We will be way better of without a government!

Sun 2 Aug, 2020 08:07 am
pointless and full of black and white thinking.

In truth, you are just someone on a keyboard who has precisely no clue about life out in the big bad world

love it! Just shows you don't even have a tine clue , yet you are stupid enough to
pretend that you do. Marvelous!
0 Replies
Sun 2 Aug, 2020 12:40 pm
no arguments? really?
That's right, no arguments, just claims. The structure where claims are concerned is: <claim> because <reason / evidence/ supporting argument etc>. You continually lack the second part - the argument.
Well, that is very stange considering you agreed on some points.
I agreed with some claims. Agreement on claims doesn't show understanding of underlying arguments - it means I agree for my own reasons (which may or may not be the same as yours).

Understanding of your arguments...of which you made none...is another story.

I put it here again. "government' can't exist, a claim
The idea in 'government' creates enormous influx of immorality in society, a claim
and people can't delegate rights they don't have to something that not even exiist. a claim
There you have some. no. All we have is several claims in a row, without explanation, evidence, argument, or backup

I am not intentionally ignoring anything. Where did you get that idea?
Those subjects can be learned by home schooling.
Even math is at this moment horrible at the public schools!
Which is very different from your 'the State doesn't provide education', At least here you try to engage in quasi argument (it is still a claim, but as so many parents do it, it is close enough to an argument), which is amazing. For the home schooling parent, to do better, would need:
- time (to be at home, and not at work)
- resources
- knowledge
- a curriculum
- inclination
- be able to teach (not all with knowledge know how to teach)
The current sample of homeschooling parent would include all of those with the inclination and confidence (in their knowledge/ability/resources etc) to home school. The above list would have to be applied to ALL parents. I'm sure there would be a percentage of parents with those attributes able to do better than the current school system.

I can delve into that if I want to. But, your sample is way way too small to make any good conclusions.
Sorry buddy, not even scientists would call 100,000+ a small sample size

But you want tons and tons and tons of evidence
Wow. Prone to exaggeration much? My complaint is that you provide none. That is evidence each any every time I say you make claim after claim without evidence. example (this can be either singular or plural) or argument.

In other words - make any effort to support your position.
Sun 2 Aug, 2020 12:50 pm
So you made an entire post with just one quasi argument, no examples, no evidence (but plenty of claims)...after being asked why anyone should take you seriously if you continue to make claims without any evidence, argument example etc....

......again...why should anyone take you seriously?
0 Replies
Mon 3 Aug, 2020 02:44 am
I put it here again. "government' can't exist, a claim
The idea in 'government' creates enormous influx of immorality in society, a claim
and people can't delegate rights they don't have to something that not even exiist. a claim
There you have some. no. All we have is several claims in a row, without explanation, evidence, argument, or backup

Ok, I give up.
All of the above is discussed and argued, yet you say it isn't.
I don't want to continue ad infinitum with your nonsense just because you don't read.

oh and then this:

the State doesn't provide education',

No, it doesn't at all! It INDOCTRINATES. on all levels.
What it teaches is wrong, even the math 'government' teach is awfull
AND, pffff, sigh, I have written this before, state 'education' is enormous destructive to the child. Don't you get that?
But I will leave this sort of thing for now, just do your own research.
As far as I can see, you haven't done any.

Or we make it very short.

What is it you want exactly? You seem to be very irrational in what you want here.
Mon 3 Aug, 2020 01:24 pm
All of the above is discussed and argued, yet you say it isn't.
You really need to go and relearn what an argument / explanation entails, and what supporting evidence and examples are. If you don't understand what these are, then you will continually be frustrated when trying to talk to anyone who disagrees with you.

No, it doesn't at all! It INDOCTRINATES. on all levels. What it teaches is wrong, even the math 'government' teach is awfull
You are contradicting yourself. On one hand you say that people can home school education in maths, physics, biology, reading and writing, chemistry better...which means the state does that (that it doesn't do it to your satisfaction is irrelevant to the fact it does), and on the other hand you say that the State doesn't do any of that at all.

As example of the difference between claim and argument - You may think 'people can home school better' is an argument, but it is a claim. For an argument to exist, you would have to make a claim, provide a causal joinder (because, as), then show the evidence an example. But you provide no evidence (link to study of homeschooling results), meaning you are left with only the claim. The maths equivalent would be saying "I can do maths, watch, 1 !' See. But maths needs more than the one part. 1 + 1 = 2 is maths, but 1 ! isn't. Truthfully, I shouldn't have to explain this.

