Democrats electoral college strategy for 2020 presidential election.

Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2020 05:14 pm
so, by accusing others of lying once makes you feel justified in supporting the Whopper teller-in-chief we have now??

When has he lied about national security? Trump has been more transparent than any president in memory. You people do not like facts and that is one of them.
Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2020 05:27 pm
see?! your lying again. He got impeached for lying (among other things) regarding international relations , and nat security.
It wasnt the fault of the prosecution that his bleating sheep Senatorial lackies wouldnt allow evidence critical to the story.
(We can wait till hes outta here and continue the case and it will NOT be double jeopardy!!

He deserves to be locked up
He lied about Obama 's admin so many times that Trump isnt even payed attention to any more
Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2020 05:39 pm
He got impeached for lying

No he did not. He got impeached over a policy dispute and a supposed quid pro quo.
Senatorial lackies wouldnt allow evidence critical to the story.

Story is right, made up just like Russian crap that people will be paying for before the election. And after the Kangaroo court in the House what did people expect but the Republican Senate returning the favor. You people dish it out and whine like babies when it is your turn to eat.
He deserves to be locked up

He has done nothing to be locked up for. Taking political prisoners is what the Communists do. They also riot and destroy property.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2020 05:44 pm
You cannot point out untrue statements in any of Coldjoint's posts.

The impeachment sham wasn't about lying. They impeached him for pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden's criminal activities.

There wasn't any critical evidence blocked. What was blocked was a fishing expedition after it was clear that there was nothing wrong about anything that he was accused of doing.

Outlawing the Democratic Party will put an end to the Democrats' abuse of the law to harm people who disagree with them.
Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2020 05:45 pm
Godwin's Law! Coldjoint wins and the progressives lose again.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2020 07:05 pm
There wasn't any critical evidence blocked.
You can guess all you aish but since wasnt allowed to be presented it remains in limbo. (Unless you have some strait pipage to the content??)
I thought so.

That included the fact that, from the evidence compiled, issues that Trump Had been "Untruthful" about his conversations and what he said.

I suppose that when the felony far exceeds the mere issue of lying, that charge will be down the list a bit.

Pinky as well as you take the Trump worldview usually without any fact or evidence. Youve even been spouting the day one BS that attendance to his inaugural "outside" events(including his swearing in) exceeded attendance at Obamas first inauguration. We all know that was Trump testing his base to see what he could get away with.
I have nither the interest nor the inclination to review the over 15000 lies hes told on the record or on camera. (Like the pandemic was a fraud by the Dems).

Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2020 07:12 pm
farmerman wrote:
That included the fact that, from the evidence compiled, issues that Trump Had been "Untruthful" about his conversations and what he said.

If lying is an impeachable offense, then we should have impeached Mr. Obama.

"If you like your health insurance you can keep it."

"I'm only forcing people off from substandard health insurance plans."

farmerman wrote:
I have nither the interest nor the inclination to review the over 15000 lies hes told on the record or on camera.

Progressives always call the truth a lie.

The cake is a lie.

But the truth... the truth isn't a lie.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2020 08:14 pm
We all know that was Trump testing his base to see what he could get away with.

Trump is telling his base what they can get away with. That they can fully exercise every right they have and that pisses the Left of more than anything because they want control and have no use for individual rights.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Fri 12 Jun, 2020 06:14 am
Biden's war chest swells as donors, many in California,
grow increasingly alarmed by Trump.

Published June 12, 2020

It was another in an unrelenting procession of Zoom fundraisers — the script familiar, the donors determined not to be deterred by technical glitches, and the candidate about to go through the motions — when Joe Biden revealed an expression of shock.

“Wow,” he said as the camera flicked to him on his side porch, blooming flowers in the background. The event’s hosts — California Sen. Kamala Harris and Lt. Gov. Eleni Kounalakis — had just revealed that the hourlong exchange Tuesday evening would net his campaign $3.5 million.

It was a notable haul for a candidate whose careerlong struggle with fundraising has been a cause for high anxiety among some Democrats. And it wasn’t an outlier.

Suddenly, Biden is raking in cash at a breathtaking clip, reducing worries among Democrats that his campaign would be overwhelmed by the war chest amassed by President Trump.

"In the last week it has really come loose," said former California State Controller Steve Westly, a major Biden fundraiser. "Trump is more erratic than ever. People are afraid. ... They are writing checks."

At the same time that big donors, many of them from California, are digging into their wallets for Biden, he is also benefitting from a boom in small-dollar donations that has boosted budgets of progressive organizations nationwide.

