Democrats electoral college strategy for 2020 presidential election.

Reply Mon 9 Dec, 2019 02:50 pm
I understand, you dont wish your mother tongue to be disclosed. Smart thinking pinky.
Reply Mon 9 Dec, 2019 02:51 pm
Unlike you his intelligence is apparent. And he doesn't brag about it like you and Ollie.
Reply Mon 9 Dec, 2019 03:52 pm
And he doesn't brag about it like you and Ollie.

Again your ass has overloaded your mouth. Please quote a post from me where I ever bragged about my intelligence. I'll wait.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 9 Dec, 2019 03:54 pm
I understand, you dont wish your mother tongue to be disclosed. Smart thinking pinky.

Hard to believe but that post by you was lamer than the one before. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Mon 9 Dec, 2019 05:12 pm
Sounded a hell of a lot smarter than anything you have ever posted.
Reply Mon 9 Dec, 2019 05:20 pm
Sounded a hell of a lot smarter than anything you have ever posted.

I just do not see you as qualified to determine what is smart and what is not. I have asked you to back up your accusations. You have not. If you just want to troll go right ahead, with my blessing, but your credibility is rapidly approaching 0. Maybe you should quit before you look more foolish than you already do.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2019 01:55 pm
Inside the Biggest 2020 Advertising War Against Trump.

Published December 29. 2019

WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton tried. So did 16 rival Republicans. And after hundreds of millions of dollars were spent on ads attacking Donald Trump in 2016, the results were the same: They never did much damage.

Now Michael R. Bloomberg is trying — his way — spending millions each week in an online advertising onslaught that is guided by polling and data that he and his advisers believe provide unique insight into the president’s vulnerabilities.

The effort, which is targeting seven battleground states where polls show Mr. Trump is likely to be competitive in November, is just one piece of an advertising campaign that is unrivaled in scope and scale. On Facebook and Google alone, where Mr. Bloomberg is most focused on attacking the president, he has spent $18 million on ads over the last month, according to Acronym, a digital messaging firm that works with Democrats.

That is on top of the $128 million the Bloomberg campaign has spent on television ads, according to Advertising Analytics, an independent firm, which projects that Mr. Bloomberg is likely to spend a combined $300 million to $400 million on advertising across all media before the Super Tuesday primaries in early March.

Those amounts dwarf the ad budgets of his rivals, and he is spending at a faster clip than past presidential campaigns as well. Mr. Bloomberg is also already spending more than the Trump campaign each week to reach voters online. And if the $400 million estimate holds, that would be about the same as what President Barack Obama’s campaign spent on advertising over the course of the entire general election in 2012.

The ads amount to a huge bet by the Bloomberg campaign that there are enough Americans who are not too fixed in their opinions of Mr. Trump and can be swayed by the ads’ indictment of his conduct and character.

None of these assumptions are safe in a political environment that is increasingly bifurcated along partisan lines and where, for many voters, information from “the other side” is instantly suspect. But Mr. Bloomberg’s aides believe it is imperative to flood voters with attacks on the president before it is too late — a lesson Republicans learned in 2016 when they initially spent most of their ad budgets during the primaries tearing into each other while ignoring Mr. Trump.

“All this effort and all this money and none of it goes to help the one election that really matters?” asks a man from Michigan in one new Bloomberg campaign ad, referring to the spending in the Democratic primary. The campaign plans to run the ad online in Super Tuesday primary states.

Another man featured in the ad bemoans the fact that the Trump campaign is so focused on Pennsylvania but that none of the Democrats seem to be. “By the looks of it, he’s trying to win Pennsylvania once again. He’s here all the time,” the man says.

In swing states like Wisconsin and Pennsylvania that are likely to decide whether Mr. Trump gets re-elected, ads from the president’s campaign and friendly outside groups have been, for the most part, the only paid messages that voters have seen about him. Mr. Bloomberg’s campaign is focusing its efforts there, hoping to erode Mr. Trump’s standing.

“I’ve been telling anyone who will listen, Trump is winning,” said Kevin Sheekey, the campaign manager for Mr. Bloomberg, who argued that the lack of anti-Trump advertising essentially means “he is running unopposed in swing states.”

In interviews, Mr. Bloomberg’s top strategists described how they believe they can undermine Mr. Trump’s standing with voters who are open to reconsidering their support for him. According to the campaign’s data, this is somewhere between 10 percent to 15 percent of the people who voted for him in 2016.

Mr. Bloomberg’s aides say their data generally shows that these people tend to express disappointment about promises Mr. Trump has failed to keep on issues like rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure — an especially potent concern in places like Michigan. In most states, they are upset with the president’s push to repeal the Affordable Care Act without putting forward a Republican alternative, which voters view as jeopardizing their health coverage. They view his response to several mass shootings during his term as lacking urgency and seriousness, particularly in the suburbs around Detroit and Philadelphia, the Bloomberg data shows.

