Watch yourself, wobbly ears!
Dlowan, is Shane an ex?
littlek wrote:Dlowan, is Shane an ex?
Now that is going to provoke Dlowan!!
pragmatic wrote:shane warne wouldn't be one to entice me to anything I have to say, given the amount of horrible news about him lately - two words, SEX SCANDAL. Its been a wonder his wife has been able to put up with it - and its NO wonder they are now divorced.
almost as bad as bill clinton, I think.

... but I suspect Bill might have had a little more grey matter than "Warnie" when it came to "other" aspects of his life, prag! :wink:
littlek wrote:Hmmmm.....
Dlowan, is Shane an ex?

What a pair that would be, k! A diabolical mis-match if ever I saw one!
Yep, he is, k!
Shane (or "Warnie", as he is known here by his adoring fans) is a great cricketer, but has this incredible Philandering history. He has left a trail of stories in any country he's played cricket in. The English tabloids just love his exploits! The latest expose often makes their front pages. Outrageous, he is!
littlek wrote:Hmmmm.....
Dlowan, is Shane an ex?
Dear goddess, even at my drunkest they still have to be able to quote Shakespeare and cobble together some decent witticisms!
That rules me out I guess.....
er .. which "gorgeous" might you be referring to, G? Lots of us here!
its not so much morning than late afternoon early evening here, prince.
dlowan wrote:littlek wrote:Hmmmm.....
Dlowan, is Shane an ex?
Dear goddess, even at my drunkest they still have to be able to quote Shakespeare and cobble together some decent witticisms!
wot? like "show us a pound of flesh... baby"?
(i think that's from
The Virgin of Menace)
And no, it isn't.
Well, it mote be, were it not but traducing travesty, oh moonwit....
Is that full moonwit, quarter moonwit or.....?
New moonwit in the old moonwit's arms???
Is that your street, Goodfielder?