Washington D.C. and wars...

Sat 20 Jan, 2024 12:01 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
That is the problem he has in debating in general, not just his arbitrary and misleading adjectives, but his choice of vernacular, with lower case for proper nouns, and insulting names makes him sound like an aolescent.

Those interested in serious debate adopt more formal language in order to be taken seriously, which is why I avoid rhyming slang, even though in his case it would be quite apposite.
Region Philbis
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 12:19 pm

he is oralloy-Lite...
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 12:23 pm
@Region Philbis,
I know what you mean.
0 Replies
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 12:34 pm
If it's not because you're afraid to do so, then what else on earth could it be?

I simply choose to ignore your diversionary tactics. You haven't explained how a response I make here can offend a sovereign nation-state and have instead reverted to your usual tiresome dodge of posing loaded questions.
I'd just like to hear your reason for not accepting the reality of the war crimes being inflicted on the human beings of Gaza, as well as Gaza itself.

Sat 20 Jan, 2024 12:38 pm
@Region Philbis,
At least the original oralloy accepted the validity and effectiveness of vaccines.
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 01:04 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
I'm sure, izzy like anyone else got injections with a vaccine dose.

I always feel like I'm telling a kid that Santa doesn't exist. If you really believe it prevents infection and transmission, please cite something to support your claim. Offer something.
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 01:06 pm
That is the problem he has in debating in general,

You're so hard to please.
Walter Hinteler
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 01:08 pm
Glennn wrote:
Offer something.
Medical history.
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 01:16 pm
I simply choose to ignore your diversionary tactics. You haven't explained how a response I make here can offend a sovereign nation-state and have instead reverted to your usual tiresome dodge of posing loaded questions.

I don't share your opinion that asking whether or not Israel is committing war crimes against innocent women and children is a loaded question. Just for fun, what is you believe might happen if you answer such a "loaded question?" People might know where you stand?

Ya know, it's okay if you believe the Gazans have it coming. But you should offer something to support that belief.
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 01:21 pm
At least the original oralloy accepted the validity and effectiveness of vaccines.

Why'd ya say "vaccines?" You're talking specifically about he mRNA experimental injection, which is not a vaccine. Nor does it prevent infection or transmission. Effective . . .
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 01:23 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
You forgot to cite something that supports your belief that the experimental injection prevents infection or transmission.

Couldn't you find anything?
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 02:11 pm
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services and a vaccinology expert confirm there is no single medical definition of a vaccine, but COVID-19 vaccines meet the generally accepted criteria that requires a vaccine to prevent disease by building immunity.
Walter Hinteler
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 02:26 pm
I hope your body's response mechanism for fighting against bacteria, viruses and other foreign substances works well without medical help.
0 Replies
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 02:27 pm
I don't share your opinion that asking whether or not Israel is committing war crimes against innocent women and children is a loaded question.

Here, let me provide an example:
you wrote:
Well, that's just another way for you to avoid answering the question of whether or not you view Israel's current war crimes against innocent women and children as the crimes against humanity that they are.

This is equivalent to asking someone, "Are you still beating your wife?", and then imputing their non-response as a "yes".

Anyway, I see you're still using diversions rather than answer the question. Just for fun, what is you believe might happen if you try to explain how I can "offend Israel" by making a response here?
People might know where you stand?

Other than you, people involved in this discussion do know where I stand.
Region Philbis
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 03:39 pm
At least the original oralloy accepted the validity and effectiveness of vaccines.
his one and only redeeming feature...
0 Replies
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 03:45 pm
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health and Human Services and a vaccinology expert confirm there is no single medical definition of a vaccine, but COVID-19 vaccines meet the generally accepted criteria that requires a vaccine to prevent disease by building immunity.

Are you saying that there was no objective definition of "vaccine?"

Internal CDC E-Mails

CDC emails we obtained via the Freedom of Information Act reveal CDC worries with how the performance of the COVID-19 vaccines didn’t match the CDC’s own definition of “vaccine”/“vaccination”. The CDC’s Ministry of Truth went hard at work in the face of legitimate public questions on this issue.

In one August 2021 e-mail, a CDC employee cited to complaints that

Right-wing covid-19 deniers are using your ‘vaccine’ definition to argue that mRNA vaccines are not vaccines…

After taking some suggestions, the CDC’s Lead Health Communication Specialist went up the food chain to propose changes to the definitions:

I need to update this page Immunization Basics | CDC since these definitions are outdated and being used by some to say COVID-19 vaccines are not vaccines per CDC’s own definition.”

Getting no response, there was a follow-up e-mail a week later:

The definition of vaccine we have posted is problematic and people are using it to claim the COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine based on our own definition.”

The change of the “vaccination” definition was eventually approved on August 31. The next day, on September 1, they approved the change to the “vaccine” definition from discussing immunity to protection.

So . . .

0 Replies
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 03:52 pm
Just for fun, what is you believe might happen if you try to explain how I can "offend Israel" by making a response here?

Oh no. The point is not that you might offend Israel. It's that you appear to be afraid of offending them. As I said, what other reason is there for you to keep your answer to yourself and no other in a discussion of Israel's war crimes against Gaza and the Gazans?
Other than you, people involved in this discussion do know where I stand.

Playing hide-and-seek is fun, huh?
This is equivalent to asking someone, "Are you still beating your wife?"

I see. So, asking you whether or not Israel is committing war crimes is putting you in a place where both answers will somehow condemn you?

