Joe Biden lied about academic record. You dont want a liar for President... DO YOU?

Thu 6 Aug, 2020 12:51 pm
Are you a single issue voter?

Like Oralloy is all about 2nd amendment. Nothing else matters.

I am not so tied down to a single issue. I liek to base my vote and support on a lot of issues. Other than George Washington, I don't believe I have completely agreed with everything any single candidate has run on.
Thu 6 Aug, 2020 01:01 pm
No not at all.

There's soooo many reasons I wouldn't couldn't vote for Trump.

Mainly it's his character. I find him a dreadful person, so divisive and most of his policies reflect his character.

But hey like i said, America first and **** the rest of us, Trumps your man.

Isn't that policy the actual essence of the man, me me me.
Thu 6 Aug, 2020 01:18 pm
He is not a career politician like most we have had. That means he ruffles feathers, says what he thinks and does not have the practiced nuance of ass kissery that most politicians have mastered.

I can see how that comes off as a dreadful person to someone living in Europe for awhile.

When we elect a President of the world, let me know.
Thu 6 Aug, 2020 02:28 pm
I have long thought Hillary should have been locked up for Vincent Foster's murder.

I have long thought that you were more discerning than that.

You guys are always going on about Trump Derangement Syndrome — from what I've seen here I think you may have contracted Hillary Derangement Syndrome.

Wikipedia wrote:
Park Police discovered Foster, dead from an apparently self-inflicted gun shot wound to the head, in Fort Marcy Park off the George Washington Parkway in Virginia, on July 20, 1993. Foster was holding a gun in his hand. An autopsy and subsequent investigation later confirmed that Foster had committed suicide by shooting himself once in the mouth with the .38 caliber Colt revolver found at the scene.

Subsequent investigations found that Foster was distraught over accusations and criticisms related to the White House Travel Office controversy. Foster had confided to friends and colleagues that he was considering resignation, but feared that he could not handle the "personal humiliation" of returning to Arkansas in defeat. Foster admitted to his sister that he was depressed shortly before his death, and he sought treatment for depression one day before committing suicide.

Although police found no evidence of foul play, several tabloids and newsletters speculated that Foster's death may have been a homicide, possibly involving the Clintons themselves. Subsequent investigations by special prosecutor Robert Fiske and the Senate Banking Committee concluded that there was no evidence of a homicide. A final investigation, led by special prosecutor Kenneth Starr, also concluded that there was no evidence to support the claim that Foster was murdered. Starr's report addressed several additional questions about physical and forensic evidence that had previously fueled speculation about the case. The report established that Foster owned the handgun used in the suicide, and confirmed that the body had not been moved from its position prior to its discovery by police. The report concluded "In sum, based on all of the available evidence, which is considerable, the OIC [Office of Independent Counsel] agrees with the conclusion reached by every official entity that has examined the issue: Mr. Foster committed suicide by gunshot in Fort Marcy Park on July 20, 1993."
Thu 6 Aug, 2020 02:30 pm
You believe that, but still think Trump is guilty of Russian collusion in the last election.... lol
Thu 6 Aug, 2020 02:42 pm
I can see how that comes off as a dreadful person to someone living in Europe for awhile.

Are you joking we've plenty of asshole politicians over here too, plenty of career politicians, right wing left wing, all sorts.
We probably have a Trump type or two in there as well but luckily enough we haven't been crazy enough to elect them yet.
Although I suppose Hungry & Poland might beg to differ.

When we elect a President of the world, let me know.
Is that code for America first and **** the rest of you.
Thu 6 Aug, 2020 10:28 pm
eurocelticyankee wrote:

When we elect a President of the world, let me know.
Is that code for America first and **** the rest of you.

maybe a little bit? I mean beyond the obvious super power bullshit (and all the associated baggage), do European leaders or Europeans really give 2 shits about America or Americans? Last time I went to Europe, I was advised to wear some kind of indicator that I wasn't a white guy from America... I bought A Canadian hat with the flag on it in Toronto before we left.

When was the last time you and your mates discussed what you could do for America?
Fri 7 Aug, 2020 03:49 am
maybe a little bit? I mean beyond the obvious super power bullshit (and all the associated baggage), do European leaders or Europeans really give 2 shits about America or Americans? Last time I went to Europe, I was advised to wear some kind of indicator that I wasn't a white guy from America..
Most Europeans consider America a trusted ally or did till Trump. Most animosity comes from your crazy middle Eastern foreign policy.
It's true we were not impressed (who was) with your illegal and costly war in Iraq. Plus your long term blind support of Israel as it brutalises and steals Palestinian land has been an open wound for decades.