Mon 3 Aug, 2020 08:35 pm
You are contradicting yourself. On one hand you say that people can home school education in maths, physics, biology, reading and writing, chemistry better...which means the state does that (that it doesn't do it to your satisfaction is irrelevant to the fact it does), and on the other hand you say that the State doesn't do any of that at all.

Maybe because it is too big of an issue to put here completely.
So, it really is a bit silly what you are doing here.
I try to be brief.
Ok, I try once again.
"Government' schooling is about indoctrination. Besides that the subjects they teach are very wrong. Because of that one can get their kids better get home schooled.
Public schools destroy the mind of children, home schooling won't.
Now, what is here not to understand? It is clear as day.

Code:As example of the difference between claim and argument - You may think 'people can home school better' is an argument, but it is a claim. For an argument to exist, you would have to make a claim, provide a causal joinder (because, as), then show the evidence an example. But you provide no evidence (link to study of homeschooling results), meaning you are left with only the claim. The maths equivalent would be saying "I can do maths, watch, 1 !' See. But maths needs more than the one part. 1 + 1 = 2 is maths, but 1 ! isn't. Truthfully, I shouldn't have to explain this.

As explained, I try to be brief. These are all huge subjects.
and sometimes only 'logic' is enough by itself. And 'logic' shows 'goverment'/'authority' is a very dangerous illusion and idea.
It is very simple, but people are brainwashed and indoctrinated into the nonsense ( by government'of course), that 'government' is good idea, while in reality it is one of the most destructive ideas on this planet.
It might be possible why this is such a difficult idea for you to grasp.
Mon 3 Aug, 2020 09:19 pm
Palandre wrote:

"Government" derives from the Greek κυβερνάω (kubernáō), i.e. to guide, govern, direct; and the Late Latin -mentum, i.e. instrument, medium, or result of what is denoted by the verb.

lol, now that is fun to watch! using two different languages to get this?!
Don't you see yourself how hilarious that is?

Ketchup is a condiment because it is made out of you mind. And the environment is a big nature brain.

I live in an apartment....
0 Replies
Mon 3 Aug, 2020 11:40 pm
Maybe because it is too big of an issue to put here completely.
So, it really is a bit silly what you are doing here.
Pointing out that you are claiming logic while contradicting yourself is silly?

"Government' schooling is about indoctrination. A vague, unspecific claim. To be a bit more useful, you would need to be specific, or provide examples
Besides that the subjects they teach are very wrong. Another vague, unspecific claim. Naming the things they teach that are wrong would be more useful.
Because of that one can get their kids better get home schooled.From two vague, unspecific claims, you come to this 'conclusion'
Public schools destroy the mind of children, home schooling won't.Another claim with no evidence provided by you.

And all of that while ignoring that State education does indeed educate children in maths, reading & writing, biology, physics, etc (mentioned because you claim the State does not provide education at all)

As explained, I try to be brief...Now, what is here not to understand? It is clear as day
Trying to be brief by only stating claims, with no evidence at all, is self defeating. It is particularly pitiful when you then complain that another person doesn't understand your position when you make no effort at all to provide evidence, example, or argument.

The issue seems to be that you don't comprehend the difference between stating a position, and providing evidence / example / argument / explanation for that position.
Tue 4 Aug, 2020 06:57 am
You are loosing yourself too much in details.
Ifyou want to know more about th indoctrination in public schools etc
just do your own research, there is plenty.
I leave it at that.

"Government"/ "Authority" is an extremely dangerous illusion.
Having a 'government' injects an enormous amount of immorality
into society. Just look at history.
so much is clear, very very clear.

Tue 4 Aug, 2020 12:10 pm
You are loosing yourself too much in details.
Ifyou want to know more about th indoctrination in public schools etc
just do your own research, there is plenty.
I leave it at that.
Here is the thing - you provide no details for anyone to lose themselves in, no evidence, no examples, no argument for your numerous claims. And while I could do my own research - I asked the question earlier - if you can't back up your own claims with evidence, example, argument, why should anyone take you seriously?

