Let's fire Trump

bobsal u1553115
Fri 8 May, 2020 04:54 pm
I understand misery loves company, but that no way to get me to be your make believe friend. You're just going to hack it alone with your misery, chimp.
Fri 8 May, 2020 05:04 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
but that no way to get me to be your make believe friend.

Conceited aren't you? My post said nothing about me wanting to be your friend. You have managed to look like a spoiled child again. Congrats.
Fri 8 May, 2020 05:17 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

I have a feeling that your scenario is highly possible. Fortunately the Constitution and history is clear: he has to vacate the premises on Jan 21.

The constitution is clear however since when had Trump care about the constitution or his supporters on the whole care about any part of the constitution but for the second amendment.
0 Replies
Fri 8 May, 2020 05:20 pm
coldjoint wrote:

illegal voters was bus

They are shuttled around in our big cities to different polling places. Of course the proof is coming from the ones shuttled, and of course the MSM refuses to believe them. They magically turn into illegals again.

I love the idea that millions of illegals on election day could be bus in to vote without leaving a trail a blind man could follow.
bobsal u1553115
Fri 8 May, 2020 06:08 pm
Me, too. I wonder where they park 'em all!!!
0 Replies
Fri 8 May, 2020 06:44 pm

I love the idea that millions of illegals on election day could be bus in to vote without leaving a trail a blind man could follow.

They already live in the inner cities.
Fri 8 May, 2020 06:49 pm
coldjoint wrote:


I love the idea that millions of illegals on election day could be bus in to vote without leaving a trail a blind man could follow.

They already live in the inner cities.

Sorry that is not what Trump had claimed for the reason he loss the popular vote in 2016. It was buses bringing in illegal voters.
In ant case no large scale fraud with or without busses.

Aug. 19, 2019, 1:14 PM EDT
By Adam Edelman
The top elections official in the U.S. on Monday slammed President Donald Trump’s repeated allegations of rampant election fraud and doubled down on a demand that he stop making such claims.

“Facts matter, and people of America need to be able to believe what their leaders tell them,” Federal Elections Commission Chair Ellen Weintraub said on CNN’s “New Day.” “There is no evidence of rampant voter fraud in 2016 or really in any previous election.”

“It is damaging to our democracy to spread information that … is baseless,” she added.

Weintraub, a Democrat, said the issue had been studied by academics, lawyers and government officials from both parties — “and no one can find any evidence of rampant voter fraud either historically or particularly in the 2016 elections.”

“These are serious allegations,” Weintraub said, adding that if Trump has proof to support his claims, he should make it public.

“But if there is no proof, then these things really shouldn’t be said,” Weintraub said.

Now with buses

No Evidence of Busing Voters to N.H.
By Robert Farley

Posted on February 14, 2017

White House senior policy adviser Stephen Miller doubled down on President Trump’s unsupported claim that thousands of voters were bused in from Massachusetts to vote illegally in New Hampshire.

Despite multiple prods from ABC “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos to provide evidence, Miller did not — instead he said the practice was common knowledge to “anyone who’s worked in New Hampshire politics.”

New Hampshire’s deputy secretary of state told us there is no evidence of organized efforts to bring in voters from out of state.

Miller then went on to repeat the baseless claim of massive voter fraud in the 2016 presidential election across the country, based on two studies that show no such thing.

Busing Voters from Massachusetts?
Miller’s comments came as he attempted to defend the president’s reported comments about voter fraud in New Hampshire to a group of senators in a private meeting last week. Trump claimed that he lost New Hampshire in the general election because thousands of Massachusetts residents were bused in to New Hampshire to cast illegal votes against him.

“Having worked before on a campaign in New Hampshire, I can tell you that this issue of busing voters into New Hampshire is widely known by anyone who’s worked in New Hampshire politics,” Miller said on ABC’s “This Week” on Feb. 12. “It’s very real, it’s very serious.”

When Stephanopoulos asked for evidence of people being bused in from Massachusetts to vote illegally in New Hampshire, Miller said, “Talk to anybody who has worked in politics there for a long time. Everybody is aware of the problem in New Hampshire with respect to bringing in voters.”

Not everyone.

Republican Thomas D. Rath, the former New Hampshire attorney general who did not support Trump in the primary, tweeted this:

Tom Rath

Democrat Doug Jones was elected to the U.S. Senate in a special election on Dec. 12. His Republican opponent, Roy Moore, still hasn’t conceded.

In that time, a number of websites have posted made-up stories suggesting that rampant voter fraud contributed to Jones winning by an unofficial margin of 20,715 votes.

But, there is no evidence of widespread voter fraud. The Alabama Secretary of State’s Office, which oversees statewide elections, doesn’t usually comment on reports of voter fraud, but it has not received reports in any numbers that would change the outcome of the election, Communications Director John Bennett told FactCheck.org on Dec. 13.

