A Parlour for a Plague

Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2021 05:48 pm
@Tai Chi,
Tai Chi wrote:

Is it not the case that the vaccine only protects the person vaccinated? They can still harbour and potentially pass on the virus? That is why you continue to take precautions I thought.

I don't know, either. The reports that seem to contradict one another have been a frustration from the very beginning.
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2021 06:04 pm
@Borat Sister,
He sounds as if he is taking precautions while getting away. There is no indication otherwise ... he wasn’t on a crowded beach which was first stated but at a van to take a covid test ...

The thing is we do not know 100 percent in either situation ... likely he is vaccinated and likely being someone close to caring for covid patients he understands what he should do to prevent any dangers to others ... sure we do not know 100 percent but this is not a spring breaker go out to party
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2021 08:13 pm
@Borat Sister,
Borat Sister wrote:
I'm a needle phobe! So NOT looking forward to the needle bit, but very much wanting the vaccine otherwise.

Vaxart is working to develop vaccines that you can take as a pill.

Unfortunately it is not ready for prime time yet. But maybe someday.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Mar, 2021 09:03 pm
Let’s not get into this comparing to the Hol. thing. I did not do that. The message is if a group can stay in a small space for an extended time to try to save their lives. We as a whole can manage to not put ourselves in dangers way when it overwhelming avoidable.

Last time I looked. Cancun is a beach resort town. He was there with a lot of ppl on spring break. Those beaches are crowded. He was at the van because it was a requirement. With the kind of crowds of people mingling, drinking, doing drugs, hooking up and more, a testing van does not exactly bring reassurance. Vaccine? Do you realize how few ppl are vaccinated? Especially in that age group? This man is quite frankly being negligent, vaccination or not.

As I stated, this is the time for added vigilance, not less. How many more times are we stupid Americans going to value some bullsht, yeah I said it, bullshit vacation over everyone definitively getting over this thing. Half a million dead isn’t enough to get their attention?

I don’t have to wonder if there will be yet another spike after this. We all know it’s coming.

Honestly? **** vacations right now. **** “I have to get away” Take a few days off, lay in bed, smoke a joint, drink some beer, and nap.

The vast majority of ppl doing this travel bit know are a bunch of selfish, self centered, entitled jerks. They are making it worse for everyone around the globe. Buckle down and ******* deal with it. This vaccine is on the right path, but it’s not a miracle
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2021 12:52 am
chai2 wrote:
I don't have to wonder if there will be yet another spike after this. We all know it's coming.

It might be bad too. The UK strain of the virus spreads much faster than the original strain, so much faster that it makes the spread of the original strain look like it is standing still.

And the UK strain of the virus has been doubling exponentially recently, just like the original strain did in the early days. We're still in the slow part of that exponential curve, but if it spikes upwards before we're all vaccinated it will come at us hard and fast.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2021 01:58 am
The Brazilian P1 mutation is even more dangerous.
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Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2021 06:58 am
You made up stuff about this guy that was simply not true- your words he was on a crowded beach and he said....

Decreases your credibility - you were trying to exaggerate what he was doing at the time to complain because of his occupation and he should know better - you are angry and taking it out on a poor sap that more than likely is trying to just get away and more than likely taking any precautions necessary.

You are making up an idea that he is hanging with spring breakers. This may have been the only time he could take off. These doctors especially now can not pick and choose what week they can take off. He may be staying at a resort that is far from the main area of hotels - the quieter resorts/area of Cancun. I did on my honeymoon - it was actually very quiet and secluded. He may be renting a home or airbnb and not near all the spring breakers. He may be in Mexico because someone offered their place to stay - you do not know - you are just making unfair assumptions that he was there to party with spring breakers.

Also did you read the full transcript? You make it sound he is taking this test because he had to (which does it really matter either way? But that is not true -- "..What is new is that all travelers need to show a negative COVID test taken 72 hours or less to get back into the U.S. That's when flying in. No such test is required crossing land borders into the U.S. or into Mexico. ..." he was at this curbside van where you can get a quick COVID test for U.S. travelers" --

Yes one can if needed stay in a small place to save their lives, but why would you if it was not necessary to save your life? You are comparing two different things. He is not saving lives by staying in his apartment - he is not endangering lives any more than if he were to go to the grocery store. Comparing this to Anne Frank is like telling kids to eat all their food because there are starving kids in China. Do you stay home in normal times? Do you drive your car in normal times? Well Anne Frank stayed in a small place to save lives, but yet you are willing to drive your car when it can harm others you are neglectful.

