Let's fire Trump

Tue 12 May, 2020 09:16 am
@bobsal u1553115,
It doesn’t make sense at all. It’s the logic of the damned. Foreign investors are private institutions, they don’t have national welfare systems. Taxes are paid on profits so said investments must be profitable.

It may make sense to Livinglava, but those of us with an education know that taxes are a percentage of profits not more than profits. Livinglava is saying the tax rate is too high for investors so they want to get rid of Trump and pay an even higher tax rate.

It’s a whole new level of stupid that only makes sense to those with no understanding.

I knew Ll was thick, but I didn’t think it was possible to bethat thick, not and still have a pulse anyway.
Tue 12 May, 2020 09:52 am
izzythepush wrote:

It doesn’t make sense at all. It’s the logic of the damned. Foreign investors are private institutions, they don’t have national welfare systems. Taxes are paid on profits so said investments must be profitable.

First of all, people can go abroad and make money in various ways in order to support one more welfare states. The welfare states you support might not even be the country where you have citizenship, but maybe you get favoritism as a denizen or some other benefit from funding their system.

Second, you say private institutions don't have national welfare states, but corporations are also a type of welfare state when they provide pensions and health insurance and other employee benefits. National welfare states are basically just corporations that include people based on citizenship instead of being able to include/exclude members by some other logic.

It may make sense to Livinglava, but those of us with an education know that taxes are a percentage of profits not more than profits. Livinglava is saying the tax rate is too high for investors so they want to get rid of Trump and pay an even higher tax rate.

In your view, what is the world's problem with the Trump tariffs? Obviously they interfere with global pattern of investment and trade, and it seems quite clear that there are elaborate networks of planning that have been disrupted.

So it seems that these global investment networks want the US government wrapped around their finger as part of their global system of economic intervention tools, and if someone is in office who doesn't respect the fact that global commerce runs the world, including the US government, then they are hostile toward that person/regime.

It’s a whole new level of stupid that only makes sense to those with no understanding.

I knew Ll was thick, but I didn’t think it was possible to bethat thick, not and still have a pulse anyway.

You are just an elitist, as has been made clear in your posts about US food being unfit for human consumption and not wanting to have it in your elite corner of the world, wherever that is. You seem to just be oblivious to the fact that not everyone is rich enough to afford organic food and, yes, it would be great to bring down the cost of organic food so that everyone can afford it, but doing so requires reducing huge amounts of waste that occur in rich countries where people go out for food a lot and thus businesses cook lots of food that gets thrown away because otherwise they won't have fresh and varied enough offerings that are ready-to-go without waiting.

And if your response to this involves blaming the US for eating the most fast-food and/or causing the most food waste, then you should also address the fact that the US is stoked as a consumer market so that global investors can make fast easy money. US Americans are driving cars, eating fast food, and generally running around a lot to live up to economic expectations that are set for them by investors who expect them to churn up a lot of revenues, profits, and GDP growth. The entire world would be better off with a calmer US economy, but the world hasn't tightened its belt yet enough to afford the US to become post-industrialized and settle down into a more environmentally-sustainable version of itself.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 12 May, 2020 09:55 am
I think its word salad because it makes allusion that doesn't show itself.

Yes there are foreign investments in the US. There are US investments in foreign countries: what does that imply? I'll bet that there is more investment by US companies in the world than the world invests in the US.

American media like Fox is trying to shape American opinion, too. Epoch Times, a Falun Gong financed "newspaper" is extremely pro Trump and trying to shape American opinion. The Hurst papers tried to shape opinion and started wars, papers try to shape opinion. As a simple statement: so what? Do you think that when Look published its 'look' at Appalachian poverty it wasn't trying to shape American opinion?

I don't think you (or Fox) are aware of the difference between news reporting and journalism.

