
Wed 7 Jul, 2021 04:55 pm
It means that, in order to fool you into believing that the experimental injections are effective, they needed to turn the cycle threshold of the PCR-test down from 40+ to 28, but only for the vaccinated. The unvaccinated will still be tested at a ridiculously high 40 cycle threshold. And that's how the CDC rolls.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Jul, 2021 05:00 pm

You wouldn’t know the real world if it bit you on the arse.

All the people in the UK who have died from the delta variant are over 50.

Nobody under 50 has died.

The truth is the vaccine is highly effective against the delta variant and I am grateful to the scientists who gave it to us.

You are an extremely tiresome attention seeking idiot, that’s all you are.

The problem is your lies result in people dying.

You have blood on your hands.

And no I’m not going to waste any more time talking to such a pathetic attention seeking idiot like you.

Wed 7 Jul, 2021 05:05 pm
Well . . . bye.

But first I'd like to know how it is that you can give a free pass to the CDC even after they turn the PCR-test cycle threshold down to 28 for the vaccinated, and leave it at 40 for the unvaccinated. Even for those who hopelessly worship such institutions and people, that's just really in your face deception. So now the truth is biting you in the ass.

So, what's with ignoring the deception? Is it something you'd rather not think about?

And to be clear, you believe that this is bullshit:

In another study published in 2012, lab animals injected with experimental coronavirus vaccines developed enhanced lung diseases. As a result, the researchers concluded, “Caution in proceeding to application of a SARS-CoV vaccine in humans is indicated.”

You think I made that up.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Jul, 2021 05:19 pm
Oh, I see.

I gave you a reputable site with facts and figures and you give back ... conspiracy lunatic fringe from a spin off of the Epoch Times. LifeSite News is even better, "is a Canadian far-right anti-abortion advocacy and news publication" that was "removed from Facebook for violating COVID-19 misinformation policies" https://www.ncronline.org/news/coronavirus/lifesitenews-removed-facebook-violating-covid-19-misinformation-policies

Bravo, you now as stupid as I thought you were.
Wed 7 Jul, 2021 05:24 pm
Anybody else been reading about "vaccidents" ??

Typical article:

0 Replies
Wed 7 Jul, 2021 05:29 pm
Nobody under 50 has died.

Thanks for pointing out that people under 50 are pretty much safe. Finally some good news.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Jul, 2021 05:44 pm
Well sure, if all else fails, attack the source.

Dude! Why did the CDC decide to turn the cycle threshold of the PCR-test down to a reasonable 28 for the vaccinated, while keeping it at a ridiculously high 40 for the unvaccinated.

I find it highly interesting seeing how people refuse to deal with outright deception from their trusted CDC. Apparently, refusal to acknowledge the obvious is the approach of choice.
Wed 7 Jul, 2021 06:25 pm
Because the outright deception is coning from YOU.

PCR tests on vaccinated and unvaccinated people are evaluated using the same criteria; the CDC didn’t change criteria for detecting infection in vaccinated people, as alleged in OffGuardian article

The U.S. CDC is “lowering their CT value when testing samples from suspected ‘breakthrough infections’” to decrease the number of officially recorded cases

SOURCE: Kit Knightly, Gateway Pundit, OffGuardian, Zero Hedge, 18 May 2021

Factually inaccurate: The CDC didn’t change the PCR tests’ cycle thresholds for vaccinated people. The guidance cited in the article refers to genomic sequencing, which is used for identifying the virus’ lineage and variants. It isn’t used to test for the presence of infection. The CDC is still recording all vaccine breakthrough cases, not only the ones that led to hospitalization or death. And finally, the COVID-19 vaccines aren’t gene therapy. Gene therapy involves modifying genes to treat diseases. COVID-19 vaccines don’t modify DNA.

Clinical trials in tens of thousands of people, as well as data from ongoing vaccination campaigns, demonstrated that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing severe disease and death. COVID-19 is a reportable condition, meaning that by law, every positive test must be reported, regardless of a person’s vaccination status. COVID-19 PCR tests are also performed using the same criteria and methodology regardless of a person’s vaccination status. However, only samples with sufficient genetic material, which can be identified at lower Ct values, are sent on for further testing by genomic sequencing. Genomic sequencing is used to determine the virus’ lineage and identify variants.