Propelled by an outpouring of support for racial justice groups, the left’s main fundraising hub, Act Blue, has seen its previous daily record for donations in 2020 broken repeatedly this month.

The sustained gush of dollars heading Biden’s way also reflects a growing confidence among large donors that the former vice president's campaign has begun to get its act together after weeks in which many of them criticized it for being unfocused, understaffed and unsophisticated.

The party's presumed nominee has built bridges to his more progressive primary rivals, hastening the pace at which their backers are falling into line. A campaign that not long ago seemed technologically inept has upped its Zoom game.

“To call people and say, ‘Please give me $100,000 for a 50-minute Zoom call with no Q&A, no shaking hands with the candidate?’ It’s not the easiest ask,” said Wade Randlett, who is helping coordinate Biden’s fundraising in the Bay Area. Yet, donors are stepping up more quickly and willingly than even Randlett — an eternal Biden optimist — anticipated.

“I have been pleasantly surprised,” he said.

The Biden campaign declined to reveal how much it has raised so far in June, but figures from individual events, along with the campaign’s recent aggressive use of social-media advertising, all point toward big numbers. The campaign has added 1.2 m8llion names to its email list in just 10 days, Biden aides said.

The Democratic National Committee has raised more at the beginning of this month than it has at the start of any other month since it began using Act Blue in 2017, according to party officials. The party's fundraising is outpacing what it was at this point in October and November 2018, when a massive cash influx played a big role in enabling the Democrats to take back the House.

While Biden still may not generate intense enthusiasm from Democratic activists, that no longer seems to be holding them back from writing checks.

“Are people saying, ‘Oh, my God, I am so excited about Joe Biden’? No,” said one West Coast bundler of big contributions who spoke candidly on condition of anonymity. “But they don’t care. Nobody cares if you are not excited. They just want Trump out.”

A catalyst for wealthier donors was seeing current and former military leaders raising alarms about Trump's use of federal troops to confront protesters, the bundler said. “Once the generals came out, people were like, ‘This is really frightening.’”

Part of the fundraising success reflects an overall surge of contributions to groups on the left that has followed the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis and the subsequent nationwide wave of protests.

Established civil rights groups like the NAACP and the Southern Poverty Law Center have benefitted, but the surge has most acutely transformed front-line activist organizations, some of which had tiny budgets only a few weeks ago.

A small organization called the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which posts bail for arrested protesters and others awaiting trial, raised $20 million in four days earlier this month. A memorial fund for Floyd created by his sister, Philonise, had a goal of raising $1.5 million on GoFundMe. It has already climbed past $14 million.

“It is an expression of people’s solidarity with the movement,” said Pilar Weiss, director of the Community Justice Exchange, which runs a nationwide directory of bail funds called the National Bail Fund Network. “The scale is bigger than anything we have seen in the recent past.”

Some 3.5 million people have given a total of $60 million to community bail funds over the last two weeks.

Democratic outrage over Trump’s response to the protests as well as his handling of the coronavirus crisis has propelled donors off the sidelines much earlier than was anticipated.

“The series of crises and inflection moments the country is facing is spurring donors to get into the game far earlier and far more generously than they were planning,” said Lily Adams, a spokeswoman for Unite the Country, a super PAC supporting Biden. “Folks are watching this president bungle crisis after crisis … and thinking how traumatic it would be to have four more years of this. It energizes them to give.”

And those who can afford it are free to write much bigger checks to Biden than only weeks ago. Now that he has clinched the nomination, the Democratic National Committee has entered into a joint fundraising agreement that allows donors to give up to $620,600. The Trump campaign has a similar arrangement with the Republican National Committee.

Trump is responding with his own fundraising offensive. On Thursday, he planned to hold his first in-person donor gathering since the pandemic’s stay-at-home orders took hold, aiming to raise $10 million at an event in Dallas. The move has generated discussion among Democrats about whether Biden can keep up without taking the same health risks as Trump and holding in-person meetings.

So far, however, Biden is doing just fine on Zoom.

“Three months ago I was skeptical, and I thought it would be really hard to do this,” Westly said of virtual events. “The fact is, people are getting used to Zoom. Everybody is on it.”

Use of the technology has enabled the candidate to raise money far more efficiently than in the past, when courting big checks necessitated jetting all over the country.

Zoom turned out to be a perfectly suitable venue for Biden to persuade a group of wealthy climate activists that he can walk the walk on their issue. A recent virtual event raised $4 million from just 25 activists who bought tickets with a starting price of $100,000.

