Setanta wrote:
While the Republicans want to be the paymasters of the corporate scumbags who finance their campaigns.
There are certainly interests at play within the contemporary Republican party that I don't support.
It's just that the general principles/values espoused by the Republican party are better than those of the Democrats.
I used to believe in the Democrats until I realized they will never support solutions to social problems that do not generate more spending/growth/taxes.
Self-sufficiency is the most efficient way for many social problems to get solved, yet because people doing things for themselves is traditionally something Republicans/Conservatives espouse, Democrats tend to reject it and mock it as unrealistic as they go on insisting that more money is needed.
As a result of the Democrat focus on using problems to demand more money, the problems multiply and get exaggerated by everyone who makes a business initiative out of the prospect of making money that way.
E.g. climate change and environmental degradation are real serious problems that should be reversed, but reversing them involves doing less economically, not more. Democrats want to increase spending to include more green initiatives, but doing so just injects more money into the larger economy that causes the harm in the first place.
It is a chicken-egg problem where people end up having to work for the harmful corporations because there are no green jobs, but if you fund green jobs, people spend the money on the corporations, which use it to produce more of the environmental/climate harm that are just normal economic habits of the people.