
Thu 20 Aug, 2020 11:23 am
Interesting he?! There is no covid-19 , but they want to 'sell' us a vaccine.
Hmmmmmm what is then in the vaccine, eh?

And very interesting that the manufacturers are protected from liability.

Hmmmm, let's see the father of the psychopath Kill Gates was into eugenetics.
Ok, well, hmm, Kill Gates want to vaccin us all and he is into eugenetics.

Hmmmmm, and Kill Gates has been on the island of Epstein. Hmm
Where they tortured very young children. Hmmm, Doesn't sound this
psychopath is interested in the health of other people. Hmmmm.

One of the plans is to cull the population. Hmmm would there be a connection?

Woll the vaccin be used for global genocide?

Hmm, ah well, yes indeed.
Thu 20 Aug, 2020 11:25 am
@Region Philbis,
nytimes???? whoa!!! Directed by the c.i.a .


try to spell the word with me now: P R O P A G A N D A .

Very very good!
0 Replies
Thu 20 Aug, 2020 11:28 am
you reeeeeaaalllyyy need to seek competent mental help. you are fucked in the head . Ill bet that the gibberish you've entered here actually makes sense to you. Thats a sign of youre condition.
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Thu 20 Aug, 2020 12:27 pm
Thu 20 Aug, 2020 03:37 pm
when did Boris actually reccomend about social distancing and masking?
I think "social distancing" was requested when Boris realized that Trump fucked up big time and US infection numbers were getting out of hqnd. SOO Boris was trying to not make the same mess but didnt mak it appear he was making "martial law".
I dont think UK actully reccomended masking until late but making was practiced by majority of people a wa social distancing and then the running avg bgan to fll.
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Walter Hinteler
Fri 21 Aug, 2020 03:55 am
Severe courses in Covid-19 are fortunately comparatively rare, but of those corona patients who were hospitalised, one in five had to be treated in the intensive care unit. If artificial respiration became necessary, on average only two out of three people survived. This is the result of an evaluation of the Helios clinics with more than 1900 patients from Germany.

For the study, doctors collected information from all corona patients who were treated at a Helios clinic between 12 February and 12 June. (The group has more than 80 hospitals throughout Germany.) Nearly 80 percent of the patients had been discharged from the clinic by the time of the evaluation. 16.6 percent died, 3.6 percent were still undergoing inpatient treatment.

These figures are thus comparable with other EU countries.

"An important finding from the Covid-19 Registry is that the course of disease in Covid-19 patients admitted to our hospitals is no less critical than in countries such as Italy, France, the UK and Belgium, where, compared to the number of inhabitants, many more Covid-19 cases and Covid-19-related deaths occurred than in Germany," says Julius Dengler, Chief Physician of the Department of Neurosurgery at the Helios Klinikum Bad Saarow.

In other words, although comparatively few people in Germany were infected with sars-CoV-2 during the first wave, the researchers found that if someone became so seriously ill that they had to be treated in intensive care, their chances of survival were similar to those in more severely affected neighbouring countries. In Lombardy, for example, a study showed that around 26 percent of Covid-19 patients who were admitted to intensive care died. In the study of the German Helios hospitals, the figure was 29 percent. The results show how important it is to keep infection rates low.

[With translated material from the press release.]

Clinical course and factors associated with outcomes among 1904 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in Germany: an observational study
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Fri 21 Aug, 2020 04:17 am
the REAL reason for the covid-19 hoax!

Big Bro: Michigan College To Track Students At All Times

A Michigan college is requiring students to download a phone application that tracks their location and private health data at all times in an attempt to protect them from the coronavirus.

Albion College, located in Albion, Mich., is one of the first schools in the country to tackle contact tracing. The school is working to create a “COVID-bubble” on campus, and asking students stay within the school’s 4.5-mile perimeter for the entire semester; if a student leaves campus, the app will notify the administration, and the student could be temporarily suspended.


very very creepy to say the least!

Orwell will turn around in his grave!!
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Fri 21 Aug, 2020 04:28 am
Dr. Thierry Schmitz: Ready to be swiped?

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Bill Gates has been funding research for a vaccine to counter the
coronavirus. But this American, founder and former CEO of Microsoft, long the richest man in the
world, is a troubled character:
• Oddly enough, he has been planning a pandemic for 5 years.
• It alone contributes nearly 7% of the total budget of the World Health Organization (WHO).
• The WHO has not been quick enough to warn of the dangerousness of the coronavirus. Worse, it
accelerated the pandemic, denouncing countries that wanted to close their borders to China.
Strange when one knows the close relations between Bill Gates and Tedros Adhanom Gebreyesus,
director general of the WHO and former minister of health in Ethiopia, as evidenced by a project of
the famous University of Yale.
Bill Gates is funding 7 vaccines to defeat coronavirus! It has invested $250 million, and draws a
portion from its $2.5 billion fund!