I bought A Canadian hat with the flag on it in Toronto before we left.
You'd be safer with a ''Kiss me I'm Irish hat''. I'll send you one if you like.

When was the last time you and your mates discussed what you could do for America?
This might surprise you but we in Europe (Ireland) care very much what's happening to people in America and that's why we're horrified to see what's going on. We're particularly worried that this wave of self centred nationalism will spread over here.
Unfortunately we've already lost the UK but to be fair i don't think the English in particular were ever fully behind the European project.

I get the feeling though that not many Trump supporters give a toss about what happens to the people of the EU. Judging by Trumps policies.

Do you know Trump had the ******* cheek to send that cardboard cutout Pence over to Ireland to lecture us, telling us to make it easier for the UK to leave the EU. That really pissed me off, actively trying to spread his self centred nationalism abroad.

0 Replies
Fri 7 Aug, 2020 04:48 am
You believe that, but still think Trump is guilty of Russian collusion in the last election.... lol

No, I don't think that. I think his campaign benefited from Russian meddling — which has been proven to have occurred.

I have long thought Hillary should have been locked up for Vincent Foster's murder.

I had this fleeting thought last night — "Of course, McG was pulling one of his pranks and I fell for it!" No such luck. The fact that you equate the specious accusation against Clinton — for which there is no evidence — with Russian meddling in the political functioning of Western democracies — which is well-documented — reveals a lot about the political bias and willful ignorance of Trump supporters.
0 Replies
Fri 7 Aug, 2020 09:39 am
Yes. And you did. End of discussion.

How stupid do you think readers are? You claimed that I would deny being a Trump supporter. You were implying that I am, but that I will deny it.
I doubt anyone else does. You are the one who brought up Trump

Wow! You must really believe that, besides being stupid, readers also have short-term memory problems; or maybe it's just you. Yup, it's just you. I did not bring Trump into the discussion; you did. I repeated his name only to say that you were wrong about me being a Trump supporter.

Of course, being the resourceful person that you are, you came up with the excuse that you brought him up only to say what Joe was right about. But we're not talking about what Joe was right about. We're talking about his unchecked desire to get his hands, nose, and lips on married ladies and young girls.
Fri 7 Aug, 2020 12:48 pm
You were implying that I am, but that I will deny it.

Actually I was simply responding to BillRM's comment:
BillRM wrote:
Lord Trump supporters are first class hypocrites of the worst kind

To which I replied:
Watch Comrade Glennn now claim that he's not a Trump supporter.

No implication at all, just the satisfaction of watching you perform on cue.
You must really believe that, besides being stupid, readers also have short-term memory problems; or maybe it's just you.

Um.. you informed me on the first page of this thread that you weren't a Trump supporter:

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not pro-Trump.

I guess you forgot.
Fri 7 Aug, 2020 04:49 pm
Um.. you informed me on the first page of this thread that you weren't a Trump supporter:

Can it be that you've honestly forgotten that my mention of Trump in this thread was in reply to your initial mention of him? Yes, it's possible that you've forgotten. But since it's all right there on the first page, there's no excuse for you to remain ignorant of who brought up Trump. You really can be a silly boy sometimes, hightor.
No implication at all, just the satisfaction of watching you perform on cue.

Boy, if I were you, I'd focus on trying to remember what you've said and when you said it in this thread. Otherwise, I'll continue to point out your faulty memory and then watch you perform your song and dance in hopes that it will change what really happened to what your faulty memory has you believing.

Oh, and you forgot to tell me what it was that Lucy Flores and the wife of the Secretary of the Treasury needed to be consoled about. I only ask because you did claim that Joe was just dispensing his brand of compassion upon them. Why don't you tell us all what you know about what they needed to be consoled about.
Sat 8 Aug, 2020 03:21 am

Can it be that you've honestly forgotten that my mention of Trump in this thread was in reply to your initial mention of him?

You must have forgotten that I already established the chronology a page back.

I wrote:
You are the one who brought up Trump, not I, other than mentioning Biden correctly predicting that Donald would say something about postponing the election — that was to demonstrate that the guy can still come up with a lucid thought. Since the two of them are in a contest it's not surprising that either name gets mentioned. Especially when chronic lying is part of the discussion, as is unwanted physical contact.

I initially explained the reference on the first page:

I wrote:

I might add, he [Biden, get it?] was right about Trump's desire to cancel or postpone the election so, in that case at least, your prejudice would seem to be misplaced.

To which you responded:

Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm not pro-Trump.