FULL CLAIM: The U.S. CDC is “lowering their CT value when testing samples from suspected ‘breakthrough infections’” to “decrease the number of ‘breakthrough infections’ being officially recorded”, which will “make it seem the experimental gene-therapy ‘vaccines’ are effective at preventing the alleged disease”; “asymptomatic or mild infections will no longer be recorded as [COVID-19 cases]”; “If these new policies had been the global approach to [COVID-19] since December 2019, there would never have been a pandemic at all.”; “CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx'd”

An article published on 18 May 2021 claimed that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) changed COVID-19 test criteria to reduce vaccine breakthrough cases and make it seem as if COVID-19 vaccines work, while inflating cases in the unvaccinated. The article was published by OffGuardian, a website that published false information in the past.

The original OffGuardian article received more than 4,000 interactions on Facebook and more than 2,100 interactions on Reddit to date. The article received much more online engagement through being republished by other websites that also publish conspiracy theories, such as Zero Hedge and Gateway Pundit. The copy on Zero Hedge received more than 27,000 interactions on Facebook.

This claim also appeared elsewhere, with some social media users promoting the idea that the CDC was moving the goalposts for vaccinated people to make it harder to detect vaccine breakthrough cases, as can be seen in this Instagram post.

The CDC didn’t change the Ct value for samples from vaccinated people
Vaccine breakthrough cases occur when a vaccinated person becomes infected. While the vaccines are highly effective at preventing disease, no vaccine is 100% effective. Infections in vaccinated people are also detected using the PCR test.

The PCR test detects the presence of the virus by amplifying a small part of the virus’ genetic material. The number of amplification cycles needed to arrive at a level considered to be a “positive” result is also called the cycle threshold (Ct) value. The Ct value depends on the quantity of virus in a sample. The more virus present, the fewer amplification cycles are needed to reach the level for a positive result, while a low viral load requires more amplification cycles to reach that same level.

As evidence for its claim that the U.S. CDC is “lowering their CT value when testing samples from suspected ‘breakthrough infections’” to “decrease the number of ‘breakthrough infections’ being officially recorded”, the article cited this statement on the CDC website:

“For cases with a known RT-PCR cycle threshold (Ct) value, submit only specimens with Ct value ≤28 to CDC for sequencing. (Sequencing is not feasible with higher Ct values.)”

This is a grossly inaccurate interpretation of the CDC guidance. The guidance applies to samples sent for genomic sequencing, which is a technique used to obtain the genetic sequence of the virus. This technique allows scientists to determine the virus’ lineage and identify variants and provides scientists with important information on how the virus is evolving and how mutations change the way the virus behaves. This information in turn helps to guide public health measures and vaccine development.

As is evident from the statement, the CDC didn’t alter the cycle threshold value for the PCR test used to identify presence of infection. The statement is relevant to genomic sequencing, which is an additional test used on samples that already tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR. The reason why this guidance is in place is because genomic sequencing requires a relatively large amount of the virus’ genetic material in the sample. Therefore, a sample with only trace amounts of the virus’ genetic material, which would show a high Ct value, wouldn’t be suitable for sequencing.

Not sequencing a sample doesn’t change the fact that someone tested positive for COVID-19 by PCR, meaning that the person is infected, making them a COVID-19 case. Therefore, this CDC guidance has no influence on the number of COVID-19 cases recorded, as the article claimed.

Cases from vaccinated people are still being recorded, even if asymptomatic or mild
The article claimed that “asymptomatic or mild infections will no longer be recorded as [COVID-19 cases]”, citing the CDC again:

“As of May 1, 2021, CDC transitioned from monitoring all reported vaccine breakthrough cases to focus on identifying and investigating only hospitalized or fatal cases due to any cause. This shift will help maximize the quality of the data collected on cases of greatest clinical and public health importance. Previous case counts, which were last updated on April 26, 2021, are available for reference only and will not be updated moving forward.”

An Associated Press fact-check explained that this isn’t accurate:

“COVID-19 is a reportable condition, meaning that by law every positive test must be reported. The National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System requires testing sites and medical facilities to report positive tests to the local health department. They then pass the information to the state health department, which notifies the CDC.”

Kristen Nordlund, a health communications specialist at the CDC, clarified that vaccine breakthrough cases will still be recorded, saying, “CDC is not going to stop reporting cases of COVID-19 in any fashion”.

What it does mean is that, going forward, the CDC won’t publish cases of mild and asymptomatic COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough cases on their website. The AP fact-check:

“However, mild and asymptomatic COVID-19 breakthrough cases, which occur after someone has been fully vaccinated, will no longer be published separately on the CDC’s website. According to the CDC, special surveillance of breakthrough cases was initially set up to identify patterns among individuals who were vaccinated and still got COVID-19. Since an analysis of those cases has not shown any unexpected patterns, the CDC has changed their approach to surveillance.”