Since then, the same network of “satirical” websites that originally published that bogus story have brought forth some more, stating that the outcome of the election is questionable. But disclaimers on each of the websites states that “Everything on this site is fiction.”

FactCheck.org is one of several organizations working with Facebook to help identify and label viral fake news stories flagged by readers on the social media network. Those Facebook users flagged some of the stories after they were published by other websites without a satire label.

FactCheck.org points out the following claims:

Claim: Black residents from other states were bused in to vote for Jones.

A story on the Patriot Post website had the headline: “BREAKING: Busload Of Blacks From 3 States Drove To Alabama To Vote Illegally.” But all of the details in the story were fabricated.

For example, the story quotes a fictional official from the “State Election Integrity Board,” which FactCheck.org found does not exist. Then it says that 27 black people were arrested at “Warsaw Middle School in Selma,” which is not a real school. It also identifies the Selma police chief as “Santiago Swearinger;” his name is actually Spencer Collier.

In addition, the story also contained the photos of eight young African-Americans who were not involved in the Alabama special election. The photos were taken in 2014 after those eight teens were arrested for allegedly throwing rocks and food from their school bus at passing vehicles in South Carolina, FactCheck.org reported.

Claim: Thousands of fraudulent votes were recorded in one small Alabama town.

The headline on another fake story from Ladies of Liberty, a related website to the Patriot Post, reads: ”‘Thousands’ Voted For Doug Jones In Alabama Town With Population Of 2,256.”

The story said the town of “Bordalama,” which is described as being 20 miles outside of Birmingham, recorded 5,327 votes for Jones, even though it has only 2,256 residents. But there is no such place of Bordalama in Alabama, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. A link on Bordalama in the story takes readers to the website for the cartoon band “Hampton and the Hampsters.”

The bogus story suggests that the votes of dead residents were counted for Jones, and a photo shows headstones decorated with “I voted” stickers. That picture, though, has been part of a popular internet meme, titled “Democratic Voter Registration,” that has been in circulation since at least 2012, FactCheck.org reported.

The original photo of headstones — without the stickers — appeared online as early as 2007, when it was used to illustrate a Ukrainian website’s story about the psychological effect the fear of death has on people.

Claim: 13 Hispanic men voted multiple times.

This fake story, also posted by Ladies of Liberty, falsely claims that the “Birmingham Press” reported that “polling officials caught what appears to be a ‘van full of illegals’ who traveled to at least 7 polling locations with fake identification to vote for Moore’s opponent Doug Jones.”

That was not reported by the “Birmingham Press,” which is the name of a British website, not an Alabama news publication. A link to the alleged article leads to the same bogus story about unauthorized immigrants voting that was published on fellow “satirical” website, No Fake News Online.

The story says that the vehicle transporting the men was stopped by law enforcement at “Santa Recto Middle School in Wilmington,” as reported by the “Santa Recto Observer.” But there is no school or newspaper by those names, FactCheck.org found. And “San Salmos” and “Puerta Gorda” — where some of the men were alleged to be from — are not countries.

There is only one person named in the story, “Marcos Ramos.” But that is also the name of a made-up character in another bogus Patriot Post story about illegal voting in Alabama, FactCheck.org found. That story claimed the “32-year-old Marcos Ramos” worked at the Democratic National Committee, according to the “Mobile Press,” a non-existent publication.

In addition, the Patriot Post’s fake story contains an image of two men, but neither man is “Ramos.” One photo shows a Mexican national who pleaded guilty in 2016 to smuggling methamphetamine into New Mexico. The other photo of an unidentified immigrant being deported to Mexico was used in a 2016 Arizona Republic story about illegal U.S. border crossings.

Hello reader, our article commenting that you would normally se
bobsal u1553115
Fri 8 May, 2020 07:06 pm
Conceited aren't you?

Maybe, so what? Your head is up your butt.
0 Replies
Fri 8 May, 2020 07:14 pm

Sorry that is not what Trump had claimed for the reason he loss the popular vote in 2016.

Sorry, there are a lot of illegals and they do vote illegally and they are overwhelmingly voting Democratic. That it is spun to your satisfaction is your decision.
bobsal u1553115
Fri 8 May, 2020 08:16 pm
And Republican's steal elections after the polls close:

North Carolina Republican operative charged in election fraud scheme
Gabriella Borter


Doesn't look Mexican or black to me

(Reuters) - The North Carolina Republican political operative at the center of an absentee ballot fraud scheme that led the state to order a rerun of a congressional election was arrested and charged with obstruction of justice on Wednesday, officials said.

