death rates will be a lagging number. Medical science has been working nights and weekends coming up with new prophylaxis treatments and some are showing that they are interacting successfully in treating case fatalities in people with co-morbidities.
So in your simplistic minds its ok to just let the cases pile up and just "accept" the deaths when they start going up eh?
See , thats why we gotta get rid of your moron president. Hes got your mind so fucked up that you are playing a kind of Neville Chamberlain mindset with peoples lives.
Have you even seen the glimmer of a strategic plan from Trump? I certainly havent.Hes mostly busy blaming others and passing the buck. You realize that such responsibility is within his job description and pay grade??
I have much higher expectations of our elected chief-executive
Today Plump wore a mask for the first time .