You keep going on about tariffs, but you don't seem to understand them and refuse to discuss them with me. You shout out examples, "Jack Daniels", Harley Davidson" with out throwing out any specifics and without considering that Harley, for example, has bigger problems than tariffs. Rice burners may market by a Harley-er look or sound, but the bikes and the markets are different. Harley fucked itself by niche-ing themselves to an aging and diminishing group of geezers like me and outlaws and let's be honest - "outlaws". And lets be further honest - we can't blame tariffs but Harley's refusal to admit 98% of riders are not buying dinosaurs. And not everybody can afford $30,000 + just to ride a legend .... especially in other nations. I dream about a Harley knowing how undependable they are and saved by their being over priced. Give me a big 'cop' Kawasaki 1000 any day.

And then you blame Democrats with Trumps inability to lead.

The dirty little secret every Republic refuses to acknowledge: no Republican ever got elected without Democrats voting for them. Trying to shame or crowbar them to just will not work. But that that's my opinion.

This is what's going to turn a lot of Republicans out this year whether you believe it or not.

The rest of the word salad is too general and opinion based to discuss except to say "uh-uh".

Tue 12 May, 2020 09:59 am
I’m an elitist because I won’t eat chicken covered in bleach?

You really are a lickspittle.
Tue 12 May, 2020 10:13 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

I think its word salad because it makes allusion that doesn't show itself.

Yes there are foreign investments in the US. There are US investments in foreign countries: what does that imply? I'll bet that there is more investment by US companies in the world than the world invests in the US.

No, because foreign investment is not in itself bad. It depends on the specificities of what happens as a result of investment that make it good and/or bad.

What I'm saying about foreign investors in the US is that when you have entire welfare states dependent on investors who have to milk the global economy for high per-capita expenses, it puts pressure on the US to have an overworked economy. It is the same fundamental principle as when Europe was dependent on US cotton in the 19th century to clothe its growing population, and so US soils were depleted and slavery expanding because of the huge demand for cotton exports.

If you want to go even further back, there was a time when all the big trees were cut down for masts for ships because European navies were fighting wars and sinking each others' ships.

Generally, the global economy is wasteful because they put business ahead of resource-sustainability. Why do we have to ship so many imports and exports around on the seas burning huge quantities of fuel when we could produce things more locally and use less fuel?
Answer: because the game is to create (inter)dependency so as to maximize revenues/profit, not to minimize carbon-footprints and reduce other resource waste.

American media like Fox is trying to shape American opinion, too. Epoch Times, a Falun Gong financed "newspaper" is extremely pro Trump and trying to shape American opinion. The Hurst papers tried to shape opinion and started wars, papers try to shape opinion. As a simple statement: so what? Do you think that when Look published its 'look' at Appalachian poverty it wasn't trying to shape American opinion?

You're shifting the spotlight to Fox, but why aren't you addressing what I said about the anti-Trump media being funded by global interests that are trying to 1) remove tariffs; and 2) stop the border wall from disrupting illegal drug trafficking?


You keep going on about tariffs, but you don't seem to understand them and refuse to discuss them with me. You shout out examples, "Jack Daniels", Harley Davidson" with out throwing out any specifics and without considering that Harley, for example, has bigger problems than tariffs.

Didn't you understand why I mentioned these companies specifically? It is because they were targeted early in Trump's presidency as having workers in districts where key Republicans could be voted out. So Europe decided to use a surgical approach to creating pain in specific areas of the US that would stimulate those people to get key Republicans out of office and thus gain political power.

In short, they are trying to remove Republicans from obstructing their economic prerogatives instead of respecting Republicans and Trump as having a legitimate POV. That is not democracy; it is authoritarianism where certain parties/people are just attacked in order to remove them when they don't give global corporations what they want.
Tue 12 May, 2020 10:19 am
izzythepush wrote:

I’m an elitist because I won’t eat chicken covered in bleach?

You really are a lickspittle.

Why can't you just acknowledge my point instead of denying it with a strawman response?