The obvious answer by now is, you provide no reason for anyone to take you seriously.
Tue 4 Aug, 2020 01:02 pm
The obvious answer by now is, you provide no reason for anyone to take you seriously.

well, of course you can't speak for anyone else,
If you even don't understand that.
0 Replies
mark noble
Sat 8 Aug, 2020 09:06 am
Not - In 'opposition' to your premise - But, linguistically-speaking, you are applying 'semantic-repositionaries' in order to dismiss 'other' than your 'directive/s'?

Are you Not?

Palandre is far more advanced than your 'Academical-mindset' can deal with, yet - Less indoctrinated theretoward.

Does this bother you?

Have a lovely Day
Sat 8 Aug, 2020 11:50 pm
@mark noble,
Are you making phrases up? A Google search of this phrase reveals absolutely...zilch.

Palandre is far more advanced than your 'Academical-mindset' can deal with
There's always the chance that he is more advanced, though it seems highly unlikely, given his inability to grasp the difference between a claim/position and the arguments/evidence/examples that should support such. Unfortunately as he refuses to provide such, he doesn't provide enough information for anyone to come to a true conclusion as to how advanced he is, or not.

I can say that he makes contradictory claims regarding education, and such isn't an indication of intelligent thought.

Sun 9 Aug, 2020 01:33 am
I can say that he makes contradictory claims regarding education, and such isn't an indication of intelligent thought.

I have written before, it is too much too explain all here.
On the other hand, you can try to transcend those seemingly contradictions
if you look at it from a higher vantagepoint. It's called 'growing".
(Think "Maslow" here.)

Also, don't loose yourself too much in detail.
I stand by what I wrote. There is no real 'schooling' it is indoctrination by the 'government' so we will become good litle slaves. The indoctrination camps are extremely destructive for the children because children lose their creativity, their genius, their insights, and they are extremely dumbed down by these indoctrination camps. All this is done by design.
And it is all documented.

btw an example of the sheer stupidity of goverment indoctrination.

Sun 9 Aug, 2020 05:04 am
I have written before, it is too much too explain all here.
So much that you never actually attempt to provide any explanation, evidence or example. This excuse of yours for never providing explanation etc is the excuse of a fraudster.

Also, don't loose yourself too much in detail.
As you provide no detail, there is no chance of anyone losing themselves in detail. This excuse of yours for not providing such is the excuse of a fraudster.

btw an example of the sheer stupidity of goverment indoctrination.
Is this meant to show that you can think for yourself - videos of other people saying things? So far I haven't seen any evidence from you that you can think for yourself.

On the other hand, you can try to transcend those seemingly contradictions
There's not anything to transcend. You say the State doesn't provide education at all...while saying that parents can teach their children reading, writing, maths etc better than the State...which admits that the State does provide education in reading/writing, maths etc, just not to your desired standard. This is a direct contradiction by you. The indoctrination issue you have is a related but separate issue (using the education system to go further than just education).

You can continue to attempt to fake it, but no one other than you and Mark have bought it.
Sun 9 Aug, 2020 05:12 am
I give up. You are getting ridiculous now.

It seems you really don't want to know, hence your nitpicking on things.

I still stand behind anything I wrote. That you don't seem to be able to get your head around it is not my rpoblem.

Sun 9 Aug, 2020 05:16 am
- asking for you to explain your reasoning is ridiculous
- asking for you to provide examples to support your claim is ridiculous
- asking for you to provide evidence to support your claims is ridiculous....

...oh, wait...

Sun 9 Aug, 2020 06:13 am

Ahhhhh, so that was your goal!

Smarter people then you will easily understand what I mean.

Sun 9 Aug, 2020 12:20 pm
Ahhhhh, so that was your goal!
ROLF. Yet another fraudulent claim - after asking for you to explain/argue your many claims, and giving you chance, after chance, after chance to actually attempt to explain/argue your many claims...yep, that had to be my end goal....to have your behaviour show you for a fraudster who can't back up anything he says....

Smarter people then you will easily understand what I mean.

Given the number of people here who disagreed with you, apparently everyone here is dumb. You have just one person on this thread that agrees with you.

Certainly you haven't shown you can think for yourself (which would involve you arguing your own positions)
Sun 9 Aug, 2020 12:30 pm
I take it you can't read.
Number of people is no indication at all. Talking about logic.

I stop this 'conversation' because you don't understand a lot and it is useless.

Ah well, lots of government trolls here (and on everry other forum.)

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