Unless he is out partying without a mask in a crowd - he is not endangering anyone's life so why come down on a man who has just spent over a year probably saving lives and probably working that time with little breaks - for a little relaxation just because it is Mexico? I do not be grudge a hard working man for traveling if he has taken the precautions he needs to.

And I do not disagree that there are many many people taking selfish vacations but I doubt (now granted it is possible but neither you or I know) this man who just spent a year or so working longer hours than either of us is partying with people more than likely half his age.
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2021 08:22 am
Not lying. Tests are required. He had to take it. He’s in a beach resort town. Where the hell do you think these testing vans are located. Put 2 and 2 together.

Yes angry. Sick and tired of ppl prolonging COVID because of their first world problems like I “need” a vacation, but it’s Christmas etc

Vaccine, masks or not, every single person doing absolutely unnecessary things like this are endangering other ppls lives. It is selfish, entitled and short sighted.

No one “deserves” a vacation. It is a pure 100% luxury.

America in particular has been embarrassingly stupid. Whining over restaurants, learning from home, wearing masks as ppl are dying around us. And yes, that includes kids, teens and young adults that suffering because they can’t play basketball or face to face see their friends. It’s the easiest thing in the world to maintain social contact with ppl with today’s technology. ******* deal with it ppl.

It is shameful that humans were and are unable to take one year out of their lives to make 100% compliance happen to get out of this dangerous life taking situation.

This. RT in particular was a dumbass for flying on a plane, to another country, to a beach resort town, 100%. If he needed rest he can stay home, pull out a chair, sit outside in the sun in a light jacket and read a book.

When COVID is 100% under control, people can resume doing what they want. Until then, they are endangering lives. Period.
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2021 08:52 am
Sick and tired of ppl prolonging COVID because of their first world problems like I “need” a vacation, but it’s Christmas etc


There's this childish mentality at play, as if the disruptions to our ordinary lives are some sort of "punishment" inflicted sadistically by the state, and that now, after we've paid with our "suffering", we should be rewarded our "freedom". This dynamic is not unfamiliar, but the idea that it would be operative in an ongoing and unprecedented public health crisis is, as you say, embarrassing.
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2021 09:18 am
Americans dont "queue" up well for anything without major argument and maybe even violence.
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2021 09:46 am

I would venture a guess that if all the essential health care workers were interviewed, they would overwhelmingly agree that instead of all these accolades, “bless you’s“ and “you’re such heroes “ they vastly would have preferred that the genreral public had showed common sense and simply done what they were supposed to in the first place.

So many ppl are literally a bunch of children making excuses for their own bad behavior and stupidity. Yes, not “poor choices”, plain garden variety willful stupidity. And instead of waking up and being adults and accountable, we’re now required to argue the point of if we’re involving the holocaust, the “you’re lying because you don’t know he was on the beach”. And this newest one that if your already vaccinated you’re no danger to yourself or others.

I do not give a **** if someone is vaccinated or not. I treat every person as if they are a potential danger to my life.

Ppl lauding others for being “heroes” and excusing their bad behavior. Why not instead be your own hero and do this apparently massively heroic task of taking an entire year or 2 out of your life and do what you’re supposed to?
Jesus. How low our expectations of ourselves have become. We’re like turkeys looking up at the rain and drowning.

I went to my new doctor yesterday. Had to do a face to face since it was my first visit. The clinic was basically empty. Only one other patient waiting. Going through the halls I encountered no other patients.
When the doctor came in, she was wearing a face mask, a full shield over that, gloves, and a disposable gown her hair was pulled up and completely hidden under some kind of snood. It’s safe to assume she was vaccinated and takes these precautions with every patient she has to face to face see.

If this vaccine is so protective, making you safe and effective, why these precautions? Because she’s was not only following P&P but using both her intelligence and common sense.
We can’t say with certainty that it’s fine to travel, we’re protected and are no danger to others. That horse has left the barn.
We’ve all insisted through this entire past year to be willfully stupid, and are now grasping desperately at this chance to claim this vaccine is the miracle we’ve been waiting for.