What I said is that you fail to recognize food waste as causing high levels of global agricultural production, and you fail to recognize that food waste is caused by excessive investment activity in US markets due to foreign investors trying to fund Europe and everywhere else in the world that provides more welfare benefits than it can produce with the local economy where the welfare state beneficiaries work.

I agree with you that I don't want to eat bad quality food, but what makes you an elitist is that you don't care that many US people and others outside of your protected welfare state can't afford the same quality food that you enjoy; and it's partly because of investors that pay into your tax system and others are stoking US markets, feeding them unhealthy food to keep them running around and spending money without concern for their health and the long-term sustainability of global resources, climate, etc.
Tue 12 May, 2020 10:50 am
I’m not wasting any more time on you, gutless as well as clueless.

I’ve got much better things to do.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 12 May, 2020 10:59 am
A whole lot of supposition and innuendo goin' on.

I did mention Look. I did say that I was picking specific example - of which you didn't do with a liberal example. And here is where the word salad kicks back in: are you condeming all sources or only liberal ones ones in general.

You guys ask for examples and when I give you some you make non specific claims - in this case against some shadowy news service with an a non specific axe to grind with a dinosaur American company which allowed itself to fail by not evolving. The stock holders of Harley shouldn't e pissed with a non specific cabal of foreigners, they should be pissed with the board of directors who thought they should skate along on mystique and yuppie bucks and some sort of obligation that we should be buying an overpriced, undependable bucket of bolts because its American made.

Victory builds an overpriced but highly dependable Harley and they're doing just fine.

And that why I can't and won't discuss generally with you, in general. You don't like facts, and I don't like mystic references.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 12 May, 2020 11:05 am
Or if you're like me, I refuse to eat their genetically modified, hormone packed 5# plus Frankenchickens, bleached or not. I pay more for a 2-3# yard bird and enjoy them more.

I buy my egss local at three to four times the cost and I can taste the difference and I feel healthier for it and I know some bird was not surgically mutilated and put into a mini cage five or more cages high so they defecate on each other so I can have a cheap scramble.
Tue 12 May, 2020 11:12 am
@bobsal u1553115,
I know a lot of you do that, I just don’t need the effort, and I’d rather not have to do that.
Tue 12 May, 2020 11:22 am
izzythepush wrote:

I’m not wasting any more time on you, gutless as well as clueless.

I’ve got much better things to do.

You just don't want to discuss actual reality while living in the privilege of elite welfare states protected from the burdens that the global economy levies on people for their benefit.
bobsal u1553115
Tue 12 May, 2020 11:29 am
I wish I didn't need to do that, either, but we have American agribusisness on welfare and they want to make it mandatory. I try to buy EU products just so I don't HAVE to read labels. Particularly EU tomato products and pastas.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Tue 12 May, 2020 11:30 am
elite welfare states protected from the burdens that the global economy levies on people for their benefit

WTF **** does that even mean?
Tue 12 May, 2020 11:41 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

A whole lot of supposition and innuendo goin' on.

You are denying how colonialism works in the modern global village.

Yes, there are exploitative capitalists in the US as well as abroad who operate in ways that defy the greater good of the consumers they serve.

But does that legitimate all the global capitalists that exploit US consumers/markets and attack Republicans/Trump for daring to stand up and interfere in their business plans?

The reality is that Democrats claim to want to regulate the US economy to protect people from harmful business practices, but they don't want to see how global business is harmful, and while they want to shift the tax burden to the highest incomes in the US, they don't like Trump's tariffs that tax global businesses when they bring products into the US.

So instead of just deflecting with words like, innuendo,' and 'supposition,' why don't you try elucidating how you view these issues of the relationship between global governments and global commerce, as well as what has happened to the US economy and consumer-culture as a result of a century of industrial consumerism and the sprawl-development and other wasteful patterns it has brought with it?

I did mention Look. I did say that I was picking specific example - of which you didn't do with a liberal example. And here is where the word salad kicks back in: are you condeming all sources or only liberal ones ones in general.

