@Borat Sister,
You said a mouthful here.
Regarding getting rid of possesssion. That's why I'm so relieved I immediately starting chucking and donating. There are a number of items that are in boxes in my movers corner, that have now been sitting there for 5 months. When I open them up, I'll do a second purge. I don't think there's a lot anyway. Relative to what a lot of people keep.
It was dreadful putting stuff into the get rid of pile, but I'm glad I did, and followed through with actually getting rid of.
I'm glad I packed them in boxes, where I couldn't go interacting with them without a lot of effort.
I had this thought I think yesterday. How many items does one need to remember someone? Answer, not many.
There's a difference between keeping something that will remind one of a person, and sparking memories of all different things, and making a shrine to someone.
I kept a money clip of his that I put in my bag. So sometimes when I'm getting something out of it I get a glimpse of the jade or some other stone, and have a pleasant memory. But I don't go looking for the money clip.
I have never been a sentimental person. I used to be concerned I wasn't an empathetic person. But I am.
Just found the below quote here....
Oscar Wilde defined sentimentality as ‘the luxury of having an emotion without paying for it’.
To a lesser extent, nostalgia. Sure, like everyone else I'll fondly remember something from years ago when I see a picture or something. But I realize that's just not how it is anymore, and there's no internal strife with that.
Maybe I'm wrong, but whenever I see a person who is very sentimental, they have problems letting go, moving ahead.
Can sentimentality be somehow related to fear? Fear of the future?