
NSFW (view)
Mon 27 Apr, 2020 11:57 am
I'll admit tsar, my mind is really in the gutter. Before reading the defintion, I immediately thought glory hole.
Mon 27 Apr, 2020 09:19 pm
Love your mind.
0 Replies
Wed 29 Apr, 2020 06:16 am
Turns out the US is seeing an elevation in deaths from other causes coincident with the virus.

An analysis of federal data conducted by a team headed by the Yale School of Public Health found that the U.S. recorded 15,400 excess deaths between March 1 through April 4, almost twice the number attributed to the coronavirus. In that time period, 8,128 coronavirus fatalities were reported.

Excess deaths measure the difference between the number of deaths expected to occur without the pandemic and the number of actual deaths recorded by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). The center released data for the five weeks on Friday.

The excess deaths do not automatically mean the fatalities were a result of the coronavirus, although some could have died because of the pandemic if they were hesitant to go to the hospital, the Post reported.

While nation-wide I might attribute that to noise in the death rate, looking at places where the virus was at its worse really makes it look like a side effect of the virus or unattributed cases.
New York City, which has been hit hard by the virus, recorded 6,300 excess deaths in the five-week period, while the city publicly reported 2,543 coronavirus deaths. Its neighbor New Jersey found there to be at least 2,100 excess deaths, while reporting 846 COVID-19 deaths.
Walter Hinteler
Wed 29 Apr, 2020 06:30 am
According to the NYT, U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Is Far Higher Than Reported, C.D.C. Data Suggests. (Actually something, what is known in Europe as well.)

Total deaths in seven states that have been hard hit by the coronavirus pandemic are nearly 50 percent higher than normal for the five weeks from March 8 through April 11, according to new death statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That is 9,000 more deaths than were reported as of April 11 in official counts of deaths from the coronavirus.

The new data is partial and most likely undercounts the recent death toll significantly. But it still illustrates how the coronavirus is causing a surge in deaths in the places it has struck, probably killing more people than the reported statistics capture. These increases belie arguments that the virus is only killing people who would have died anyway from other causes. Instead, the virus has brought a pattern of deaths unlike anything seen in recent years.
It’s difficult to know whether the differences between excess deaths and the official counts of coronavirus deaths reflect an undercounting of coronavirus deaths or a surge in deaths from other causes. It’s probably a mix of both.

There is evidence, in New York and other places, that the official coronavirus counts are probably too low. Tests for the illness can be hard to get, and not all who die now are being tested, particularly if they die outside a hospital. New York City recently revised its own statistics for the number of coronavirus-related fatalities, saying thousands of additional deaths were probably because of Covid-19, even though no tests had been conducted.
Measures of total deaths are also commonly used in countries without detailed accounting of causes of death. Right now, they are the most useful tool, several epidemiologists said, for measuring the impact of coronavirus in the United States, too.

“It gives you an overall sense of how big things are,” said Samuel Clark, a professor of sociology at Ohio State University, whose work is in demography and epidemiology. “For now, you can basically attribute the excess mortality to Covid-19. But you also grab all the things that are not Covid at all, but are probably created by the situation.”

Around the world, the coronavirus is bringing large waves of mortality. In Spain, deaths over the last month are 66 percent higher than normal, according to New York Times reporting. In Ecuador, they are more than 80 percent higher than normal. In Paris, more than twice as many people are dying every day as normal — far more than during a typical bad flu season.

Eventually, we will get more clarity about all of the reasons that people died this year. While no mortality statistics are ever perfect, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention uses detailed death certificates to code the causes of death for everyone who dies each year in the United States. But that process typically takes more than a year to complete.

For now, total deaths are our best glimpse into the ways the coronavirus is affecting the normal patterns of survival.

Walter Hinteler
Wed 29 Apr, 2020 10:10 am
@Walter Hinteler,
In the corona crisis, the demand for unproven and possibly even dangerous drugs increases as soon as they are recommended by prominent people. This is the result of a study published in the journal "JAMA Internal Medicine". According to the study, the number of Google searches for two antimalarial drugs in the USA increased significantly in March after Tesla boss Elon Musk and then US President Donald Trump had advertised them as potentially effective drugs against the novel coronavirus.

Internet Searches for Unproven COVID-19 Therapies in the United States
Wed 29 Apr, 2020 10:16 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Worse, I saw that pharmacies started running out of the anti-malaria drug as doctors started issuing lots of prescriptions for them and hording the medicine.
0 Replies
Wed 29 Apr, 2020 10:07 pm
I wonder what Bill will have to say now. According to Worldometers-dot-info, the virus death toll in the United States has now gone well over 61,000.
Wed 29 Apr, 2020 11:33 pm

So it is now roughly the same as the last flu season?
Wed 29 Apr, 2020 11:51 pm
No, not the last flu season. You've been playing fast and loose with epidemiological truth here. According to the Centers for Disease Control, there were 34,200 deaths from influenza in the 2018-2019 season.. In the 2015-2016 season, the CDC reports 23,000 deaths. The number varies considerably from year to year over the last decade. You claim to be an engineer. You do sh*t sloppy work.