Which was a total non-sequitur. I made a statement about Biden's prediction and you, somewhat defensively, denied you were a Trump supporter. Do you think that gives you more credibility? Is there something wrong with supporting Trump?

Sat 8 Aug, 2020 09:38 am
You must have forgotten that I already established the chronology a page back.

No. You tried to establish the chronology, and it appears that you actually believe that I mentioned Trump before you did in this thread. It also appears that you believe readers are incapable of seeing that you mentioned Trump first. But as long as you're comfortable with playing the part of someone in denial about what is already public record, I'm willing to play the part of the guy who keeps putting it in front of your face.

So let's start here:

"I might add, he was right about Trump's desire to cancel or postpone the election so, in that case at least, your prejudice would seem to be misplaced."

That was the first mention of Trump in this thread. Now, can you remember who said that? Of course you can. But that's not the problem, is it. The problem is that you remember me mentioning Trump first.
I made a statement about Biden's prediction and you, somewhat defensively, denied you were a Trump supporter./quote]
You need to do something about your short-term memory problem. You claimed that I would deny being a Trump supporter. And now you insult the intelligence of readers by assuming that they don't know what you meant by that. Because I was going after Joe's inappropriate behavior toward girls, you thought that posting one of Joe's predictions about the upcoming election might somehow cancel out what we all see on video. That's just you in denial.

Basically, hightor, you're asking readers to believe that I'm the one who brought Trump into this discussion when your post indicates that it was you. And you brought Trump into the equation because you thought that it might detract from Joe's inappropriate behavior around girls. So let's say that ole Joe was right about Trump and the election. What does that have to do with Joe putting his hands, nose, and lips on married ladies and girls? You remind me of a neighbor kid from way back when. Whenever someone would mention what a creep his dad was (and he was), he would bring up someone else's dad's inappropriate behavior, as if that made his dad less of a creep. But he was just a kid, and didn't know any better.
Sat 8 Aug, 2020 11:53 am
I really don't understand what you're attempting to establish here.

Yes, I first mentioned Trump — but in an offhand manner, as the point of the statement was that Biden's prediction was confirmed. I certainly wasn't trying to turn this stupid discussion into one about Trump. Trump was not the subject of the remark, the comment was about Biden.
That was the first mention of Trump in this thread.

No, the first mention of Trump was in the quote from usatoday — you must have forgotten that.

When you defensively claimed not to be a Trump supporter, this was my response:
I never said you were, comrade, and I'm very happy to know your feelings on the matter.

See — nothing imputed, nothing implied. So you're not a Trump supporter. So what? You make it seem like a bad thing.
You claimed that I would deny being a Trump supporter.

And I was correct. You could have ignored the remark but instead, as predicted, you chose to repeat your denial! Laughing Laughing Laughing
Because I was going after Joe's inappropriate behavior toward girls, you thought that posting one of Joe's predictions about the upcoming election might somehow cancel out what we all see on video.

No, you're incorrect there. There have been comments made pretty regularly on A2K about Biden being senile or incoherent so when I saw that article I posted the excerpt on this thread before you even joined this discussion and brought up his questionable behavior, as an example of his occasional lucidity. Obviously it has no bearing on the accusation of physical impropriety which wasn't even part of the discussion until the OP brought it up when he responded to my comment.
What does that have to do with Joe putting his hands, nose, and lips on married ladies and girls?

Nothing. What does that have to do with Biden lying about his academic record? Why are you so intent on changing the topic when there's already a thread specifically addressing the subject?

Sat 8 Aug, 2020 03:44 pm
I really don't understand what you're attempting to establish here.

I know. So let's recap. The OP posted a video in which Joe decides to lie about his academic record in order to convince someone that he is smarter than them. Of course, if Joe was really smart, he wouldn't have lied, knowing that he would eventually be called on it. But Joe lives in the moment, and believes that if he can get away with lying in the moment, he got with it, just like with the sniffing and the kissing.
No, the first mention of Trump was in the quote from usatoday — you must have forgotten that.

Now it's getting really interesting. You are the one who brought the quote to the thread, and now you're trying to pin in on USA Today. You were hoping to counter the positive proof that Joe is a boldfaced liar by reminding us that he made an accurate prediction.
What does that have to do with Biden lying about his academic record?

Yeah, you're right. When Joe lied through his teeth about his academic record in order to appear more smart in the moment, that was indeed a separate issue from his problem with keeping his hands, nose, and lips off girls. So I guess we've established that Joe has a couple of problems.
Sun 9 Aug, 2020 04:06 am
Sound like you are claiming that he is trying to match Trump lies and failing to do so.

No we can not have such a poor liar as President.
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