That Dick!

Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 02:40 pm
I think I posted the story of Daley's son enlisting quite a while ago.


Perhaps the good mayor took Durbin's comments personally.

Or not.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 02:42 pm
Damn.....Don'tTreadonme.......... you must be a high school teacher in LA.......if you are,I doff my hat to show my respect. You have taken a stand, and one must admire that.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 03:04 pm
rayban1 wrote:
Damn.....Don'tTreadonme.......... you must be a high school teacher in LA.......if you are,I doff my hat to show my respect. You have taken a stand, and one must admire that.

Laughing well some of that stuff did happen while i was working as a contracted counselor at a optimist boy's detention highschool (they had to live in onsite dorms by court order ), but even worse, i lived in hollywood and even, even, even worse i wound up managing a recording studio that was favored by the hardcore gangster rappers in the mid '90s. you wouldn't believe the hardware those guys keep in the trunk. don't know about now, but back then they had the lapd totally outgunned. not long after i finally quit, a guy got ticked off, came back with some friends and blew 2 guys away. real sociopaths.

i truly have been threatened by some of the biggest names in rap... Laughing

but i join you in doffing hats to the teachers here in l.a.. it really is hard to actually give a damn about kids that don't respect you, themselves or anything else.
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Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 03:20 pm
joefromchicago wrote:
JustWonders wrote:
Because it's on tape. It will be played over and over (the louder and more often, the better), especially when the '06 elections are in full swing.

I have no doubt that Durbin's opponents will try to use this in future. But that's not my point. I'm not interested in what people will do about this issue, but what they should do. McCain said that, with the apology, we can put this issue behind us. I'm asking: why shouldn't we?

For the same reason we couldn't put Trent Lott's infinitely tamer and inconsequential gaffe behind us
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 03:29 pm
DTOM wrote:
truly have been threatened by some of the biggest names in rap... Laughing

Damn.....please don't tell me you have been a part of the industry that has made millionaires out of punks who perpetuate the stuff that inspires other punks to commit murder and many other crimes against their own neighbors and families.

Your moral high ground stand turns out to be hollow rhetoric if what I'm hearing from you is actually the case.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 03:51 pm
Lash wrote:
For the same reason we couldn't put Trent Lott's infinitely tamer and inconsequential gaffe behind us.

And what reason was that?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 04:02 pm
rayban1 wrote:
DTOM wrote:
truly have been threatened by some of the biggest names in rap... Laughing

Damn.....please don't tell me you have been a part of the industry that has made millionaires out of punks who perpetuate the stuff that inspires other punks to commit murder and many other crimes against their own neighbors and families.

Your moral high ground stand turns out to be hollow rhetoric if what I'm hearing from you is actually the case.

Yes, the truth will out, DTOM is an aspiring capitalist with high hopes of joining Tom Delay's republican boosters club and signing on for a tour of club med as a research analyst for the Republican Cental Committee.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 04:13 pm
rayban1 wrote:
DTOM wrote:
truly have been threatened by some of the biggest names in rap... Laughing

Damn.....please don't tell me you have been a part of the industry that has made millionaires out of punks who perpetuate the stuff that inspires other punks to commit murder and many other crimes against their own neighbors and families

that's exactly why i left an industry i loved and had spent a lot of good years in. it wasn't about music or creating anything that would add to people's lives.

i intended to move to another facility, but all my friends in the biz had the same complaints; too many ak's layin' around the control room and studio. so, thanks to those jerks, i had to give up the work i love most for almost ten years. that's an entire lifetime in the music industry.

a couple of years ago i started a smaller project studio of my own. i do not accept rap sessions and i don't do outside work on those projects either. it pays a lot more, but not everything's about money, is it ?

so, no. i don't just talk it, i walk it.

we cool ?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 04:19 pm
dyslexia wrote:
rayban1 wrote:
DTOM wrote:
truly have been threatened by some of the biggest names in rap... Laughing

Damn.....please don't tell me you have been a part of the industry that has made millionaires out of punks who perpetuate the stuff that inspires other punks to commit murder and many other crimes against their own neighbors and families.

