snood wrote:You're a liar.
You are not capable of pointing out anything untrue in my posts.
snood wrote:The only one doing any threatening was that woman
Wrong. When he told her that he was going to do something and she wasn't going to like it, that was a threat.
When he then tried to lure her pet away from her, he was acting to carry out that threat.
snood wrote:threatening to have the cops come after a man because he asked her to leash her dog.
No. Because he told her that she was not going to like what he was about to do and then tried to lure her pet away from her.
snood wrote:She's now lost her job and her dog.
She made a big mistake by not killing the guy, taking his phone, and slipping away before anyone noticed.
The three S's seem to be the least-bad option when a minority attacks someone.
snood wrote:Because the video showed the truth.
No. Because progressives lynch anyone who gets caught protecting themselves from a black person.