Late again.....
I'm still giggling at the thought of the pairing of Shane Bloody Warne and Dlowan - one of the stupidest men on the planet, sleazy, amoral, undisciplined, thoughtless, self-obsessed - and our dlowan - erudite, intelligent, and the exact opposite. Well - they say that opposites attract!

He does have some manual dexterity, though - perhaps you could harness that for something useful?
Moony - I was wondering about you yesterday - in all that rain. Wow! Do you really have electricity and made roads in your area? Not what I expected.
In Sydney, we've had a shitload of rain - but still nothing in the catchment area - so level 3 water restrictions now! I'm looking for a friend to shower with!
Prince G - you should have a look at Michael Clarke!
And a tie in the one-day cricket final! Sheeesh! The Poms have never done so well! Mind you - I managed to sleep through it - not as riveting as it might have been!