president of the United States standing behind her with his hands on her shoulders and leaning in to sniff her hair and kiss the back of her head?
Mon 3 Aug, 2020 09:57 am
This tells me that you DO understand the nature of what is seen on the videos; otherwise, you wouldn't have offered your "edited video" explanation.

If the ones that I watched were edited, they didn't do a particularly effective job because the behavior I saw was inoffensive. But having seen edited videos of Mrs. Clinton in 2016 it wouldn't surprise me if there are similar videos with Biden.
Also, you've destroyed your own position.

I don't have a "position".
You're saying that, because Joe has had this problem for forty years, it falls under the grandfather clause or some other such nonsense.

No. It's not a "problem". Many people have welcomed his expressions of empathy and concern.
Finan O'Toole wrote:
With Biden, fellow feeling is literal—he feels you. He is astonishingly, overwhelmingly hands-on. He extended the backslapping of the old Irish pol into whole new areas of the body—hugging, embracing, rubbing. In his foreword to Steven Levingston’s engaging account of the Biden–Obama relationship, Barack and Joe, Michael Eric Dyson writes of the vice president’s “reinforcing his sublimely subordinate position by occasionally massaging the boss’s shoulders.” But Cramer noted Biden doing the same thing to an anonymous woman at a campaign stop in 1987: “Gently, but decidedly, he put his hands on her. In Council Bluffs, Iowa! He got both hands onto her shoulders, while he talked to the crowd over her head, like it was her and him, through thick and thin.” So not really a gesture of submission or of domination, perhaps, but a desperate hunger to connect, to touch and be touched, to both console and be consoled. “The act of consoling,” Biden writes, “had always made me feel a little better, and I was hungry to feel better.”

His behavior on the videos IS representative of his behavior. What else would it be representative of?

The clips are selected to show negative reaction. His behavior is largely the same but not everyone responds in the same way.
Why was the vice-president of the United States standing behind her with his hands on her shoulders and leaning in to sniff her hair and kiss the back of her head?

He evidently misjudged her receptiveness. Some people, me included, are more the "hands off" type. Big deal. If you think I'm going to waste my vote on a third party candidate because Biden's moves are occasionally rebuffed or resented you would be wrong.
Mon 3 Aug, 2020 11:58 am
If the ones that I watched were edited, they didn't do a particularly effective job because the behavior I saw was inoffensive.

That's a lie. You thought it was offensive and effective enough to make the excuse that the videos were perhaps altered. Now why would you endorse Joe's behavior while at the same time suggesting that what is seen in the videos is possibly edited.
I don't have a "position".

Yeah ya do. Your position is that anyone who thinks Joe should stop "hugging" women and girls from behind while sticking his hands, nose, and lips in their hair is prejudice. That's your position.
The clips are selected to show negative reaction.

Selected or not, the negative reaction is there for anyone to see, as is the cause of that negative reaction from those females.
If you think I'm going to waste my vote on a third party candidate because Biden's moves are occasionally rebuffed or resented you would be wrong.

No, I certainly understand that you have no problem with "Joe's moves", and even less of a problem with those who resent them.

And then you bring the opinion of another pro-joe-kid to bear on the issue of whether or not Joe's tendency to come up behind females, put his hands on their shoulders, and his nose and lips in their hair is ******* weird. But opinion isn't necessary in this case. It's all on video.
Mon 3 Aug, 2020 02:48 pm
You thought it was offensive and effective enough to make the excuse that the videos were perhaps altered.

As I said, the ones I saw weren't particularly offensive and if there are other ones which people find objectionable those clips may be edited. I haven't seen any.
Now why would you endorse Joe's behavior while at the same time suggesting that what is seen in the videos is possibly edited.

I haven't "endorsed" his behavior. It may be natural for him; it is alien to me.
That's your position.

No. It's your mischaracterization of my comments which you are trying to turn into a "position". I don't care for the touchy-feely stuff and I think he should practice social distancing but I think the charges of perversion are specious.
...the negative reaction is there for anyone to see...

Because the clips were selected specifically for people to see those negative reactions. Unless we get to see all the clips, including ones where the contact wasn't rebuffed, and unless we get to hear the stories of people who weren't upset or creeped out by the experience, but saw it instead as an expression of compassion, the videos are just political propaganda.
It's all on video.

Yeah — a tiny fraction of the total number of videos of the guy in his forty year career. Big Deal.
Dr Sliptinschit
Mon 3 Aug, 2020 04:02 pm
Joe Biden is like that creepy uncle you avoid at family functions.
I find it extremely odd that many of the same people who lambasted Donald Trump over (admittedly inappropriate and rather disgusting) things he has said about women are just fine with Biden’s touchy-feely antics, particularly when young girls are the victims.

Despite the fact there are hours of video footage showing Biden behaving badly, many folks on the left continue to make excuses for him.

The following is one of the many video compilations of Biden touching women and children.

In this video, you’ll see Biden former Attorney General Jeff Sessions swat pervy Joe’s hand away from his granddaughter:

Lucy Flores is one of the few Democratic politicians who has spoken out about Biden’s handsy-ness. When she was preparing to give one of her final stump speeches in a race for lieutenant governor in Nevada in 2014, she got Bidened:

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