about those safe rubber bullets just in UK
List of People Killed by 'Rubber' and 'Plastic' Bullets
The following information has been extracted from the Sutton 'Index of Deaths'. The list contains brief details of the 17 people who have been killing in Northern Ireland by members of the security forces who were using rubber or plastic bullets (also referred to as 'baton rounds'). The list is in chronological order. Eight of the 17 killed were children. All but one of those killed were Catholics.
Doherty, Peter
31 July 1981 (36) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: British Army (BA)
Shot by plastic bullet at his home, Divis Flats, Belfast.
Donnelly, Michael
09 August 1980 (21) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: British Army (BA)
Shot by plastic bullet at the junction of Leeson Street and Falls Road, Belfast.
Downes, Sean
12 August 1984 (22) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC)
Shot by plastic bullet, during anti-internment march, Andersonstown Road, Belfast.
Duffy, Henry
22 May 1981 (45) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: British Army (BA)
Shot by plastic bullet while walking along street, Bogside, Derry.
Duffy, Seamus
09 August 1989 (15) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC)
Shot by plastic bullet while walking along Dawson Street, New Lodge, Belfast.
Friel, Thomas
22 May 1973 (21) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: British Army (BA)
Died five days after being hit by rubber bullet during street disturbances, Creggan Heights, Creggan, Derry.
Geddis, Stephen
30 August 1975 (10) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: British Army (BA)
Died two days after being hit by plastic bullet, Divis Flats, Belfast.
Kelly, Carol Ann
22 May 1981 (12) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: British Army (BA)
Died three days after being shot by plastic bullet while walking along Cherry Park, Twinbrook, Belfast.
Livingstone, Julie
13 May 1981 (14) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: British Army (BA)
Shot by plastic bullet while walking along Stewartstown Road, Suffolk, Belfast.
McCabe, Nora
09 July 1981 (30) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC)
Died one day after being shot by plastic bullet, Linden Street, Lower Falls, Belfast.
McConomy, Stephen
19 April 1982 (11) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: British Army (BA)
Died three days after being shot by plastic bullet, Fahan Street, Bogside, Derry.
McGuinness, Peter
09 August 1981 (41) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC)
Shot by plastic bullet outside his home, Shore Road, Greencastle, Belfast.
Molloy, Tobias
16 July 1972 (18) Catholic
Status: Irish Republican Army Youth Section (IRAF), Killed by: British Army (BA)
Shot by rubber bullet during street disturbances, outside Lifford Road British Army (BA) base, Strabane, County Tyrone.
Rowntree, Francis
22 April 1972 (11) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: British Army (BA)
Shot by rubber bullet, Divis Flats, Belfast.
Stewart, Brian
10 October 1976 (13) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: British Army (BA)
Died six days after being hit by plastic bullet near his home, Norglen Road, Turf Lodge, Belfast.
White, Keith
14 April 1986 (20) Protestant
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC)
Died 15 days after being shot by plastic bullet, during street disturbances, Woodhouse Street, Portadown, County Armagh.
Whitters, Paul
25 April 1981 (15) Catholic
Status: Civilian (Civ), Killed by: Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC)
Died 10 days after being shot by plastic bullet, Great James Street, Derry.
Footnotes - Age: (-9) missing. Religion: Catholic from Catholic community in NI; Protestant from Protestant community in NI; nfNI not from Northern Ireland killed in Northern Ireland; nfNIB killed in Britain; nfNIRI killed in Republic of Ireland. nfNIE killed elsewhere in Europe; Religion Summary: Catholic from Catholic community in NI; Protestant from Protestant community in NI; nfNI not from Northern Ireland. Status: status of person killed. Organisation: Organisation responsible for the killing. Summary of Status & Organsiation: British Security - British Security Forces; Republican Paramilitary - Republican Paramilitary Groups; Loyalist Paramilitary - Loyalist Paramilitary Groups; Irish Security - Irish Security Forces; not_known - organisation not known. Status & Organisation: (Civ) Civilian; (CivPA) Civilian Political Activist; (BA) British Army; (TA) British Army Territorial Army; (BP) British Police; (PO) Prison Officer; (xPO) ex-Prison Officer; (RAF) Royal Air Force; (RIR) Royal Irish Regiment; (RN) Royal Navy; (RUC) Royal Ulster Constabulary; (xRUC) ex-Royal Ulster Constabulary; (UDR) Ulster Defence Regiment; (xUDR) ex-Ulster Defence Regiment; (INLA) Irish National Liberation Army; (xINLA) ex-Irish National Liberation Army; (IPLO) Irish People's Liberation Organisation; (IPLOBB) Irish People's Liberation Organisation Belfast Brigade; (IRA) Irish Republican Army; (xIRA) ex-Irish Republican Army; (IRAF) Irish Republican Army Youth Section; (REP) non-specific Republican group; (OIRA) Official Irish Republican Army; (xOIRA) ex-Official Irish Republican Army; (OIRAF) Official Irish Republican Army Youth Section; (PLA) People's Liberation Army; (rIRA) real Irish Republican Army; (SE) Saor Eire; (LVF) Loyalist Volunteer Force; (LOY) non-specific Loyalist group; (RHC) Red Hand Commando; (UDA) Ulster Defence Association; (xUDA) ex-Ulster Defence Association; (UVF) Ulster Volunteer Force; (xUVF) ex-Ulster Volunteer Force; (GS) Garda Síochána; (IA) Irish Army; (nk) organisation not known.
See also: Note on the photographs.
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© Malcolm Sutton