I don't expect that you'll admit that you're wrong. I've never seen you do that.
Wed 29 Apr, 2020 11:52 pm
Not what I saw when I check the CDC numbers an link to them many posts ago.

The 2019 to 2020 flu season.


CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through April 4, 2020, there have been:
39,000,000 – 56,000,000
flu illnesses
person coughing icon
18,000,000 – 26,000,000
flu medical visits
doctor patient icon
410,000 – 740,000
flu hospitalizations
hospital room icon
24,000 – 62,000
flu deaths
flu virus icon
NOTE: The week of April 4 was the last week in-season influenza burden estimates will be provided for the 2019-2020 season.
Wed 29 Apr, 2020 11:53 pm
Bill, you seem to haave a penchant to argue facts even after theyre in. I recall it was YOU that said
" HURRICANE SANDY is only a cat 1" , even after the NOAA data shows conclusively that it was the deadliest, most expensive . storm to hit Mid Atlantic states and New England in modern time and it was ONLY A CAT 1.
Weve already nearly doubled average seasonal flu numbers and Its only 3 months in. and the second wave with this thing maybe mutating over summers hot weather, will , at a minimum DOUBLE this death rate so thatll be over 4 to 5 times more deaths in less than a year.

If it mutates to a disease that can stir up cytokine floods in the sick, that will target a whole nother group of victims, the VERY YOUNG. You have grandchildren?, me too.
Thu 30 Apr, 2020 12:04 am
farmerman wrote:

Bill, you seem to haave a penchant to argue facts even after theyre in. I recall it was YOU that said
" HURRICANE SANDY is only a cat 1" , even after the NOAA data shows conclusively that it was the deadliest, most expensive . storm to hit Mid Atlantic states and New England in modern time and it was ONLY A CAT 1.
Weve already nearly doubled average seasonal flu numbers and Its only 3 months in. and the second wave with this thing maybe mutating over summers hot weather, will , at a minimum DOUBLE this death rate so thatll be over 4 to 5 times more deaths in less than a year.

If it mutates to a disease that can stir up cytokine floods in the sick, that will target a whole nother group of victims, the VERY YOUNG. You have grandchildren?, me too.

I been in a number of cat ones and one cat five who eye roll directly over me. they are not the same repeat they are not the same.
0 Replies
Thu 30 Apr, 2020 12:07 am
BillRM wrote:

Not what I saw when I check the CDC numbers an link to them many posts ago.

The 2019 to 2020 flu season.


CDC estimates* that, from October 1, 2019, through April 4, 2020, there have been:
39,000,000 – 56,000,000
flu illnesses
person coughing icon
18,000,000 – 26,000,000
flu medical visits
doctor patient icon
410,000 – 740,000
flu hospitalizations
hospital room icon
24,000 – 62,000
flu deaths
flu virus icon
NOTE: The week of April 4 was the last week in-season influenza burden estimates will be provided for the 2019-2020 season.

Once more this virus is similar to a bad flu season.
Thu 30 Apr, 2020 12:52 am
now its just a bad flu season, when y gonn just recognie that its a fast hitting virulnt KILLER . It killing old folks in care facilities at an alarming rate an most death numbers are UNDERCOUNTED
Do we have people being buried in MASS GRAVES or in numbers ovrwhelming the coroners of big cities during a 'bad flu season"
I dont recall one.
AND , youre arguing something that is just getting wound up, this "thing"doesnt look like its gonna have just a "flu season" Its liable to be with us for years until we develop a vaccine and some palliative treatments of sub- lethal and lethal symptoms . REMEMBER, when this thing hits an area (espite the popuation), unless the folks ACTIVELY keep separated from ach other, THE RATE OF INFECTION HAS BEEN GEOMETRICALLY RISING. Flu has not done that, e just live ith it and tough it out because its
1). not narly as infective and

2) Its not nearly as deadly o virulent (Does seasonal flu caus hart problems , ye problems, or paralysis ?? and thats just for the ones who survive)
Maybe we will get , by way of the research going into this one . a new way to make better FLU VACCINES or this thing mutates into a less virulent form like the Spanish "Flu" did.