Only 20% of my state has been able to even get this vaccine. Yet there’s this weird aura that many are thinking essential medical ppl, and the elderly in nursing homes got it, and random others that managed to get an actual appointment, that things are on the upswing.

Last week they opened the eligibility to ppl 50 and older. Next week it will be for everyone. Yet I personally know at least 3 ppl over 65, who are on the eligible list, who haven’t been able to get an appointment although they check in a few times a day online. The minute I was registered as eligible in the 50 plus group, I also learned there was not one vaccine available within a 100 mile search radius. Yet, in a few days, the over 65, over 50 are all going to get thrown together into the general bucket of ppl waiting. It’s a total crap shoot.

Yet wheeeee! We deserve vacations! We all work so hard and need to get away! Let’s get on a crowded plane and leave the country! Yay! I deserve it!

Being told “you’re angry”.
Yes I’m goddamn angry. Angry at people’s entitlement, stupidity and willful ignorance and shocking behavior. Angry at ppl glossing it over with “but he got the vaccine”

If even one person who was being as careful as they can dies because they encountered one of these ppl that deserved to get away, they were in my opinion, murdered.
I want to know what Dr Faucci thinks about this. Oh wait, I do know. He thinks ppl are being stupid. Really stupid. Thanks, I’ll stick with his expert opinion and not someone talking about deserving a break because they worked so hard because ppl were being stupid.

******* stay home.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2021 09:47 am
farmerman wrote:

Americans dont "queue" up well for anything without major argument and maybe even violence.

Yes. And aren’t we an embarrassment to the rest of the world.

But hey! Look at the nice tan I got in Cancun!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2021 10:26 am
Not lying. Tests are required.

Where did you get that information - so unless the report is incorrect from NPR they are not required - they clearly stated that in their report.

Often times these tests are optional - even many airlines are offering optional testing before boarding. There is a van at my doctor's office as well for covid testing however, I do not need to take a test before entering.

Well as I said stop driving then because you are unnecessarily putting people in danger whenever you drive.

Some of what you are stating are not whining - vacations are needed to help mental health. Whether he goes somewhere locally to relax or flies to Mexico I have no issue as long as he takes precautions.

Some other things you say are whining is actually putting people out of business - just yesterday I was going to a local business and a sign is up - out of business - others are causing suicides whether it is the last straw due to football being canceled, being isolated due to covid and other results due to this pandemic such as Dylan Buckner, Hayden Hunstable, Spencer Smith...Las Vegas schools re-opened due to the surge of suicides. But no this is just whining F*ing deal with it - right. Please tell these parents, families and classmates that this kids should have just F*ing dealt with it.

I worry about what the longer term impacts will be - --- but I guess that is just selfish.

I am glad this doctor took his time off. Actually traveling away from home and work increases your heart health and your mental health. So just sitting home with time off does not provide the same the benefits as actually traveling. He will be a better doctor and more likely to be in a better position to continue his work to help others.

Hopefully if you need his care - you won't get him all tired and worn out and burnt out - but one in a position to be in his best mental health. Caring for yourself is not selfish.

Covid will never be 100% under control it is a virus. Like the flu it will mutate - yes you can minimize but it will never be 100% in control and it just naive or ignorant to think otherwise. At this point in time we should have the most vulnerable vaccinated. It is not selfish to start doing things. As this NPR stated there were many medical personnel traveling - my brother the guy who was extreme in his precautions now is traveling - I think with common sense you can do so without killing others - those people more likely to be seriously harmed are vaccinated.
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2021 11:09 am
Some other things you say are whining is actually putting people out of business(...)

It's not that way in advanced countries that automatically cover the loss of personal income and business expenses (up to as much as 80%) during national emergencies and natural disasters. The USA, as usual, simply depends on good fortune and our deluded belief that we are somehow the "greatest country in the world" and don't need to prepare for such things.
I worry about what the longer term impacts will be - --- but I guess that is just selfish.

It's not selfish, it's real. But the solution isn't to declare an early victory during a pandemic which is still infecting tens of thousands of people every day.
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Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2021 01:45 pm
Testing is required.

This wasn’t a doctor. And I very much hope I don’t need his services.