And many of them report feelings of exasperation and exhaustion after three years of what seems like daily, head-spinning stories about Mr. Trump, his impulsivity, dysfunction inside his administration and partisan squabbling in Washington that has in some cases bled into their lives at home and work.

“With the percentage of the electorate that is open to reconsidering, there is a tax on them that they want to eliminate — and that tax is on their attention,” said Gary Briggs, who last year left Facebook as its chief marketing officer to join Mr. Bloomberg’s company and is now advising his presidential campaign.

The messages that the Bloomberg campaign is using in ads on social media and other websites are tailored to this sense of exhaustion. “Say no to chaos,” says one that appeared on Facebook in North Carolina.

“Another tweet. Another lie. Trump has tweeted thousands of false statements — causing chaos and embarrassing our country,” reads another, depicting a picture of a man covering his face in evident despair as he stands in what appears to be a soybean field. (Soybean farmers have been among the most affected by Mr. Trump’s tariffs on Chinese goods.)

Others are more issue-specific and play to a notion that Bloomberg strategists say has tested well in their research: The president is looking out for the interests of big corporations and the wealthy despite promises to improve the lives of working-class Americans.

The seven states the Bloomberg campaign has chosen are some of the most competitive, like Wisconsin and Florida, and others where Democrats believe they can chip away at Republican dominance, like Texas and Arizona. Rounding out the list are Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina.

The Trump campaign has responded aggressively to Mr. Bloomberg’s entry into the race, going so far as to bar reporters from Bloomberg News from its rallies and events because the outlet has said it would not conduct investigative reporting on Mr. Bloomberg’s rivals for the Democratic nomination. Mr. Trump has belittled the former mayor and dismissed him as a threat saying, “Little Michael will fail.”

Finding the most incisive way to attack a sitting president is extremely difficult for a variety of reasons. Not only does the president enjoy the power and platform of incumbency, but by and large Americans have already formed their views over the course of the first term.

Larry McCarthy, a Republican ad maker who wrote many of the super PAC ads that attempted to undercut President Barack Obama’s popularity with swing voters in 2012, said he believes his ads were not as effective “because many voters had already made a judgment about Obama.”

That judgment, he said, was that “a significant number of voters, in our data, did not like Obama policies but did not think he was a bad guy.”

With Mr. Trump, the opposite is true. Polls show that, for instance, most Americans approve of his handling of the economy. But they consistently give him low job approval ratings, saying that they do not think he is honest.

And public polls further show he stands an even chance of winning many battleground states against a variety of the Democratic candidates, which the Bloomberg campaign said tracks with its internal data.

With the ads, the Bloomberg campaign is also walking a fine line between trying to undercut Mr. Trump and turning off voters who may not like the president but do not want to dwell on him.

“There is a kind of anxiety that he creates,” said Howard Wolfson, one of Mr. Bloomberg’s longtime top advisers, about Mr. Trump. “This is real for people,” he added, acknowledging the contradictory factors. “There’s a bit of ‘Leave us alone.’”

The campaign said that it had produced 160 versions of its ads on social media alone, reaching 15.5 million people in the first two weeks of December.

“Michael Bloomberg’s fledgling campaign has now spent more on Google and YouTube in the past month than the Trump campaign has spent all year,” Acronym said in a recent analysis of the race.

The ability to pour that much money into ads not only enables Mr. Bloomberg’s campaign to pump out millions of messages a week, it also allows for more precise targeting to individual groups of uncommitted voters — whether that’s women in the suburbs concerned about gun violence or more fiscally conservative people who are alarmed at the nation’s rapidly expanding deficit.

One of the most potentially significant impacts of the Bloomberg strategy, said Ken Goldstein, a professor of politics at the University of San Francisco and an expert in political advertising, could be how he is filling the void in places where pro-Trump ads are dominant.

In a new study Mr. Goldstein conducted with a group of other academics who specialize in political messaging, he said they found that in 2016 the lack of advertising from Mrs. Clinton’s campaign seemed to contribute to lower turnout among voters favorable to her. Democrats with a lower propensity of voting in Michigan and Wisconsin, the study found, were less likely to turn out in areas where Mr. Trump was investing heavily online but where Mrs. Clinton was not advertising.

“The overall impact was modest, to be sure,” Mr. Goldstein said. “But Trump’s margin of victory in Michigan and Wisconsin was also extremely modest.”

In addition to the hard-hitting critiques of Mr. Trump and his leadership, Mr. Bloomberg’s ads are also designed to send a positive message about the former mayor that reaches Democrats in the primary. And it is those voters, no doubt, who need to be convinced first in order for Mr. Bloomberg to politically benefit from his huge investment in anti-Trump advertising.

“Sometimes it’s easiest to define yourself by what you are not,” said Todd Harris, a Republican messaging strategist who has worked on several presidential campaigns, most recently for Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. These ads, he said, are “all about Mike Bloomberg introducing himself to primary voters as someone who dislikes Trump as much as they do.”

Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2019 01:58 pm
@Real Music,
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Mon 13 Jan, 2020 12:11 am
Latino group launches effort to defeat Donald Trump in 2020.

Published January 12, 2020

In a bid to capture one of the most quickly growing segments of American voters, American Latinos United has launched a new political action committee focused on defeating President Donald Trump in the upcoming 2020 presidential election.

Led by former Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and entrepreneur Fernando Espuelas, the committee will specialize in Latino voter engagement in key swing states in hopes of propelling the Democratic nominee, whoever that turns out to be, to victory.

"President Trump captured about 30% of the Hispanic vote in 2016. If he falls under that threshold in 2020, key battleground states will be out of his reach," Espuelas said in a statement. "With the Electoral College in play, we intend to empower Latinos in battleground states to defeat Trump with their votes."

The committee said it is looking to take advantage of its veteran politicians and technological innovation in order to craft messaging directed at Latinos as well as engaging in on-the-ground activation. Using traditional media and digital media platforms, their team will engage voters in Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Also, ALU will attempt to connect with single-issue voters that have not historically voted for Democratic candidates in hopes of "educating them about the moral danger that Trump represents."

"Our country is on a precipice. President Trump’s incompetence and corruption are threatening our democracy and the American way of life," said Villaraigosa, who was mayor of L.A. from 2005 to 2013 and unsuccessfully ran for governor of California in 2018.

"Latino voters can make all the difference -- if we know how to engage and activate the millions of people that sit out most elections," he added. "Through ALU, we’ll connect deeply with our community and create the mechanisms to turn out the vote in historic proportions."

Trump launched his own initiative aimed at Hispanic voters, called "Latinos for Trump," last year and held a rally in September in New Mexico. The rally featured an awkward exchange when he introduced Hispanic Advisory Council member Steve Cortes, asking him if he loved Hispanics or the country more. Trump's long-standing attacks on immigration, largely coming from Mexico, has caused a rift between him and Hispanic voters.

In a ABC News/Washington Post poll from September, Trump's approval rating among Hispanics stood at 25%, far below his 50% approval among whites.

About 40.4% of eligible Latino voters came out to the polls during the 2018 midterm elections -- about 11.7 million voters in total, according to the Pew Research Center. A record 32 million Latinos are expected to be eligible to vote in 2020, making them the nation's largest minority for the first time.

Reply Mon 13 Jan, 2020 05:34 pm
@Real Music,
Latino group launches effort to defeat Donald Trump in 2020.

Democrats herding sheep. The herd is thinning.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2020 01:05 pm
farmerman wrote:

I understand, you dont wish your mother tongue to be disclosed. Smart thinking pinky.

I don't agree with you...YOU MUST BE A RUSSIAN ASSET!

Scientific brilliance at its best!
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2020 01:07 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

Unlike you his intelligence is apparent. And he doesn't brag about it like you and Ollie.

What??? Very Happy Very Happy
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2020 03:08 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Sorry, I dident mean to post over your head.
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2020 04:43 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

Sorry, I dident mean to post over your head.
Didn't you ???
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Sun 26 Jan, 2020 01:03 am

Does anyone have suggestions of what nicknames to call Donald Trump?

0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Sun 9 Feb, 2020 09:46 pm
New Great Lakes Poll looks at the presidential race in
Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

New Baldwin Wallace Great Lakes Poll looks at how the presidential election
is shaping up in these key battleground states.

Published January 22, 2020

0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2020 12:44 pm

Beware of Voter suppression tactics.

0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2020 01:07 pm
African Americans Recall 1960's Fight For Voting Rights.

Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2020 02:52 pm
@Real Music,
Oh my, the victims of the evil white man. Who is running for president from the Democratic party? What gender and what color are they?
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 07:44 pm
Bloomberg donates $2M to group looking to turn out black voters.

Published March 9, 2020

Former 2020 Democratic contender Michael Bloomberg gave $2 million to a nonprofit working to register black voters ahead of November's general election.

The donation was made to Collective Future, which is the nonprofit arm of the Collective, a political action committee dedicated to supporting black candidates nationwide.

The group is working to register 500,000 black voters in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin.

The money will be put towards hiring field organizers "through partnerships with state-based and local Black-led grassroots organizations," in addition to recruiting and training black churches, civic organizations, and students of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) interested in becoming partners and volunteers.

"Voter suppression efforts across the country have been a barely-disguised effort to keep Black Americans and other Democratic-leaning voters from the polls," Bloomberg, who dropped out of the race last week, said in a statement. "I've always believed we need to make it easier for all citizens to register and vote, not harder."

Bloomberg previously donated $5 million to former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams's Fair Fight organization, which works to combat voter suppression.

His donation to Collective Future comes as former Vice President Joe Biden handily won last week's Super Tuesday contests, in large part due to receiving a groundswell of the black vote.

0 Replies

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