Spanish flu didnt so much mutate by mere "Drift", It mutated by natural selection,(Spanish Flu killed off more than 60% of its younger victims) so the less virulent forms, those that did NOT stir a cytokine storm in those with aged immune systems merely were left to mutate an show up in related forms over the years .
WE NEVER DEVELOPED A VACCINE FOR THE SPANISH FLU . We developed herd immunity by killing off almost 60 MILLION youngsters and middle aged people only AFTER the Spanish flu CAME BACK on its second wave that began in the Fall of 1918.
If youre denying this things viulence, dont make your grandkids the next possible victims because you dont believe that this is some serious ****.

I went around to the AMISH around here and we had a "neighborhood memo from your "English Friends an neighbors"

"You often see us driving to the store with a surgical mask (or homemade mask) or you see us in town wearing masks. Thats to protect YOU from getting covid-19 from me. Wont you plase also war a mask when we are near you so you can help protect ME??"

THe Amish , in my Township and narby townships in Lancaster an Chester County are the second most affected group (After nursing home guests). WHY??? because

1). they dont practice any of the suggested covid responses to help drive down infection.

2, They still have their "Close quarters" fellowship laden, bi-weekly church services at each others homes where all the members of a 200 +/- family "parish" gather at a different members home every other week. They meet, woship, at a meal and visit at close quarters, to celebrate their bi eekly Sabbath.

3). They also infect ach other, because 1 person exposed among 400+ will have the ability to infect a large number who, in turn will infect others or thir family tc.
Consequently, Amish are a target demograhic for upcoming covid infection because the PA Amish bishoprics have decided this as just another seasonal flu problem that can be solved by rural life.
Yet noone wears masks or practices separation distancing in hurch services. They are just as naiive as are the covi eniers.

We have an interesting epidemiological experiment going on in Georgia right now (unless Georgians dont listen to their governor and stay isolated by their choice) . The Gov has decided to re open businessses considered necessary (like tattoo parlors and only giant
grocers). We will see in a bout weeks from this past Monay, whther any bump in testing indicates he fucked up. Its an experiment and data is what data is.

Letts see what happens .
Thu 30 Apr, 2020 02:12 am
The flu killed old people an far far worst young people also where Coronavirus is less likely to kill or even harm younger people then the flu is.
Thu 30 Apr, 2020 05:41 am
When you bandied about you 61,000 figure, the scope of the 2019-2020 influenza season could not be assessed because the "season" had not ended. Even so, the CDC is just guessing that it will be 24,000 to 62,000. The covid-19 pandemic has already killed far more people than that, and it has only been underway for less than half of what the CDC considers an influenza season. Your low-end number there is 24,000. Does that no sink in with you?
0 Replies
Thu 30 Apr, 2020 05:49 am
BillRM wrote:

oralloy wrote:

BillRM wrote:
LOL how dare you risk going out at least in flu season ever again.

If we ever face a flu strain that is predicted to kill half a million people in the US in a single season, I'll make a point of staying inside for that too.

LOL so up to a 100,000 flu deaths on average a year is not a worry but a prediction of 500,000 US deaths when China deaths from Coronvirus is less then a hundreds of that number is a worry to you??????


It's even more absurd that I recall. "Up to a [sic] 100,000 flu deaths on average a year . . ."? Oh my Dog, you must have been smoking some strong **** that day. That was March 14th, we are now a month and a half further on. Do you still allege an average of 100,000 influenza deaths a year?

You can't give it up, can you--you can't admit that you're wrong.
Thu 30 Apr, 2020 06:17 am
Setanta wrote:

BillRM wrote:

oralloy wrote:

BillRM wrote:
LOL how dare you risk going out at least in flu season ever again.

If we ever face a flu strain that is predicted to kill half a million people in the US in a single season, I'll make a point of staying inside for that too.

LOL so up to a 100,000 flu deaths on average a year is not a worry but a prediction of 500,000 US deaths when China deaths from Coronvirus is less then a hundreds of that number is a worry to you??????


It's even more absurd that I recall. "Up to a [sic] 100,000 flu deaths on average a year . . ."? Oh my Dog, you must have been smoking some strong **** that day. That was March 14th, we are now a month and a half further on. Do you still allege an average of 100,000 influenza deaths a year?

You can't give it up, can you--you can't admit that you're wrong.

Hell the flu had killed millions repeat millions in one flu season an there is no reason to think that such a monster could not re-visit us in the future.

Just because we are use to the flu does not mean that it is not a mass killer an have proven itself able to kill on a nightmare large large scale if conditions are rights or wrong.
0 Replies
Thu 30 Apr, 2020 06:20 am
Given all the steps we've taken to control the virus's spread, doesn't it amaze you that in a month and a half we have exceeded the deaths from the worst flu seasons? Imagine what it would be like without all the precautions (or just look at NYC where you can see it.) The average death rate in NYC is around 200/day. They've been seeing 4-5x that number. NYC got it quickly because of the tight living conditions, but it's a good preview of what the rest of the country could see just at a slower pace without slowing the spread.

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