“People don’t actually know that much about Joe Biden, which sounds funny to say about a guy who has been at the center of American politics for so long,” said billionaire climate activist Tom Steyer, who co-hosted the Zoom event with venture capitalist Swati Mylavarapu; her husband, Nest co-founder Matt Rogers; and Nicole Systrom, a clean-tech entrepreneur.

The donors who paid to show up "were really, really impressed by his performance," said Steyer, a former candidate himself. "Some of them did not realize how much he knows, how much he cares, how high he prioritizes this.”

Events at the Steyer residence in San Francisco had in the past been a big draw for donors, but he’s now bullish about Zoom. So is Susie Tompkins Buell, the sought-after progressive donor in San Francisco whose elegant penthouse apartment with sweeping views of the Bay Area has hosted some of the most memorable presidential fundraisers over the years.

“The efficiency is incredible,” she said of Zoom fundraising.

“People understand that. They would rather contribute to an efficient system and see money go toward what needs to be done than go to some fancy party and rub elbows with people they don’t know. I‘m fascinated with how well it is working.”

Real Music
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2020 07:37 am
Sen. Amy Klobuchar takes herself off Biden’s list of possible running mates.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar says a woman of color should be the one to serve alongside Joe Biden as vice president,
and so she is withdrawing herself from consideration.

Aired on 6/18/2020.

0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2020 07:45 am
In related news, Jennifer Lopez took herself out of the running for Best Actress at the Academy Awards.
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2020 11:29 am
@Real Music,
Encouraging news, very much so. We need to keep it up! Critical to do that. We got to keep our energy up and not get discouraged by the present administration and their supporters. Still a relative long way until November.
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2020 11:40 am
@Frank Apisa,
Yep. She knows her complicity in letting dirty cops walk took her out of the running weeks ago, but she’s desperate for it to seem like it was her decision.

Some people see that clearly, some don’t.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2020 11:56 am
Encouraging news, very much so. We need to keep it up! Critical to do that. We got to keep our energy up and not get discouraged by the present administration and their supporters. Still a relative long way until November.


1. Complacency and over-confidence is the enemy.
2. Joe Biden and the democratic party must remain vigilant and energized.
3. Joe Biden must continue to speak from the heart.
4. Joe Biden is at his best when he is speaking from his heart.
4. Joe Biden and the democratic party cannot afford to relax.
5. The stakes are too high.
6. This election is very likely going to be decided in a handful of battleground swing states.
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2020 12:10 pm
@Real Music,
2. Joe Biden and the democratic party must remain vigilant and energized.

Don't you have to be energized to remain energized?
3. Joe Biden must continue to speak from the heart.

He might as well, his brain is MIA.
5. The stakes are too high.

Exactly why he will lose.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2020 12:20 pm
@Real Music,
It is interesting that Biden has adopted a brilliant strategy in swing states. Do minimal campaigning and let Trump implode. He's gaining just by watching.
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2020 12:44 pm
It is interesting that Biden has adopted a brilliant strategy

Biden has done nothing. His handlers make every decision for him. They just hope he stays quiet about his hairy legs and CornPop.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2020 12:51 pm
From the NY Times:

When Senator Bernie Sanders lost the Democratic nomination and the economy collapsed this spring, two pillars of President Trump’s re-election strategy collapsed at the same time: his plan to run on prosperity and against a far-left opponent. But Mr. Trump’s campaign took comfort in the expectation that Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s penchant for gaffes would at least offer them dependable fodder for attack.

The pandemic, and Mr. Biden’s play-it-safe campaign, however, have starved them of even that.

With mandated social distancing measures entering their fourth month in many states, Mr. Biden has held few events and therefore committed few missteps. He conducts television interviews and has slowly started to hold public events. But Mr. Biden’s aides said they had no plans to stage the sort of rallies Mr. Trump will begin holding again Saturday — and which the president’s campaign had been counting on as the most reliable source of Biden gaffes.
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2020 12:53 pm
From the NY Times:

No credibility in anything political.
0 Replies
Frank Apisa
Reply Fri 19 Jun, 2020 01:00 pm
engineer wrote:

It is interesting that Biden has adopted a brilliant strategy in swing states. Do minimal campaigning and let Trump implode. He's gaining just by watching.

If a dangerous enemy is trying to hang himself...the thing to do is hand him more rope...not talk him out of it.

The guy who can do the most damage to Trump...is Trump.

I say, "Cheer him on."

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