More at the link

Florida Woman Charged With Massive Voter Fraud

Florida Woman Charged With Massive Voter Fraud, Changing Registrations From Democrat To Republican. Questions are now being asked if this is an isolated incident or more widespread. ... Sheriff's investigators said all 119 false forms were assigned to Hall, a registered Republican, to collect. She worked for Florida First's office in Winter Haven.

Two Republicans charged in Ohio election fraud scheme ...

Robert Landon, a Republican candidate in the Marion City auditor race, and John Matthews, a former Marion County Republican Party official, were both charged in the election fraud scheme ...

Former Colorado Republican party chairman who said 'only Democrats commit voter fraud' now faces up to three years in prison for 'filling out his ex-wife's mail-in ballot'

Steve Curtis, 57, appeared in court on Tuesday in Weld County, Colorado
The former Republican party chairman faces charges of voter fraud and forgery
Curtis' ex-wife Kelly claims he filled out and mailed in her ballot for the 2016 presidential election without her consent
Curtis also hosts a radio talk show and has talked about the issue of voter fraud on his show in the past
A month before the election, Curtis said that 'virtually every case of voter fraud I can remember in my lifetime was committed by Democrats'

By Ashley Collman For Dailymail.com

Published: 10:16 EDT, 22 March 2017 | Updated: 11:35 EDT, 22 March 2017




View comments

Colorado's former Republican party chairman has been accused of voter fraud, just months after complaining on his radio show that only Democrats commit the crime.

Steve Curtis, 57, appeared in Weld County court on Tuesday to face charges of felony forgery and misdemeanor voter fraud.

Prosecutors say Curtis filled out and mailed in his ex-wife's ballot for the 2016 presidential ballot without her consent.
Steve Curtis, 57 (pictured), has been accused of voter fraud and forgery for reportedly filling out and mailing in his ex-wife's ballot for the 2016 election


SOB is hiding the fact he's either Mexican or black

Steve Curtis, 57 (pictured), has been accused of voter fraud and forgery for reportedly filling out and mailing in his ex-wife's ballot for the 2016 election


Texas mayor Richard Molina charged with organized election fraud, illegal voting

Kristin Lam


GOP and Mexican!!!!

Edinburg Mayor Richard Molina walks into the courtroom before being arraigned by Justice of the Peace Precinct 2 Jaime "Jerry" Muñoz on charges of trying to rig his own 2017 election victory, Thursday, April 25, 2019, in Pharr, Texas.

A Texas mayor was arrested for voter fraud for allegedly attempting to rig his own election, state Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Thursday.

Authorities charged Edinburg Mayor Richard Molina with organized election fraud, a first-degree felony, and two counts of illegal voting for allegedly making voters change their addresses to places they did not live, including an apartment complex he owned.

Molina unseated the city’s longtime mayor by about 1,200 votes in 2017. Located along the U.S.-Mexico border, Edinburg is home to headquarters for U.S. Customs and Border Protection operations in the Rio Grande Valley. The city's population is about 90,000.

Sure, there's voter fraud. By Republicans.


In January 2016, New Hampshire resident Derek Castonguay pleaded guilty to voter fraud. He was so excited about voting, he was registered to vote as a Republican in both Windham and Salem, N.H ...

Iowa GOP voter arrested for alleged voter fraud: report ...


Iowa GOP voter arrested for alleged voter fraud: report By Paulina Firozi - 10/28/16 07:20 PM EDT A Republican woman in Iowa has been arrested on suspicion that she voted twice in the general ...

There have been just four documented cases of voter fraud ...

Dec 1, 2016As of writing, there are four demonstrated examples of people committing voter fraud during the 2016 general election. That's 0.000002 percent of the ballots cast in the race for the White House ...

This is the most important thing: voter fraud is not the issue the GOP is up about, voter suppression is.

So much CJ failing
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Fri 8 May, 2020 10:54 pm
Exclusive: Obama says in private call that 'rule of law is at risk' in Michael Flynn case

Michael IsikoffChief Investigative Correspondent


Yahoo News•May 8, 2020

WASHINGTON — Former President Barack Obama, talking privately to ex-members of his administration, said Friday that the “rule of law is at risk” in the wake of what he called an unprecedented move by the Justice Department to drop charges against former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn.

In the same chat, a tape of which was obtained by Yahoo News, Obama also lashed out at the Trump administration’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic as “an absolute chaotic disaster.”

“The news over the last 24 hours I think has been somewhat downplayed — about the Justice Department dropping charges against Michael Flynn,” Obama said in a web talk with members of the Obama Alumni Association.

“And the fact that there is no precedent that anybody can find for someone who has been charged with perjury just getting off scot-free. That’s the kind of stuff where you begin to get worried that basic — not just institutional norms — but our basic understanding of rule of law is at risk. And when you start moving in those directions, it can accelerate pretty quickly as we’ve seen in other places.”

