glenn has been trying since day one to disabuse the use of HCQ as "sound science". Like many other "meds" in the past, several had severe negative effects. (Use of Hg in treating venereal diseases). Only through careful research was the methodology able to attain a medical doxy. If we all recall (maintaining a non political objective view), the original research was compiled in several EU labs at doses almost 10X at what present HCQ is being researched. Its being used as a palliative , not a cure and the mineral Zn has only been reported in widespread med research since mid JULY.
The original HCQ dosage was determined based on what past malarial doses were made at (and were increased by 5). The discovery that the cardiac dysrhythmia (ventrical not atrial) IS AN OFTEN FATAL OUTCOME. SO, in listening to what the Hippocratic oath says, and I paraphrase, "First off lets not make it any worse than it is...",
The research was held ( APPARENTLY NOT TERMINATED) because there were questionble relationships of positivity that pointed to possible beneficial use of the drug as a derivative of quinones (in combination with several associated drugs and vitamins and minerals).
LOW dose HCQ is a med of interest, High dose is a poison we know that now. (Remember what the mother of forensic medicine said"DOSAGE DETERMINES THE POISON" (on th table we call salt a flavor enhancer , in the lab we call it NaCl and is clerly deadly at high dosage).
Id been a anti HCQer since all the data pointed to the dysrhythmia "feture" it gave patients. After that brouhahaha, (In hich politics on both sides were to blme), objective resaerh found it as good as remedesevier, and with Zn to actually cap the endosomes, HCQ hs finally answered the question that was originally never addressed properly in that
"Why arent the quinine derivatives effective on the novel coronavirus as with othr coronavirii.??"
Engineer is correct though, none of the research has, as of yet been done in prescribed scientifically controlled environments on a large population and controlled variables.
WE DO KNOW ONE THING THOUGH, as cases are now rising in severl areas of the world, lethality seems to be dropping among adults,(dont know bout kiddies) is thisa mutation?, is the lethal form already killed itself out by eliminating itself statistically, is the antigen dosage controlled by our precautions, or is it something else??.