The Ocean Road is FABULOUS!!!!! I have driven to Melbs countless times - and to Sinney also many times.
Now - no trip this time for me, though, sadly.
I think I will be at work the first weekend after I "finish" - (and a lot of this coming weekend, too) - there is not even a beginning of an end in sight for all I have to do to finish up my paper stuff.....sigh.
Then - on the 9th - H goes in for her surgery - the weekend after that is a big joint birthday celebration thingy with friends.
Turning on email updates again , hope it works.
Deb, what's with this double mastectomy bit? - seems extreme. My mum had a partial a few weeks back and is presently running the chemo gauntlet. Not fair and infuriating that a breast which fed her nine kids might kill her. When I was a kid a mate said "Geez your mum's got great tits" - I was shocked but he was right - she was 35. Since I found out about the cancer his words have reverberated in my head.
Hope your friend gets the best possible result and is spared the chemo.
Pity to miss the trip east. Maybe you'll get across to see the Crows in late September.
I hate football....
Gozmo - my friend has now had separate cancers in both breasts - and is busily brewing another one (if it hasn't already happened) as we speak.
Her breasts are so likely to keep growing cancers that the risk is simply dumb to take.
Though she doesn't have the known gene, she has a hereditary factor, has multi-cystic breasts, and very dense breast tissue. These all appear to be risk factors - but sometimes **** just happens.
It is not that unusual - my GP once told me to consider it (about 15 years ago) because my mother died so young of the disease. Fortunately, the specialist strongly disagreed.
Good luck for your mum - thchemo for breast cancer can be horrible.
Our poor Msolga is in her fifth week of an 'orrible virus, and needs hugs!
I bought my departure gift for my team yesterday.
Decided to give up on a lasting gift - and go for heaps of goodies.
Special coffees and teas - mixed Lindt chocolate - biscuits - fantastic chocolate ginger - all kinds of evil stuff.
dlowan wrote:I bought my departure gift for my team yesterday.
Decided to give up on a lasting gift - and go for heaps of goodies.
Special coffees and teas - mixed Lindt chocolate - biscuits - fantastic chocolate ginger - all kinds of evil stuff.
Nice, Deb.

They're gonna miss you. (You know that.)
I will miss the hell out of them....
So - wothtehell happened to this thread, eh?
I have just - as usual - paid almost my whole pay into such frivolities as water, gas, roof over head etc.
I ask you - is it all worth it? Where's the fun in being a goddamn ant?
I pay mortgage, super, a whole passel of hangers on, such as the electricity company (which has kindly doubled its prices since being privatized - after promising it would make it all much cheaper), the gas company, the water company, the phone company, the council, the strata fee company, the insurance companies, the private health industry - not one of whom EVER thanks me for anything I do for them:
"Dear Ms Lowan,
Thank you once again, from the bottom of our shrivelled hearts, for so promptly paying our exorbitant charges.
Without loyal benefactors such as yourself, we would not have jobs, lives - anything.
Please accept this small token of our esteem and gratitude,
Yours sincerely,
The multiple industries, large and small, that you so generously keep alive."
Such missives NEVER enter my letter box - however, their evil siblings - "Your account is overdue, pay it or die" - do from time to time.
Life - a sexually transmitted terminal disease.
Tell me folks - is dropping out better?
dlowan wrote:So - wothtehell happened to this thread, eh?
I was actually thinking this myself, yesterday, Deb. You must be a mind reader!
Yeah, the bills. <sigh> Just when I manage to save a few $$$$, up pops another one! (& have you noticed how these corporatized (sp?) companies keep changing their names & logos? .... just to confuse you.

) One good thing about living with another person is that you get to share the joys of bill paying. Solo is so bloody expensive! I much prefer to use money for pleasure!
I know! But I love living alone.....grrrrrrr....
Me, too, but it sure costs!
and we missed da birthday.......

Whose birthday? Deb's birthday?
It WAS, she said repressively.
((((kiss! Kiss! kiss!)))
Oh, I'm sorry we missed it, you secretive thing!
OK then: Answers please!
Any great pressies?
Was it a good day? (details, details!)
Do you feel wiser, now that you're a year older? :wink:
Well, main celebration still to come - but I was invited to dinner the night before - lunch on the day - dinner thingy this coming Saturday night, and lunch next week. And a celebration with another group of friends when my friend H - who had her bilateral mastectomy today - recovers enough.
And I had a work combined farewell/birthday thing - which was great.
So far, I have a lovely candle light, two lovely bowls, an Alessi silver tray.
Wiser??? Hmmm - mebbe - it's been a big year in a LOT of ways.
So you get pressies, dinner, lunch ... & more celebrations yet to come! You sure know how to get maximum mileage out of a birthday in Adelaide!
So (sobering thought) when does the new job start, Deb?