Your moral high ground stand turns out to be hollow rhetoric if what I'm hearing from you is actually the case.

Yes, the truth will out, DTOM is an aspiring capitalist with high hopes of joining Tom Delay's republican boosters club and signing on for a tour of club med as a research analyst for the Republican Cental Committee.

Laughing Laughing "ohhh, give my regards to "k" street....".
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 04:22 pm
dyslexia wrote:
rayban1 wrote:
DTOM wrote:
truly have been threatened by some of the biggest names in rap... Laughing

Damn.....please don't tell me you have been a part of the industry that has made millionaires out of punks who perpetuate the stuff that inspires other punks to commit murder and many other crimes against their own neighbors and families.

Your moral high ground stand turns out to be hollow rhetoric if what I'm hearing from you is actually the case.

Yes, the truth will out, DTOM is an aspiring capitalist with high hopes of joining Tom Delay's republican boosters club and signing on for a tour of club med as a research analyst for the Republican Cental Committee.

Damn....had me worried there for a minute but I can see he has his priorities straight :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 04:31 pm
rayban1 wrote:
As I suspected you threw a load of platitudinous rhetoric at the wall, hoping I would swallow some of it...........not a chance. Below you will find the legal discourse with justification for the President's decision to proceed on the path that he is following by using the term "enemy combatant" for those captured or detained in our war against the Islamist Fascists who want to take us all back to the sixth century.

This is the source and below is an excerpt which puts it all into perspective:

< It is well settled, in both international and U.S. domestic law, that individuals captured in war may be detained during the conflict and they are not entitled to all of the elaborate due process rights guaranteed to criminal defendants. (These include the right to retain and consult with counsel) The enemy combatants detained in the war against terror, like other prisoners taken in war before them, have not been subjected to a criminal justice process. Their confinement is not for purposes of punishment or deterrence. Rather it is to ensure that they do not return to the fight against the United States. If criminal charges are actually brought against any of the detainees, they will be entitled to counsel, and all of the process that is due, at that time.>

This then is the basis for the decision and I would have chosen the same course of action even knowing that my critics in the press would probably try to turn it into a debate with never ending intellectual ramifications which is exactly what you and all the sob sisters on this forum want to do.

The requirement to gain information from those captured to assist the president in his responsiblity to protect the American people plus the absolute neccesity to prevent any of those captured from returning to combat were ample justification for this decision and this was confirmed by the Presidents legal advisors as is evident in the source document.

Your assertion that the US military should be taking action to punish those guilty of abuse of the established guidelines is a valid point but you fail to recognize that they (the US military) are doing exactly that by conducting investigations in every reported abuse..........You and the world wide media just don't accept the evidence so I recommend you take off your blinders.

Furthermore, your platitudes regarding healthy debate are absolutely meaningless this far into the game.........debate causes divisiveness which is exactly what the our enemies are hoping for as in the case of the lost war against the communists in North Vietnam. Walter Cronkite sealed the loss in his Feb 1968 broadcast (after a few days in Vietnam) in which he concluded that the US was "Mired in Stalemate" and that the war was "unwinable". I hope never again to see the power that he wielded during that evening broadcast. Endless debates by intellectuals have never yielded anything but divisiveness but that is the price we pay for living in freedom and that is the foundation for my rage that you commented about. The destructiveness of endless "debate" creates a sense of frustration which results in a feeling of rage against those who are so blinded by an ideology that says "ALL WAR IS BAD" and if only we stick our heads in the sand and debate it, it will just go away.

If you want to help the enemy.........then continue on with your drivel about debate and endless misguided criticism of our military which you swallow from the New York Times or any other overly critical news source such as Al Jazeera.

So - your position is that all countries - except the US - should continue to observe normal human rights during wartime? Your country has been very happy to condemn abuses by other countries and to prosecute them where possible.

I am amused at your extracting - presumably from your nether orifice - the nonsensical fiction that I think all war is bad. I suggest you stop fantasising and attend to what people actually say.

As for your "help the enemy"line - I am not surprised to note that you consider public discussion dangerous - such as that normally encouraged in democracies - since you appear incapable of conducting it in any manner approaching civility. I find the notion that all questioning of government and military conduct and decision making should cease during war both stupid, and dangerous.

