Nah, forget Hobart, gf, I think Geelong would suit your requirements perfectly!
I'm a late convert to Oz. For years & years & years I really didn't know where the hell I belonged: Europe? Even though I was only one year old when we arrived here, I always felt a bit "European". Then, when I travelled to Europe (even to the very place where I was born) I felt very Australian.

It's difficult to explain what it is that I love about Oz: partly it's recognizing that (coming from a long line of Ukrainian peasants!) that I wouldn't have had the opportunities in life that I have had, if my family stayed in Europe. I'm quite grateful, actually.
And my father, that great assimilator

, had a lot to do with it, too. He was constantly drumming into us how very, very lucky we were to have arrived at a place where war & conflict were not constantly lurking in the background.
And (like all Oz city dwellers)I LOVE the Australian bush! Nothing like it! Beautiful, haunting, mysterious, serene!
The sheer hugeness of the continent, too! Once I took an express bus from Melbourne to Cairns ( Madness!

) & just couldn't believe how VAST the continent was!
Most of all, it's that sense of a country that's a work in progress. Now THAT is very exciting to be part of!
Hmm, that's quite a departure from talking about the weather, hey?
Anyone else have something to say?