Let's fire Trump

bobsal u1553115
Wed 20 May, 2020 10:10 pm
Funny how wearing a mask is a violation of their rights unless they don't want anyone to know who they are. They never protest over "no shirt, no shoes, no service" as a violation of their rights. Personally I think the main reason most of them hate masks its because it forces them to smell their own rotten teeth.
Wed 20 May, 2020 10:16 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Personally I think the main reason most of them hate masks its because it forces them to smell their own rotten teeth.

Are you proud you think that way?
bobsal u1553115
Wed 20 May, 2020 11:19 pm
After the way you talk about people nothing you say about it means a thing.
Wed 20 May, 2020 11:31 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Actually, they really show me what they think about other people's rights to stay safe. At least Om Sig David wouldnt lie about being some "stand up guy for my rights" He was only out for himself and at least he was honest enough to admit it.
ANYHOW< Since a mask is primarily to protect others from your spittle and vapours (whether you are infected or not), they accept that but Trump and our guys apparently dont give a rat's ass about you and me.
Theyre just Like them all, too cowering to stand up, they just carry a gun as a penile substitute, and care nothing for anybody that aint no. 1. So why would they consider wearing a mask, fatso doesnt. Maybe they can test Chloroquine Hydrate too .

Its all about them, THATS THE TRUMP WAY--Me Me Me Me Me (did I say MEEE!?)

Think about it, the "true Merkins and fake merkins" like pinky , ollie,Builder and others. They dont give a **** about anyone elses rights to life or the constitutional freedoms of others at all.
They are porcinum fascistii .
Wed 20 May, 2020 11:41 pm
They dont give a **** about anyone elses rights to life or the constitutional freedoms of others at all.

Where do you get that crap from? Show me posts from anyone you named trashing the Constitution or saying to take rights away from any citizen. The side you are on are the fascists and haters.

Good luck, you won't find any.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 21 May, 2020 06:37 am
That's the thing about Libertarians they're all about their own rights and screw everybody else. They want on the boat, but they don't want to row.
0 Replies
Thu 21 May, 2020 06:42 am
My favorite definition of a libertarian (alas, I don't recall the source) is someone who wants the least government possible, with a strong police force to protect the ruling class from the wage slaves.
Thu 21 May, 2020 07:33 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Funny how wearing a mask is a violation of their rights unless they don't want anyone to know who they are. They never protest over "no shirt, no shoes, no service" as a violation of their rights. Personally I think the main reason most of them hate masks its because it forces them to smell their own rotten teeth.

If you're smelling your teeth, then you're also re-breathing whatever pathogens you may be exhaling, so these mask rules are requiring people to make themselves sicker than they already are.

Social-distancing is a good thing because it reduces viral-loads exchanged between people and thus allows for lighter infections that people's immune systems can handle more easily.

Masks just intensify infections and make them heavier, so the air that gets through the mask has a heavier/denser pathogen load.

Think about viruses like second-hand smoke: if a smoker exhales into a mask, you're still going to smell the smoke, even if some of it gets caught by the mask. So if people are re-breathing exhaled pathogens because they're wearing masks, the air they exhale that does get around the mask is going to contain heavier viral-loads.
0 Replies
Thu 21 May, 2020 07:38 am
read Ollies long history of hate and the rude implications within his mantras. He wants violence to subdue anyone who doesnt believe as he.
We used to be a country of a party in power and"a loyal opposition". Now weve split up into deaf teams bent on hate mongering. I include myself and Im actually getting quite alarmed at how insane the discourse has gotten on here since 2008.

Now we are just hate mongering
Thu 21 May, 2020 07:48 am
It's not just implications that Ollie peddles. He has said more than once that the Democratic party should be outlawed. He has said that "progressives" should be sent to labor camps. Can you say Nazi?
Thu 21 May, 2020 07:58 am
He’s also fantasised about urinating of the bodies of children killed in school shootings.
0 Replies
Thu 21 May, 2020 09:43 am
Let's see him wiggle out of this...

Trump has ‘legal responsibility’ to wear coronavirus mask during Ford factory visit, Michigan attorney general says

Dan Mangan

Michigan’s attorney general said Wednesday that President Donald Trump has a “legal responsibility” — under state law — to wear a mask as a coronavirus precaution when he visits a Ford Motor Co. factory Thursday.

In an open letter to Trump, who so far has refused to wear a mask, Attorney General Dana Nessel wrote, “I ask that while you are on tour you respect the great efforts of the men and women at Ford — and across this state — by wearing a facial covering.”