Why such an exuberant philanthropy?

Ready to be wiped like dogs?

It may be that this vaccine will be accompanied by a vaccine puffing device.
Yes, PUFFING, like dogs!
The project is the most official collaboration of the Bill Gates Foundation and MIT.
Finally…. Bill Gates doesn’t call it that. It is a «nano-tattoo», proof of your vaccination, which will be
essential for obtaining a passport, which will describe you in every way, up to the smallest detail of the
Nearly 3,000 refugees in Thailand, would have at least “benefited” from this scheme.
It goes without saying that if France adopts these systems, you could become compulsory – and if you
are given the choice, you risk becoming a real pariah if you do not accept that the government knows
at all times what you are doing.

Denmark has made vaccines mandatory

Another strange fact, that of the vote of Denmark to force vaccinate its citizens, while there was not
yet a shadow of a vaccine, on March 13, the day of the vote.It was only a matter of time before the
police acquired the right to go home on suspicion of Covid19.

You find this information that looks crazy in the Local, an online news site.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is very close to Denmark.
In partnership with the University of Copenhagen, the University of Southern Denmark and the
Maternity Foundation, the Gates Foundation funds a very special digital application.
Its mission is to guide the mothers of poor countries, to provide them with useful gestures… but also
lists of drugs to buy, and instructions consistent with WHO recommendations.
What kind of vaccine would they recommend, if not Mr Gates?
Vaccinate to control the population

The introduction of a chip into the human body gives a disproportionate power to the person who
installs it, in terms of monitoring and even chemical modification of the body. If this technology were
to be coupled with that of cell-sized nanorobots, such as those manufactured by MIT, Mr Gates’
institutional partner, the possibilities of harm would be endless.
As such, it is important to know that the first nanorobot was built already ten years ago, and the grail
that nanoscience researchers want to achieve is the self-replicating nanorobot, which would ultimately
act as a virus.
But as Lord Acton says, power drives you crazy, and absolute power drives you absolutely crazy.
These are the tattoos from the concentration camps. Emmanuel Macron told us in his speech that he
was waiting for a vaccine, would it be that of Bill Gates?
Bill Gates to conquer France?
This would clearly not be Bill Gates’ first collaboration with the Institut Pasteur, because there are at
least three previous ones.
In any case, the dangerous accumulation of power in his hands, and the inability of the French to
protest in the public space because of the confinement, gives him the opportunity to do so without any

There’s nothing funny about this petition
Maybe you think this is all science fiction. And honestly, I’d rather it be.
The Americans take this very seriously. They have tabled a petition in the American Parliament
calling for an investigation into Bill Gates.The required number of petitioners has been reached.
This petition is suspicious that the coronavirus occurred unexpectedly in China following the World
Military Games in October, and… at a simulation organized in New York by the Mr Gates
Foundation, concerning a coronavirus, Event 201.
The newspaper Le Monde, which tries to deny the link between Bill Gates and the onset of the
coronavirus, finds no other answer than:
• The intentions of the foundation are good,
• The simulation took as an example a farm in Brazil,
• Simulation results do not match reality!

The petition also points to the fact that since the Coronavirus epidemic began, more data has never
been collected without the knowledge of citizens. She points to the fact that Bill Gates, the WHO and
UNICEF have been accused “credibly” of trying to sterilize Kenyan children, which has been reported
by independent media.
Especially as Bill Gates had said some time before, that it was possible to reduce the growth of the
African population from 10 to 15% «by lengthening the lifespan».
Finally, it is written in black and white: a partnership between Microsoft, the United Nations and other
powerful actors, called ID2020, has the «altruistic» goal of giving an indelible identity
1.1 billion people “who need it most”. You can guess that it will be quickly indispensable for
everyone… And one wonders why the term pandemic, which corresponds to a mortality of 12% of
the patients, was attributed by the WHO to the coronavirus that kills less than 3% of the people
affected, triggering the planetary confinement of one in two individuals. Believe me, I would
rather it be an April fool. Please prove it to me!

All this is frightening

That is why I ask you, please, to share this email as much as possible.Discuss it around you.
The worst thing would be for us to be caught off guard.
Dr. Thierry Schmitz
1. https://www.mercurynews.com/2020/03/25/coronavirus-bill-gates-predicted-pandemic-in-2015/
2. https://www.ouest-france.fr/sante/virus/coronavirus/sante-le-budget-de-l-oms-celui-d-un-grand-
3. https://www.institutmontaigne.org/blog/loms-la-pandemie-et-linfluence-chinoise-un-premier-bilan
4. https://web.archive.org/web/20140307082238/http://publichealth.yale.edu/news/archive/2011/1082
5. https://www.businessinsider.fr/us/bill-gates-factories-7-different-vaccines-to-fight-coronavirus-
6. https://www.lesechos.fr/monde/enjeux-internationaux/coronavirus-la-fondation-gates-accroit-son-
7. https://www.presse-citron.net/a-quoi-sert-ce-tatouage-invisible-developpe-par-le-mit/
8. https://www.biometricupdate.com/201909/id2020-and-partners-launch-program-to-provide-digital-
9. https://www.biometricupdate.com/201906/nec-and-simprints-join-forces-with-gavi-to-extend-