If you note with approval that your country is attempting to punish some of the abuses, why do you become hysterical with rage when those abuses are discussed?

Please - do not bother to answer.

From here you will find some reasoned, and apart from one poster, civil debate about the opinions re the status and rights of these prisoners, but of course, such debate is currently evil, no?


As a matter of interest, when would you consider the US's at warness to have stopped, and normal democratic rights to debate to begin again, in your ideal world?

Given that the US is at "war" with international terrorism - a cloudy entity - what are your criteria for when that war is over? This is quite an important question when you are saying that debate should be stilled for the duration.

Or - are you being more sensible and speaking of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Didn't Bush declare Iraq won? Do you mean when the last American troop leaves? I wonder how long that will be? When the insurgency ends? That could be many decades - many countries deal with insurgency and guerillas for decades.

Afghanistan? When will that be "won"?

It is easy to defeat third world countries and win a war - but harder to defeat insurgencies. Afghanistan, especially, is a known grave yard for super powers.

I wonder how long you are recommending that debate be silenced?

Good day - I hope you find some nice kneecaps to shoot.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 04:46 pm
yeah really and it's all due to my giving DTOM my leftover drugs. Everything will work out all right, I keep saying, as long as your take the drugs.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 06:54 pm
dyslexia wrote:
yeah really and it's all due to my giving DTOM my leftover drugs. Everything will work out all right, I keep saying, as long as your take the drugs.

than' y'a...dys...

uh. like, evrthingggssz all puppies and,umm, ugh.. ah, flowwerrzz. yeauhhh, that's it.. flowerrzzz.

i'm, all like, reeallllly hungry. you got any cookies ??
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 07:02 pm
your making progress DTOM now get yourself a pair of dockers and one of those shirts with stripes and the solid colour band collar and start the fund raising to keep the Delay in Washington (behind razor wire is my best recommendation) and someday soon you too can wear a flag in your lapel.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 07:05 pm
I am very much afraid that Joe From Chicago is not up to speed.Being from Jesse Jackson's town he should be quite sophisticated about the mores laid down by the left wing media.

The difference between Lott and Durbin?

Well, all Durbin did was to rub American Military noses in the mud but Lott committed the unforgivable primal sin-- He said the word N.....

Not precisely, but that is how the left wing media took it.

That is why the Lott thing was repeated over and over on the cable networks. Durbin has already disappeared.

I am dismayed that Joe From Chicago isn't up to speed on cultural iconics.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 07:09 pm
Lott did NOTHING.

Byrd still has his hood and sheet in his closet.

Durban said the US military are a bunch of Nazis.

The double standard is going to go.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 07:21 pm
as far as the double standard goes, I do my best work upholding the double standard for the entertainment value alone.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 07:23 pm
Lash- I like your posts but Please--Lott did nothing?

He committed the primal sin. It is so revolting I can barely say it-- R _ C _ I _ M.

Do you know what one of our national leaders said about Lott's remarks?

Al Sharpton said:

Well, I think that the fact is that he didn't just make an off color remark. People are trying to act like he just said something out of line. To say that he wished that the country had elected a segregtionist ticket...and then sit at the head of the Republican Party..the majority party in the Senate that will review US attorneys being confirmed- is a frightening occurence for those of us that had parents that couldn't even vote and had to sit in the back of the bus.

Do you understand now, Lash, why Lott's comment was supremely evil?

All that Durbin's comment could do is to cause the enemy to take heart before they kill a half dozen more of our soldiers BUT Lott would have led us back to the days of Slavery and perhaps worse.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 07:56 pm
Lash wrote:
Lott did NOTHING.

Lott apologized, so even he must have thought that he did something.

Lash wrote:
Byrd still has his hood and sheet in his closet.

How do you know that?

Lash wrote:
Durban said the US military are a bunch of Nazis.

No he didn't.

Lash wrote:
The double standard is going to go.

Boo hoo.

And you still haven't answered my question.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2005 08:01 pm
I did but you don't want to tangle with me, do you, Joe Chicago.
0 Replies

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