Ford, whose Rawsonville Components Plant in Ypsilanti is set to host Trump on Thursday, has a policy of requiring masks there. The company said it has informed the White House about that policy.

But Ford also said Tuesday, “The White House has its own safety and testing policies in place and will make its own determination” about whether Trump and his party will wear masks during the visit.

Ford twice this week has briefly shuttered plants elsewhere after several workers tested positive for the coronavirus.

Asked Tuesday by reporters if he would wear a mask at the Ford facility, Trump at first said, “I don’t know.”

“It depends. In certain areas I would,” the president said. “So, we’ll see. Where it’s appropriate, I will.”

But Nessel, in her letter to Trump, wrote that the mask requirement “is not just the policy of Ford, by virtue of the Governor’s Executive Orders.”

“It is currently the law of this State.”

Michigan Attorney General

Ahead of President Trump’s planned visit to tour a Ford Motor Company plant, @MIAttyGen @dananessel has sent an open letter asking that he respect the hard work and safety of our automakers by wearing a face covering during his visit. ➡️http://michigan.gov/documents/ag/Letter.President.Trump.5.20.20_691329_7.pdf …

AG Nessel Pens Open Letter to President Trump, Asks Him to Wear Facial Covering During Ford Visit
2:16 PM - May 20, 2020

The White House had no comment about Nessel’s letter, which referenced the fact that a personal valet at the White House who served Trump recently tested positive for Covid-19. The president has repeatedly tested negative for the virus.

The letter said, “Michigan has been hit especially hard by the virus, with more than 50,000 confirmed cases and 5,000 deaths.”

“Anyone who has potentially been recently exposed, including the President of the United States, has not only a legal responsibility, but also a social and moral responsibility, to take reasonable precautions to prevent further spread of the virus,” Nessel wrote.

The attorney general’s letter also noted that Gov. Gretchen Whitmer recently issued an executive order requiring that manufacturing facilities in Michigan “suspend all non-essential in-person visits, including tours.”

The order also requires such facilities to screen workers and other people entering the job site, and people in a work site be “kept at least six feet from one another to the maximum extent possible,” the letter noted.

And, the order “requires that any individual able to medically tolerate a facial covering wear one when in any enclosed public space,” the letter said.

Nessel told Trump in the letter that “while my Department will not act to prevent you from touring Ford’s plant, I ask that while you are on tour” he wear a mask.

Ford closed and then reopened its Chicago Assembly plant within less than 24 hours after two workers there tested positive for the coronavirus, the company said Wednesday.

The brief closure was the first time a plant had been shuttered for that reason since Detroit automakers began reopening their large North American assembly plants on Monday.

Those facilities shut down in March to protect workers and reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

On Wednesday, Ford said that the company had temporarily closed its Dearborn, Michigan, assembly plant after a worker tested positive for Covid-19.

Ford said it expected to restart the Dearborn facility later Wednesday.

Trump has consistently resisted pressure to wear a mask even despite federal health officials urging all Americans to wear facial coverings when going out into public and being unable to maintain a six-foot distance from others.

White House staffers were instructed last week that they had to wear masks or facial coverings when entering the West Wing of that building.

Trump did not wear a mask during a visit in early May to a Honeywell factory in Phoenix that is making N95 masks. A sign at that factory says that masks are required for people in the facility.

Pence wore a face mask in late April during a visit to a General Motors ventilator factory in Indiana, which requires masks to be worn.

But just days earlier, Pence did not wear one for a tour of the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, which likewise requires masks for all visitors, staff and patients.

Thu 21 May, 2020 10:47 am
Michigan’s attorney general said Wednesday that President Donald Trump has a “legal responsibility” — under state law — to wear a mask as a coronavirus precaution when he visits a Ford Motor Co. factory Thursday.

State law or an executive order by the governor? There is a difference. Please show me the law passed by the state legislature.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 21 May, 2020 10:51 am
The one I like is "someone who wants to smoke pot and consort with hookers legally".
Thu 21 May, 2020 10:54 am
@bobsal u1553115,
The one I like is "someone who wants to smoke pot and consort with hookers legally".

Ever heard of Nevada?
Thu 21 May, 2020 10:55 am
Section 15

Thu 21 May, 2020 10:57 am
Section 15

Exactly what I said, an executive order that could very well be unconstitutional. I said the state legislature. They makes the laws, not orders.
Please show me the law passed by the state legislature.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Thu 21 May, 2020 10:57 am
Trump's 'Obamagate' conspiracy theory just got blown to pieces
Sonam Sheth

20 hours ago
Trump Obama

President Donald Trump and his Republican allies have in recent weeks latched onto a vague conspiracy theory, dubbed Obamagate, that centers on former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

It accuses Obama administration officials of improperly "unmasking" Flynn's name in intelligence reports monitoring former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak's communications.

