Thu 23 Jun, 2005 02:16 am
During the summer months I get little bumps on my fingers, they look like worts(but they are not!!)
They itch a bit, some are small and smooth, others are larger and have a darker bit in the middle.
My doctor says they are nothing to worry about, may have something to do with the heat.
Do any of you get them?
Babies get prickly heat around their necks, under arms, and other parts of the body. They are small little bumps softer than warts, and clear up if the child is kept cool, and dry. I never heard of prickly heat in the fingers or hands. Do you perspire a lot in your hands?
Hmm, not really but its nice to know its nothing weird.
If they were in places where, say a pen rubbed against them then I could explain them being there but thy arnt.
Curiouser and curiouser.
I think I get similar bumps, MG.
I sometimes get little bumps on my fingers in the spring. They're part of an allergic reaction. A mild antihistamine cream keeps them from getting too itchy and annoying.
I have GOT to find that antihistamine cream.......
The "pen" thing jogged my memory -- I get those too, right where a pen would press into my middle finger while writing. The other day I noticed a few of them after a hot shower, so that would fit with heat. They faded pretty quickly.
one of the reasons I quit bein a damn chemist was case of these damn latex cloves that we wore in working with toxic metal powders. If worn long enough I developed a latex allergy which manifested itself as these little bumps under the skin. Whenever I had big projects and wore the damn things for many weeks on end for just maybe an hour or two a day, the itching would drive me nuts. Then as I quit the gloves , and went to a total enclosed hood and "skoogie" hands, it all went away in a few weeks. But as it healed, it left dry cracks and skin roughness for a while. I was given tea-tree (sp?) that worked great.
Sun bumps?
I get itchy bumps on my fingers, hands, elbows, and knees If I am exposed to the sun. They are sometimes fluid filled, and scab over. Sunscreen helps prevent them.
(It took me many years before I figured out it was sunlight that caused them. For many years, I thought it was heat, but I get them as soon as it's warm enough to not wear gloves.)
It's probably excema. Benadryl ointment or hydrocortisone cream will help. It's likely an allergic reaction, but stress can aggrevate this condition.
I have in the last decade or so seemingly switched without my own approval to itching instead of sneezing. Although, I admit, I was damn sick of sneezing for years on end.
Scratch, scratch.
I am not often nervous or stressed. It's my immune system on its own.
I get little bumps on my fingers too. Im really worried about them. They span along the sides of almost every finger and I get them on my palms sometimes too. Sometimes they are a little itchy. Theyre tiny, almost like a grain of salt, but they are usually filled with this clear fliud... almost like water. Sometimes theyre a little bigger but as they grow in size, they darken in color. The bigger ones have a little tan section in the center. I have no clue what these are, but they are really freaking me out.
Ashley, I think you might have warts.
Swimpy wrote:It's probably excema. Benadryl ointment or hydrocortisone cream will help. It's likely an allergic reaction, but stress can aggrevate this condition.
Oh boy oh boy - yes, stress can make it worse. My hands have been nasty for the past two weeks.
Common warts are:
* Small, fleshy, grainy bumps
* Flesh-colored, white, pink or tan
* Rough to the touch
They often contain one or more tiny black dots, which are sometimes called wart seeds but are actually small, clotted blood vessels. Common warts are usually painless. Young adults and children appear to be affected most often.
I can think of the possibilities:
- sweat
- allergy
- possibly you may have come into contact with some irritants
Swimpy wrote:It's probably excema. Benadryl ointment or hydrocortisone cream will help. It's likely an allergic reaction, but stress can aggrevate this condition.
This is what I was going to say, as I suffer from excema from time to time. I only get it on my hands. I sometimes have to use Tridesilon, as Hydrocortisone (2%) isn't strong enough. Mostly I get that in bad weather though, like in the winter time.
The other thing is that it could be hives, which can be environment or stress related.
Me too...
Hi there,
I don' think you should be so concerned about your fingers...let me explain:
I grew up and live in a rather dry, yet coastal environment, and every time I visit a warm and humid one I get these bumps...sweat bumps really. If they ever do itch, which is rare, it is only slightly; but I've heard more so at varying degrees for others. I get them on my fingers and toes too, no where else.
I am pretty sure they are just swollen sweat glands that need to be exfoliated more often. And the dark spot you speak of is probably the sweat gland/pore, plugged up. (like a blackhead would be, but different)
We don't often think of exfoliating our fingers and toes, its usually our backhands and heels...but try it, it may help in a couple of days. Personally, I'm going to try salt (epsom), to see if it helps draw out the it does a blister.
Dishydrosys and miliria have both come up in what little research I have done, but either way, it doesn't sound serious.
Let me know if you discover anything!
littloe bumps
i jus got little white looking airbubbles that look like they have jus poped on my fingers and they have spread onto about 3 fingers...i dont know what i should do....does it have something to do with std or what?

can someone help me out
bumps on fingers
ashley17 i think i have the same thing you're describing.
i'm not sure what they are but i'm going to get them
checked out by a doctor a.s.a.p.