Nordlund told AP that “CDC and state health departments will be focusing only on investigating vaccine breakthrough cases that result in hospitalization or death […] Every breakthrough case of COVID will still be reported. We just won’t call it out in a certain place on the website”.

The website also explains that the CDC is recording vaccine breakthrough cases in a separate database for the time being:

“CDC developed a national COVID-19 vaccine breakthrough REDCap database where designated state health department investigators can enter, store, and manage data for cases in their jurisdiction. State health departments have full access to data for cases reported from their jurisdiction.

Ultimately, CDC will use the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS) to identify vaccine breakthrough cases. Once CDC has confirmed that a state can report vaccination history data to NNDSS, CDC will identify vaccine breakthrough cases through that system.”

As demonstrated above, the article once again misinterpreted the CDC’s statements. The citation it used to support the claim explained that only fatal or hospitalized cases would be monitored and investigated further. However, this doesn’t mean that mild or asymptomatic cases aren’t reported. As stated above, COVID-19 is a reportable disease by law, therefore all cases need to be reported, regardless of the severity or vaccination status. But only reported cases that are severe are monitored and investigated.

COVID-19 vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe COVID-19 and death; they aren’t “experimental gene therapy”
The article claimed that the CDC was moving the goalposts for PCR testing in order to make it seem as if “the experimental gene-therapy ‘vaccines’ are effective at preventing” COVID-19.

This claim is inaccurate and poorly reasoned. Firstly, scientists already had a pool of evidence demonstrating that the COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing disease, predating the alleged change in PCR cycle thresholds in May 2021.

This evidence comes from the clinical trials examining the COVID-19 vaccines authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which demonstrated that the vaccines are highly effective at preventing severe COVID-19. In November 2020, Pfizer and BioNTech reported that the vaccine has 95% efficacy at preventing symptomatic COVID-19, while Moderna reported 94% efficacy. Johnson and Johnson reported that their vaccine has 85% efficacy at preventing severe illness.

In addition, real-world evidence from ongoing vaccination campaigns, also predating the alleged change, demonstrated that the vaccines are highly effective at protecting people from severe disease and death, as seen in this CDC study on the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna RNA vaccines, conducted between December 2020 and April 2021[1], as well as this study in Israel conducted between January and April 2021, published in The Lancet[2].

In other words, there was already reliable evidence showing that the vaccines are effective, without having to resort to the alleged change in PCR test methodology. Had the vaccines not worked, this would have been evident during clinical trials and the vaccines wouldn’t have received emergency use authorization by the FDA.

Thirdly, COVID-19 vaccines are neither “experimental” nor “gene therapy”. Their effectiveness and safety was demonstrated during clinical trials before being released to the public. Gene therapy involves the modification of a person’s genes to treat disease. COVID-19 vaccines cannot modify DNA, as previously explained by Health Feedback, thus disqualifying them as “gene therapy”.

PCR tests detect infection, but not necessarily contagiousness; most positive tests are true positives
The article brought up inaccurate and misleading claims dating back last year to at least November 2020, specifically that the COVID-19 PCR test is overly sensitive and inflates the number of COVID-19 cases. These claims were reviewed by Health Feedback and found to be inaccurate (see here and here).

As explained in our previous reviews, the claim is based on a misinterpretation of scientists’ statements, including that of the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci. The scientists discussed concerns about the issue of positive PCR tests with high Ct values, namely that many people with such results may no longer be infectious.

This issue calls into question whether PCR tests are a practical way of informing a person infected with COVID-19 of what steps they should take after their diagnosis, specifically whether they should self-isolate. This consideration is also relevant to helping public health authorities determine whether contact tracing for that individual is needed.

However, some wrongly took these concerns to mean that PCR tests produce many false-positive results. Whether one has a high or low Ct determines whether contact tracing and self-isolation measures would be useful. This is because high viral load (low Ct value) likely indicates that a person is infectious, whereas a low viral load (high Ct value) likely indicates that a person is not infectious or has low transmissibility.

However, being infected isn’t the same as being contagious. It is inaccurate to label high Ct positive results as “false positives”. The term “false positive” indicates that a person tested positive but doesn’t have the infection[3]. However, a person is or has been infected if they test positive, regardless of whether the test had a high or low Ct value. This also means that a person with a positive result and high Ct value would correctly be classified as a COVID-19 case.

The sensitivity of the PCR test is not responsible for the high number of COVID-19 cases worldwide, which led to the declaration of a pandemic. Simply put, the detected number of COVID-19 cases are high because there are many infected people. The claim fails to distinguish between the test’s ability to confirm an infection—which is what case numbers measure—with the test’s ability to determine contagiousness.