But a Washington Post report on Wednesday blew up that allegation when it revealed that Flynn's name was never "masked" in the first place.

The Obamagate conspiracy theory also accuses former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden of having advance knowledge of the FBI's plans to interview Flynn about his communications with Kislyak.

But a newly declassified email appears to debunk that claim as well.

President Donald Trump, Republican lawmakers, and right-wing media personalities have in recent weeks latched onto a vague conspiracy theory accusing former President Barack Obama and his administration of masterminding the Russia investigation and engineering a "deep-state" campaign to undermine Trump's presidency before it even began.

The conspiracy, dubbed Obamagate, revolves around former national security adviser Michael Flynn, who pleaded guilty in 2017 to one count of lying to the FBI as part of the bureau's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 US election.

Specifically, Flynn admitted to lying to investigators about a December 29, 2016 phone call with then Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak, during which the incoming national security adviser asked that the Kremlin not retaliate against new sanctions Obama had levied against Russia, and suggested the Trump administration would be more receptive.

Obamagate accuses former Vice President Joe Biden and other Obama administration officials of improperly requesting that Flynn's name be "unmasked" in intelligence reports monitoring Kislyak's communications.

The conspiracy theory picked up steam last week when Richard Grenell, the acting director of national intelligence, declassified a list of Obama administration officials who made unmasking requests which included Flynn's name between November 30, 2016, and January 12, 2017. Biden was among the names on the list.

Trump and his allies seized on the development and said it showed Biden and others improperly and illegally unmasked the former national security adviser's identity.

But a Washington Post report on Wednesday blew up that allegation when it revealed that Flynn's name was never "masked" in the first place.

"When the FBI circulated [the report], they included Flynn's name from the beginning" because it was essential to understanding its significance, a former senior US official told The Post. "There were therefore no requests for the unmasking of that information."

Moreover, the list documented unmasking requests made through the National Security Agency, while transcripts documenting Flynn's conversations with Kislyak were an FBI product, meaning the names on the declassified list Grenell released are unrelated to Flynn's conversations with Kislyak.

The US intelligence community surveils hundreds of thousands of foreign targets per year, and "unmasking" is a routine and legal tool officials use to make more sense of the communications they're monitoring. The intelligence community gets thousands of unmasking requests a year.

The Obamagate theory also accuses Obama and Biden of having advance knowledge of the FBI's plans to interview Flynn about his communications with Kislyak during the 2017 presidential transition period.

That allegation centers on an Oval Office meeting that took place on January 5, 2017, and included Obama, Biden, then-national security adviser Susan Rice, then-FBI Director James Comey, and then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.

Rice sent herself an email documenting the meeting afterward — known as a contemporaneous memo — and Trump and his Republican allies have seized on the email as evidence that Obama ordered the FBI to "spy" on the Trump campaign.

But the email, which was declassified in full this week (though much of it had already been declassified), appears to indicate otherwise.

During the meeting, according to Rice's email, Obama emphasized "his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the Intelligence and law enforcement communities 'by the book.'"

"The President stressed that he is not asking about, initiating or instructing anything from a law enforcement perspective," the email said. "He reiterated that our law enforcement team needs to proceed as it normally would by the book."

Obama said, however, that from "a national security perspective," the outgoing administration should be "mindful" when sharing information about Russia with the incoming Trump administration, according to Rice's memo.

Comey then affirmed that he was proceeding "by the book" but said he was concerned about Flynn's frequent conversations with Kislyak and that the communications "could be an issue as it relates to sharing sensitive information."

Obama asked Comey if he was saying the National Security Council should not share sensitive intelligence about Russia with Flynn, to which Comey replied: "Potentially."

He added, however, that he had no information indicating that Flynn had passed any classified information to Kislyak, though their "level of communication" was "unusual," the memo said.
bobsal u1553115
Thu 21 May, 2020 11:03 am
Yeah, Nevada, home of the libertarian Ammon Bundy and his band of whackos.

I want those law done away with, too. Doesn't mean I'm libertarian. I don't think we should be legislating morality. But crooks and murders need to go to jails and taxes need to pay for those, as well as roads, schools, sheltering homeless, feeding the hungry, regulating business in the interests of the majority not the big money interests ....
Thu 21 May, 2020 11:10 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Trump's 'Obamagate' conspiracy theory just got blown to pieces

Uh, no. Your article details excuses. The documents say otherwise. Remember Comey is a proven liar along with Brennan and McCabe.

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