I used to get them when I was a kid, also in the summer. I have one on my palm sort of permanently, but it don't bother me. We call them 'chicken eyes', they're harmless.
If they annoy you, one true and tried recipe is dandelion 'milk' - when you pick a dandelion, a white substance comes out of the stem. put that on the chicken eye. as often as you can - i guess whenever you see a dandelion (we had them in the backyard, so it was easy). it turns brown. in 3-4 days, the thing just falls off and doesn't come back. at least if it's the same that i used to have. there can't be harm in trying anyway, even if it doesn't work.
"chicken eyes" eh? I like it.
Yep, just got one. Usually happens in early summer, I've associated them with gardening because it's usually the time of year I'm planting. I have one now on the side of my index finger, just under the knuckle. A little blister. Popped it earlier, now it's a blister again. Used to itch, isn't bothering me right now.
Abnormal sweating makes sense, something about the first really hot weather of the year and your sweat glands kicking into high gear after a winter of relative disuse.
Anyone have this problem who lives in an area without clear seasons? (Cold winters, hot summers...)

it was a teeny tiny picture on the website i took it from!
Could you enlarge that a bit, dag, so I can make out the details.
but if you're good, i'll tell you how to make dandelion wine.
Arlie House in Virginia? What's there? Do they make dandelion wine?
It was the biggest picture I could find on short notice.
And I am well versed in the art of dandelion wine production, but thank you anyway.
Why does soz always have to ruin everything?
sozobe wrote:Yep, just got one. Usually happens in early summer, I've associated them with gardening because it's usually the time of year I'm planting. I have one now on the side of my index finger, just under the knuckle. A little blister. Popped it earlier, now it's a blister again. Used to itch, isn't bothering me right now.
Abnormal sweating makes sense, something about the first really hot weather of the year and your sweat glands kicking into high gear after a winter of relative disuse.
Anyone have this problem who lives in an area without clear seasons? (Cold winters, hot summers...)
I get them sometimes. They are bumps, like blisters (clear) and they itch. If I don't scratch them, they are gone in a day. I have gotten them on my hands, palms and the top of my toes. I have only gotten them where I live (WA State) and our summers are not that hot. I didn't get any last year and I was in the yard planting quite a bit. I just figured it had to do with the heat or sun?
Nice BIG pictures btw dagmaraka and gus
Bumps on fingers
Hi Dorothy Parker and thank you!!
I meant to mention I'd also read that these bumps could cause little indentions in your fingernails.. Like white spots or dents. I have 2 of those.
I wish I could remember where I'd found all this but I was doing one of those mass "check this and check that" days.. I know I googled it with the term medical.. examples: bumps on fingers medical or blisters on fingers medical.. Though the blister one brought up worse.. Especially when I clicked on "images" under google. lol
I'm currently trying coal tar.. for psoriasis. I didn't see a difference like I did with the sulfur.
I can also say it seems my fingers are retaining water lately a bit. I wonder if there's a connection?
I hope to get seen if this grows worse but really I get this for about a week or two at a time and it disappears for a while.. Spring and Fall seems worse.
Best to everyone and thanks for sharing your symptoms..
Update: Sulfur overnight has seemed to help reduce my bumps (that I can say many resemble fire ant bites, if I remember how those looked accurately. It's been a while since I stood in an ant hill... Thank goodness) Less result with Coal Tar.
Hey I've been looking around and I just read through this thread, I have these tiny little bumps on my right hand middle and ring finger, and only those two. I've had some extreme itching in those fingers since the pollen season kicked in, but not where the bumps are; they don't itch at all.
It is definitely not eczema because I have that elsewhere, and its not warts because I've had them (oddly on the fingers in question) and know what they look like.
I've been led to believe that the itching and the little lumps are a lesser known reaction to hay fever, which I suffer from terribly in all the standard forms. I have found that taking my antihistamines have reduced them and the itching.
So maybe try out hay fever tablets and see if that works for you.
'milk' from the stems of dandelions. apply for three days. give it a try.
dagmaraka wrote:'milk' from the stems of dandelions. apply for three days. give it a try.
Thanks dagmaraka. If I get them again I will try it and let you know the results.
The ones I had a bit ago are gone, btw -- as in, the dandelion milk thing might be one of those situations where the problem would go away after a certain amount of time regardless, but the "cure" gets the credit.
Or not. Many folk cures have stuck around 'cause they work.