1 – Thompson et al. (2021) Interim Estimates of Vaccine Effectiveness of BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 COVID-19 Vaccines in Preventing SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Health Care Personnel, First Responders, and Other Essential and Frontline Workers — Eight U.S. Locations, December 2020–March 2021. Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report.
2 – Haas et al. (2021) Impact and effectiveness of mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 infections and COVID-19 cases, hospitalisations, and deaths following a nationwide vaccination campaign in Israel: an observational study using national surveillance data. The Lancet.
3 – Lalkhen et al. (2008) Clinical tests: sensitivity and specificity. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain.
Coronavirus COVID-19 PCR Vaccine

Published on: 27 May 2021 | Editor: Flora Teoh

Wed 7 Jul, 2021 07:20 pm
I believe you are absolutely convinced that what you present here is the God's honest truth and if you can just manage to keep people dancing around addressing the 'facts' you have delivered, everyone will finally see the light.

What is actually happening (I speak only for myself) is that your bitter unrelenting harangue against every scientific institution in the US and abroad tells me you have lost your perspective. You can call them 'experimental vaccines' or call them 'the loony left's war against decency vaccines' it's just too strident and a little too crazy pants to take seriously. (again, I'm speaking only for myself)

Trying to have this discussion about what does or doesn't constitute a deadly pandemic and the validity of credentials of the leading scientists on our continent is like having a discussion about the US and Russia collaborating on a genetic bomb. I actually met a stationary store owner who was helping me order some desk accessories and when I gave him my work Number he recognized it as a DOD facility located at Ft. Meade, Md. (every merchant in AA County and half the state of Maryland recognizes that prefix). He was very pleasant then he said, I know what you are up to over there...I was a little puzzled by his comment and stupidly said "What??". Thats' when he began revealing this plot he firmly believes is underway that is so sophisticated and deadly that it can be unleashed in a large city and will only leave Caucasian people alive...once again I said "What", how would that work, what would it key on and I should have quit before that because all I did was convince him he had outsmarted a 'deep state' agent into confirming that lunatic theory he truly believes is possible.

I have that same feeling when you begin one of these sagas and heap scorn on everyone and everything. It's a lost cause, it's as pointless as if I was trying to convince you of the existence or convince you of the non-existence of a supreme being. I just can't get excited about whatever this power struggle is that you're engaged in. It's always possible that you are on the right track, but perhaps it would be a better tack to not address other members as if they are drooling imbeciles, it puts people off.
Wed 7 Jul, 2021 08:45 pm
The PCR test detects the presence of the virus

Does it, now? Let me know if you believe these quotes concerning the PCR-test are not credible enough for you.

Covid-19 Quotations: Questioning PCR Reliability

“Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection. This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.” — The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention.


“PCR-based testing produces enough false positive results to make positive results highly unreliable over a broad range of real-world scenarios.” — Andrew N. Cohen, Ph.D.1*, Bruce Kessel, M.D.2, Michael G. Milgroom, Ph.D.


“Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms. The performance of this test has not been established for monitoring treatment of 2019-nCoV infection. This test cannot rule out diseases caused by other bacterial or viral pathogens.” — The Centers For Disease Control and Prevention


“…all or a substantial part of these positives could be due to what’s called false positives tests.” — Michael Yeadon: former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer


“…false positive results will occur regularly, despite high specificity, causing unnecessary community isolation and contact tracing, and nosocomial infection if inpatients with false positive tests are cohorted with infectious patients.” — The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases


“…you can find almost anything in anybody…it doesn’t tell you that you’re sick and it doesn’t tell you the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you…” — Dr. Kary Mullis, PhD (Nobel Peace Prize Winner inventor of the PCR test)


“I’m skeptical that a PCR test is ever true. It’s a great scientific research tool. It’s a horrible tool for clinical medicine.” — Dr. David Rasnick, biochemist and protease developer

“…up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus.” — The New York Times


“…detection of viral RNA by qRT-PCR does not necessarily equate to infectiousness, and viral culture from PCR positive upper respiratory tract samples has been rarely positive beyond nine days of illness.” — Muge Cevik, clinical lecturer1 2, Krutika Kuppalli, assistant professor3, Jason Kindrachuk, assistant professor of virology4, Malik Peiris, professor of virology5Francis Drobniewsk – Professor of Global Health and TB, Imperial

“A positive RT-qPCR result may not necessarily mean the person is still infectious or that he or she still has any meaningful disease.” — Michael R Tom, Michael J Mina


“PCR does not distinguish between infectious virus and non-infectious nucleic acid” — Barry Atkinson: National Collection of Pathogenic Viruses (NCPV) Eskild Petersen: infectious disease specialist


