What gets me is the arrogance of your posts. You don’t even consider the possibility that someone outside of America might not know what you’re talking about. Even after I point out that I’ve never heard of the person you chose for your analogy you choose two others that only an American would be aware of.
At least when I was talking about TV chefs to Sturgis I said that he probably wouldn’t have heard of them.
Not you though, you blindly assume you don’t have to put things into context or even consider that there are other cultures out there. Just because you’re an American you expect us to slavishly follow your cultural references.
This is the same attitude that caused the death of Harry Dunn. His killer assumed that because she was an American she could drive however she liked, she didn’t even consider that we might not drive on the same side of the road as Americans. Then she skipped bail and ran back to America.
No wonder Gordon Ramsay pisses you off. He’s not going to lick your collective arses.