I'm not 'condemning' anything. I am pointing out that anti-Trumpism is a media strategy employed by global economic interests because they favor Democrats and view Republicans as obstructing their global economic planning.

You guys ask for examples and when I give you some you make non specific claims - in this case against some shadowy news service with an a non specific axe to grind with a dinosaur American company which allowed itself to fail by not evolving. The stock holders of Harley shouldn't e pissed with a non specific cabal of foreigners, they should be pissed with the board of directors who thought they should skate along on mystique and yuppie bucks and some sort of obligation that we should be buying an overpriced, undependable bucket of bolts because its American made.

I have no idea why you went off on this tangent about motorcycles. I only mentioned Harley and Kentucky Bourbon because they were specifically targeted by Europe as 'pain points' to manipulate people in those districts to vote out key Republicans.

My only point was to show that the global economic interests who want the US to fall into line with their plans don't care about entertaining different political perspectives in the US or elsewhere. They just have a certain agenda and they attack people who obstruct them from getting in their way. That's not democracy, which involves listening to different POVs, including those that dissent from your own and/or are inconvenient to your interests.

I am just as bothered by Republicans who deny climate issues and resource-waste as I am by Democrats who mindlessly cooperate with global political economic powers. Democracy and liberty are about listening to different POVs and not just manipulating government to get your way.

Victory builds an overpriced but highly dependable Harley and they're doing just fine.

And that why I can't and won't discuss generally with you, in general. You don't like facts, and I don't like mystic references.

You subtly change the issue. You went off on all this nonsense about Harley when the discussion was never about Harley or any other specific company. It was about the tactic of targeting specific districts for economic boycotts in order to manipulate voters there to remove key Republicans from office.

The irony is that the politicians there were probably owned by the foreign interests threatening to boycott anyway, so it was probably just a shot over the bow to remind them which master they better serve.

Don't you get the problem is bullying and other authoritarian tactics making democracy into tactical warfare instead of it being open discussion and transparent?

If Democrats want to lower tariffs and stop the border wall, they should explain their real motives instead lying to hide the fact that they're just protecting global interests that exploit people because they want to be on the benefits end of the exploitation.
0 Replies
Tue 12 May, 2020 11:42 am
@bobsal u1553115,

bobsal u1553115 wrote:

And not everybody can afford $30,000 + just to ride a legend .... especially in other nations. I dream about a Harley knowing how undependable they are and saved by their being over priced. Give me a big 'cop' Kawasaki 1000 any day.

Hey, 87% of all Harleys ever built are still on the road today.

(The rest got their riders safely home.)
Tue 12 May, 2020 11:45 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

elite welfare states protected from the burdens that the global economy levies on people for their benefit

WTF **** does that even mean?

It means that there are investors paying taxes to welfare states that protect their citizens from exploitative business practices, and those welfare states make money in the US where their governments/people wouldn't want to live and work, but they're perfectly happy to make money by having other people living and working there.

It's the same thing as when US citizens don't mind making money on trade with foreign economies where they wouldn't want to live and work.

If people are making money someplace, they should be willing to live in the same conditions.

Izzy criticizes the US and its 'subhuman food,' but he wouldn't want his economic benefactors to stop making money there either.
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Tue 12 May, 2020 11:48 am
Tue 12 May, 2020 12:07 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Obama did what he could to make Trump fail. I think Trump can blame him for a lot of things. Durham and Barr will let us know all about it, and soon.
Tue 12 May, 2020 12:52 pm
coldjoint wrote:

Obama did what he could to make Trump fail. I think Trump can blame him for a lot of things. Durham and Barr will let us know all about it, and soon.

Obama's problem was that he was too optimistic to see the dark side of socialist economics. His heart and mind were/are good, though, I think.

The problem isn't with Obama but with the larger global socialist network that exploits the Democrats as their yes-people.

The Democrats aren't afraid to criticize Trump and certain other businesses, but when it comes to global economics, they just go along with it because all they see in it the money they want.
0 Replies
Tue 12 May, 2020 01:05 pm
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