Detection of viral RNA does not necessarily mean that a person is infectious and able to transmit the virus to another person” — The World Health Organization

“Caution needs to be applied to the results as it often does not detect infectious virus. PCR results may lead to restrictions for large groups of people who do not present an infection risk.” — The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine


Why COVID-19 Testing Is a Tragic Waste
“The challenge is the false positive rate is very high, so only seven percent of tests will be successful in identifying those that actually have the the virus. So the truth is, we can’t just rely on that…” — Dominic Raab – First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs


“positive results […] do not rule out bacterial infection or co-infection with other viruses. The agent detected may not be the definite.” — FDA


“A positive RT-qPCR result may not necessarily mean the person is still infectious or that he or she still has any meaningful disease.” — Michael R Tom, Michael J Mina


“…no single gold standard assay exists. The current rate of operational false-positive swab tests in the UK is unknown; preliminary estimates show it could be somewhere between 0·8% and 4·0%.” — Dr. Elena Surkova; Vladyslav Nikolayevskyy – Public Health Englamd; Francis Drobniewsk – Professor of Global Health and TB, Imperial College

“…detection of viral RNA by qRT-PCR does not necessarily equate to infectiousness, and viral culture from PCR positive upper respiratory tract samples has been rarely positive beyond nine days of illness.” — Muge Cevik, clinical lecturer1 2, Krutika Kuppalli, assistant professor3, Jason Kindrachuk, assistant professor of virology4, Malik Peiris, professor of virology5Francis Drobniewsk – Professor of Global Health and TB, Imperial College

Now, will you concede that the PCR-test was not only inappropriate for the task--even according to its inventor--but also set too high? I mean, I brought you quotes from the very folks you believe in who state as much . . .
demonstrated that COVID-19 vaccines are effective at preventing severe disease and death.

How does that translate to immunity?
Wed 7 Jul, 2021 08:55 pm
I just can't get excited about whatever this power struggle is that you're engaged in.

Then once again, you should give at least the appearance of not getting excited about what I'm saying; ya know, like not punishing yourself by subjecting yourself to it . . . unless there's something about yourself you're not telling.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Jul, 2021 10:07 pm

Inventer of mRNA tech tries to warn the world and is immediately depersoned, deplatformed, disintegrated, annihilated, disgraced, debased, defaced, and erased. I.E. he tried to stand in the path of history's biggest financial scam-juggernaut:


Same thing happens when anybody tries to say anything about the vaccines on FaceBook, Youtube, or Twitter...

0 Replies
Wed 7 Jul, 2021 10:09 pm
Children telling their doctors that their parents are being zombified by the vaaccines:

0 Replies
Thu 8 Jul, 2021 05:16 am
Well gee, Glenn, anybody van cherry pick select quotes at any given time to reflect a realm of disbelief. You see what you want to see and disregard how devastatingly sick people get. There isn't a cure for Covid-19. It's best to NOT contract it at all.

But you just want to be obstinate and focus on a test doesn't work, therefore screw everything. I'm not buying into your theory and I hope others don't either. It's dangerous and callous. Yes, there's always a chance that the PCR test produces a wrong result - but so do pregnancy tests and cancer screenings. I don't see you hopping on a bandwagon to throw those tests away.
Thu 8 Jul, 2021 07:47 am
0 Replies
Thu 8 Jul, 2021 08:18 am
Well gee, Glenn, anybody van cherry pick select quotes at any given time to reflect a realm of disbelief.

DUDE! You're having a bad reaction to finding out that your authority figures have condemned the PCR-test; specifically its use as a diagnostic tool. Even the inventor has stated as much. And when you're shown exactly that, you decide that those quotes were cherrypicked.

If you are so sure that all of those quotes were cherrypicked, that must mean that you are aware of, and about to post, what all of those authority figures really had to say about the use of the PCR-test set at a 40 cycle threshold.

This would be the time to do that.
0 Replies
Thu 8 Jul, 2021 08:25 am
The PCR test is not only worthless, it's dangerous.
Region Philbis
Thu 8 Jul, 2021 08:34 am

you have perfectly described post #7142193
Thu 8 Jul, 2021 08:42 am
@Region Philbis,
Oh I don't know about that. Let's test your knowledge of what you're defending.

Does the PCR-test identify the virus? Does the PCR-test determine the condition of the virus?
Walter Hinteler
Thu 8 Jul, 2021 09:51 am
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - just try to get what it means, or look it up.

Like with any other virus infection, the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 is shown with antibody testing, seroepidemiologically.

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