10. https://www.thelocal.dk/20200313/denmark-passes-far-reaching-emergency-coronavirus-law
11. https://www.maternity.dk/proudly-announcing-support-from-two-world-leaders-within-the-
12. http://news.mit.edu/2018/cell-sized-robots-sense-their-environment-0723
13. http://www.piecesetmaindoeuvre.com/spip.php?page=resume&id_article=254
14. http://www.piecesetmaindoeuvre.com/spip.php?article22
15. https://www.pasteur.fr/fr/lutte-contre-virus-hepatite-c-vih-fondation-gates-soutient-consortium-
16. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/we-call-investigations-bill-melinda-gates-foundation-
17. https://www.lemonde.fr/les-decodeurs/article/2020/02/06/coronavirus-la-fondation-gates-a-t-elle-
18. https://www.globalresearch.ca/mass-sterilization-kenyan-doctors-find-anti-fertility-agent-un-
19. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bill-gates-vaccinations-depopulation/
20. https://id2020.org/projects
21. https://fr.statista.com/themes/6050/le-coronavirus-covid-19/

Fri 21 Aug, 2020 06:12 am
Where's the study/studies that were done on covid patients who were given the hydroxychloroquine cocktail early? By that I mean the patients not hospitalized?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Fri 21 Aug, 2020 06:15 am
If you inscribe for Dr. Schmitz' newsletter, you'll get "Des cadeaux d’une VALEUR TOTALE DE 253€" - Gifts with a TOTAL VALUE OF 253€ ($ 299).

You like those gifts, Palandre?
Fri 21 Aug, 2020 06:36 am
More questions for Fauci:

Fauci, please explain how a randomized clinical trial, to which you repeatedly make reference, for testing the HCQ cocktail (hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc) administered within five to seven days of the onset of symptoms is even possible now given the declining case numbers in so many states?

For example, if the NIH were now to direct a study to begin September 15, where would such a study be done?

Please explain how a randomized study on the early treatment (within the first five to seven days of symptoms) of high-risk, symptomatic COVID-19 infections could be done during the influenza season and be valid?

Please explain how multiple observational studies arrive at the same outcomes using the same formulation of hydroxychloroquine + azithromycin + zinc given in the same time frame for the same study population (high risk patients) is not evidence that the cocktail works?

In fact, how is it not significant evidence, during a pandemic, for hundreds of non-academic private practice physicians to achieve the same outcomes with the early use of the HCQ cocktail?

What is your recommendation for the medical management of a 75-year-old diabetic with fever, cough, and loss of smell, but not yet hypoxic, who Emergency Room providers do not feel warrants admission? We know that hundreds of US physicians (and thousands more around the world) would manage this case with the HCQ cocktail with predictable success.

If you were in charge in 1940, would you have advised the mass production of penicillin based primarily on lab evidence and one case series on five patients in England, or would you have stated that a randomized clinical trial was needed?

Why would any physician put their medical license, professional reputation, and job on the line to recommend the HCQ cocktail — that does not make them any money — unless they knew the treatment could significantly help their patient?

Why would a physician take the medication themselves and prescribe it to family members (for treatment or prophylaxis) unless they felt strongly that the medication was beneficial?

How is it informed and ethical medical practice to allow a COVID-19 patient to deteriorate in the early stages of the infection when there is inexpensive, safe, and dramatically effective treatment with the HCQ cocktail, which the science indicates interferes with coronavirus replication?

How is your approach to “wait and see” in the early stages of COVID-19 infection, especially in high-risk patients, following the science?
Fri 21 Aug, 2020 07:18 am
@Walter Hinteler,
so what? makes it less true what he writes?

Or do you want him to be wrong?
Fri 21 Aug, 2020 07:33 am
The truth will come out!

Nurse Speaks Out, Empty Beds, and no Coronovirus Cases in Devon Hospitals

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Fri 21 Aug, 2020 07:35 am
If you appear to be unwell then see a doctor.
Fri 21 Aug, 2020 07:42 am
only an alternative doctor, of course.
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Region Philbis
Fri 21 Aug, 2020 08:54 am

seems like a good spot for this...

The map shows some well known old enemies that are currently resurging in some parts of the world,
such as cholera, measles, typhoid fever, Ebola, and diphtheria, and a number of newly emerging, often
lesser-known, threats like Akhmeta virus, Hendra virus, Bourbon virus, and a range of new influenza strains...

Fri 21 Aug, 2020 08:59 am
I love how our so call president an others on the internet are playing medical experts

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