Forgive any mistakes, I’ m on my phone.
Normally I don’t mind packing materials as I will reuse them when I ship out. Saves me money and every penny I save in supplies is a penny earned. Rolls of bubble wrap costs money.
I have a theory that right now with shipping departments running short handed they might be using some people that just don’t care.
For instance yesterday in an order I received I got a bottle of a particular product, but it was the wrong formula. I couldn’t be bothered and just put that up for sale instead. Fortunately it sold by the next day. But it could have been a problem.
The thing with getting all those hair color in shipments that are still coming in makes no sense to me.
For instance, l bought let’s say 10 boxes each of colors A, B, C and D.
Why would I receive 10 each of A and C, but 2 of B and 3 of D? Then a day or so later I get 3 more of B and 1 more of D? Still not a complete order.
When they’re pulling from the shelves you know that all the different colors of that brand are stocked together, so what’s the problem with pulling everything that’s needed? They were items in stock I know that.
It makes me think that the workers they have right now are smoking about 5 joints then go and pull merchandise.
In normal times mistakes would be rare, and quickly corrected.
I just hate all the waste.
It all just screams “I don’t care. “