The Flynn case was invoked by Obama as a principal reason that his former administration officials needed to make sure former Vice President Joe Biden wins the November election against President Trump. “So I am hoping that all of you feel the same sense of urgency that I do,” he said. “Whenever I campaign, I’ve always said, ‘Ah, this is the most important election.’ Especially obviously when I was on the ballot, that always feels like it's the most important election. This one — I’m not on the ballot — but I am pretty darn invested. We got to make this happen.”

Obama misstated the charge to which Flynn had previously pleaded guilty. He was charged with false statements to the FBI, not perjury. But the Justice Department, in a filing with a federal judge on Thursday, asked that the case brought by special counsel Robert Mueller be dismissed, arguing that FBI agents did not have a justifiable reason to question the then national security adviser about his conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak — talks FBI agents and Mueller’s prosecutors concluded he had lied about.

Still, Obama’s unvarnished remarks were some of his sharpest yet about the Trump administration and appeared to forecast a dramatically stepped-up political role he intends to play in this year’s election. The comments came during a lengthy chat in which he also sharply criticized the response to the coronavirus pandemic, blaming it on the “tribal” trends that have been stoked by the president and his allies.
Former President Barack Obama, from a Joe Biden campaign video. (Olivier Douliery/BidenForPresident/AFP via Getty Images)
Former President Barack Obama, from a Joe Biden campaign video. (Olivier Douliery/BidenForPresident/AFP via Getty Images)

“This election that’s coming up on every level is so important because what we’re going to be battling is not just a particular individual or a political party. What we’re fighting against is these long-term trends in which being selfish, being tribal, being divided, and seeing others as an enemy — that has become a stronger impulse in American life. And by the way, we’re seeing that internationally as well. It’s part of the reason why the response to this global crisis has been so anemic and spotty. It would have been bad even with the best of governments. It has been an absolute chaotic disaster when that mindset — of ‘what’s in it for me’ and ‘to heck with everybody else’ — when that mindset is operationalized in our government.

“That’s why, I, by the way, am going to be spending as much time as necessary and campaigning as hard as I can for Joe Biden,” he added.

Obama’s remarks about Flynn seemed especially pointed in light of the fact that the former Army general had served in his administration as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency — until he was forced out by administration officials who viewed him as a chaotic, insubordinate manager. During the transition, Obama even warned Trump not to hire Flynn — advice that Trump ignored.

Obama also gave some insights into his life during the pandemic. The lack of sports, he said, is “driving me nuts.” But there was a bright side, he added. His daughters, Malia and Sasha, “are stuck having dinner with me” at home.

Fri 8 May, 2020 11:07 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Exclusive: Obama says in private call that 'rule of law is at risk' in Michael Flynn case

Projection from a master propagandist. His weaponized agencies **** all over the rule of law and the documents and transcripts prove it. FAIL Obama.
bobsal u1553115
Fri 8 May, 2020 11:13 pm
What ******* documents prove what? There you go again, just like that "commentator" on OAS. Making claims with no ******* proof.

You FAILED again

I noticed you ignored all the documented voter fraud GOP cases. If thats not enough, I can get you more!
Fri 8 May, 2020 11:47 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
What ******* documents prove what?

The transcripts of the closed door testimony of the House Intelligence committee. Do you have any idea of what you are talking about?
Sat 9 May, 2020 04:26 am

The transcripts of the closed door testimony of the House Intelligence committee.

Aren't transcripts of closed door hearings usually sealed under some secrecy or privilege requirement?
0 Replies
Sat 9 May, 2020 05:12 am
coldjoint wrote:

What ******* documents prove what?

The transcripts of the closed door testimony of the House Intelligence committee. Do you have any idea of what you are talking about?

Those hearings had Republicans on the committee. If there was such dirty goings-on, wouldn’t they have reported it?
0 Replies
Sat 9 May, 2020 05:14 am
Uh-huh . . . and how did Joint get those transcripts? Pants on fire!
0 Replies
bobsal u1553115
Sat 9 May, 2020 07:23 am
transcripts of the closed door testimony of the House Intelligence committee

Just because you don't doesn't mean I don't.

Why don't you quote some of that "closed door" testimony, junior, with the name of the witnesses.

Sat 9 May, 2020 07:28 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Do you think this back and forth is doing any good?

I’m worried that you’re going to end up suspended, and while I won’t miss Coldjoint’s neo Nazi horseshit, I will miss you.
Sat 9 May, 2020 07:40 am
izzythepush wrote:

Do you think this back and forth is doing any good?

I’m worried that you’re going to end up suspended, and while I won’t miss Coldjoint’s neo Nazi horseshit, I will miss you.

They’d likely shut down the thread first. But like you said, it isn’t worth it to keep sparring with a meathead.

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