Explain that one.
bobsal u1553115
Sat 20 Jan, 2024 07:07 pm
Fox Dumb Fux Baffled By The Stock Market Breaking Records, Try to Credit Trump

Fox hosts Sandra Smith and Larry Kudlow seemed genuinely baffled by the booming day on Wall Street Friday. The S&P 500 Stock Market Index hit an all-time high of 4,842.07, edging out its previous record of 4,830.42 set in January 2022 and finishing the day with a record-high close of 4,839.81.

The Dow Jones and Nasdaq continued to set new records on the day as well, with the Dow reaching 37,933.73 after gaining 395.19 points on the day (1.05%), while the Nasdaq Index closed on a yearly high of 15,310.97 after massive gains of 255.32 (1.70%).

"What's happening here," Smith asked Kudlow. "What? I don't know. We were scratching our heads earlier." Smith opined that the markets are booming in anticipation of the Fed cutting interest rates. Kudlow agreed but added that "may be setting up for disappointment," implying without explanation that may not happen.


Kudlow: "Donald Trump has said several times in the last few days the stock market is rallying because it's anticipating he will return to the presidency."

0 Replies
Sun 21 Jan, 2024 04:46 am
Glennn wrote:

That is the problem he has in debating in general,

You're so hard to please.

Not really, most Americans understand some people live outside of America.

It's not a concept they're incapable of grasping.
0 Replies
Sun 21 Jan, 2024 05:57 am
Playing hide-and-seek is fun, huh?

It's not my fault if you don't pay attention.
So, asking you whether or not Israel is committing war crimes is putting you in a place where both answers will somehow condemn you?

Not exactly.

Moving right along:

War Cabinet Divisions Break Into The Open

It’s been clear for some weeks that there is growing division in the Israeli war cabinet. Now it appears to be breaking into the open, with indications that a new election could come sooner than later.

First a bit of stage-setting and context to explain the moving pieces and what this all might or might not mean.

On October 7th, the day of the Hamas massacres in southern Israel, Israel was led by a narrow and very right-wing coalition government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu. Israel had been embroiled for most of the previous year in a highly polarized fight over the government’s effort to dramatically curtail the power of the country’s Supreme Court. The massacres shattered the public’s confidence in Netanyahu, which had kept him in power since 2009 with only one intermission in 2021 and 2022. Soon after the outbreak of the current war, Netanyahu was able to bring one of the two main opposition parties, National Union, into his government.

The principals of National Union are two former IDF chiefs of staff, Benny Gantz (2011–15) and Gadi Eisenkot (2015–19). As part of the deal for National Union to enter the government, a war cabinet was created which controls the conduct of the war. The war cabinet is made up of Netanyahu, Gantz and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Eisenkot and Netanyahu fixer Ron Dermer have observer status. There is a larger security cabinet which includes a number of the weirdos and extremists in Netanyahu’s government. But the war is being run by the war cabinet, with the rest on the outside looking in. That fact has been hugely significant in securing the credibility of the war effort within Israel, as well as the stability of the government itself. In U.S. terms, Gantz and Eisenkot serve as two adults in the room. They’re both former chiefs of the Israeli military, in a society in which former chiefs have immense public esteem. Most go right into electoral politics at the highest level after retirement. Many are considered potential prime ministers, though only two, Yitzhak Rabin and Ehud Barak, have even been PM. While they’re not in charge of war policy (Gantz can be outvoted by Netanyahu and Gallant), Gantz and Eisenkot have visibility into everything and they could, presumably, short-circuit any decision they deemed sufficiently out of whack or crazy with a credible threat to resign.

An additional fact: Eisenkot’s son was killed in the fighting in Gaza in December and his nephew was killed a week later.

That’s the relevant context.

In recent weeks, reports in the Israeli press have suggested that there’s now a basic division. Gantz and Eisenkot believe Israel needs to prioritize a deal to release the remaining hostages, even at the expense of settling for less than a total defeat of Hamas. Netanyahu and Gallant disagree. Eisenkot has been increasingly vocal about this in recent days, arguing that the idea that the hostages will be released by more fighting or an Entebbe-style raid is pure fantasy.

Now Eisenkot has sat down for a set-piece TV interview in Israel in which he makes the same argument — time to make a deal to release the remaining hostages. He also places the blame for the October 7th massacres squarely on Netanyahu’s shoulders, and says he and Gantz thwarted a preemptive strike against Hizbollah in Lebanon that would have given Hamas military chief Yahya Sinwar the regional war he wanted all along. He also said Israel needs to have new elections in the next few months to restore legitimacy. (Notably, former PM and Chief of Staff Barak made the same argument yesterday about the necessity of an early election. He calls for Gantz and Eisenkot to demand that Netanyahu hold an election no later than June or set in motion a chain of events leading to a domestic political crisis if he doesn’t relent.)

These actions don’t seem consistent with someone who wants to or will be able to remain in the government for long.

(Also of note, [urlhttps://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/jan/19/pressure-building-netanyahu-hostages-hamas-israel=]here’s an opinion piece pushing an “all for all” hostage deal[/url] penned by Gershon Baskin, who’s played a key role as an intermediary between the Israeli government and Hamas in the past.)

It’s worth noting that Netanyahu does not need National Union to remain in power. He has a three-seat majority without them. But without the legitimacy heat shield of Gantz and Eisenkot, it’s not clear how long elections can be put off. Since the beginning of the war there has been overwhelming public support for Netanyahu leaving office as soon as the war is over. There’s a growing chorus that notwithstanding limited counterinsurgency operations and tunnel destruction the war basically is over, at least in the sense of the kind of ongoing public emergency that has justified the government’s continuance in office so far. tpm


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