I drive when necessary. Eating food is necessary. Vacations are NOT necessary for mental health. There are many other options.

And stop with the “I guess I’m selfish” type comments. If everyone had done what they were supposed to do in the first place this in all likelihood would not have been an issue for individuals or persons in the first place.

Whining is complaining about not being able to do stupid, unnecessary things.
I’m finally, after mostly putting up and with being mostly quiet about over a year now, and realizing I’ve been babying these “deserving” ppl and am sick to death over them

If we hadn’t had a crook in office perhaps our government would be doing what others are and supporting the infrastructure.
If this idiot and his moron followers hadn’t been overrunning the country with their bitching about the most basic precautions, we’d be so much more normal now.

Over half a million dead. Because you and people like you “deserve” so many stupid useless things.

In a nutshell, I blame you, and anyone like you who had to keep pushing the envelope, we’re unwilling to suck it up and suffer for awhile, and now think we have this magical solution in a vaccine.

I’m tired of dancing around it. You and ppl like you are a big part of the reason, and are responsible for so much death and suffering. People who just couldn’t be satisfied with simply staying alive and healthy, but through your inability to suck it up had to make it worse for everyone

Don’t forget that starting a month before COVID I buried a husband, had to sell and buy a house, disposed of 95% of my old belongings, all while going through the deepest grieving of my life. The talking I did here hardly covered all of it.

I did all this with absolute minimum contact with people, and the contacts I absolutely had to make were done at maximum physical distance and absolutely no touching. I grieved with no physical hugs, no hand holding, nothing physical. I absolutely do not resent this because I am alive and as a bonus in good health.
If you and others had joined the rational ppl and stopped looking for loopholes, your kid would have months ago been playing basketball, so many people wouldn’t be at the end of their tether right now, and business would not have bottom line suffered as much.

Spare me the “if you didn’t drive bullshit” I drive when necessary, but I don’t do so after drinking 2 bottles of wine.
Ppl who just had to have their get togethers, sports, holidays, vacations etc are no better than drunks at the wheel. You’re the ones responsible for too many deaths.
You all needed a corral put around you.
Borat Sister
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2021 08:38 pm
Good lord. I have found you to be amazing at queuing!

Cultural issue, though. I found that in the US queues start much farther back from whatever you’re queuing for than other places.

We’d get into trouble in shops because we’d think that people were just waiting for friends, not in a queue because they were so far from the counter. We’d queue behind the people being served and get told off for queue jumping. We learned

Then, I’d wait for my friend outside loos....a few feet from said loo! A queue would form behind me!
Borat Sister
Reply Wed 24 Mar, 2021 08:39 pm
This really seems to be a hot button issue
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2021 02:20 am
@Borat Sister,
Good lord. I have found you to be amazing at queuing!

Well yes — when it comes to the real necessities of life!


This really seems to be a hot button issue.

Suspicion of government has a lot to do with it. Expecting everyone, rich and poor, to wait his turn doesn't sit well. Equality of opportunity is one thing, fairness, generosity, and quaint notions such as communal responsibility not so much.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2021 07:08 am
@Borat Sister,
It might also have something to do with this:

Personality trait predictors of adjustment during the COVID pandemic among college students

Some people may be better adapted to recognize social concerns and modify behavior for the public good.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Mar, 2021 11:17 am
roger wrote:

Tai Chi wrote:

Is it not the case that the vaccine only protects the person vaccinated? They can still harbour and potentially pass on the virus? That is why you continue to take precautions I thought.

I don't know, either. The reports that seem to contradict one another have been a frustration from the very beginning.

Again. Hitting the nail on the head.
If reports are contradicting each other the obvious and clear thing to do is to assume it can still be spread, and just as easily as at any time.

I just examined the Texas graphs, and my county in particular. All numbers are improving, but absolutely no cause for celebration. In fact, I fear the next spike will undo all the progress since the beginning of the year.

You would not believe the number of people, especially lately, like in the last few weeks, that have asked me why I haven't gone to Central Mexico since last February. Are you kidding me?

The reactions have ranged from a blank stare when I say "Covid is there too." to responses like "Other people are going" but when I ask "who?" they actually know no one. To the few that basically face palm themselves and say "Right. Wasn't thinking"
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