appears that (although the main %ages of those actually helped by the "cocktail "is related to non critical cases, the results of ading Zn Tartrate or Sulfate may actually help along with the "mycins"
It appears that, from what Ive seen in the Hopkins reports, ZINC appears to do the heavy lifting and outcomes were as encouraging when cases were treated early. We do know that zinc lozengges and /or liquid drenches can ubstantially reduce the seof rhinovirus (which is another coronal subtype)
InterestingIm going to follow, the Zn. If theres something to this, objective science will determine, not politics. Chloroquines still have questionable effect in the disease. It appars that , targeting and timing have exposed some successes in reducing fever term and the biochem of Zn, needs to be better understood, although it appears their may be significant benefit. 12% remdesiver, 25% using harvested antibodies. Im ure th HCQ tudies, now with zinc compounds may prove something as a symptom palliative. Idbe glad to be wrong if all this stuff works.
Thats how research works, something is a fact until something better comes along. SCience is self correcting. Ive read some of the stuff by Dr J Robb who apprently was the first one inclined to add Zn to remdesever as well as HCQ, (in US he will need support if HCQ is proposed to be used in the mix. He is from US (I think he.s associated with Stanford Medical)