The Democrats Gloat Thread

Reply Mon 4 Sep, 2006 05:38 am
Here's a cute trick. Shays backs timetable for withdrawl of forces in Iraq. BUT not because he's changed his mind that there is anything wrong with the war there nor with Bush policies nor because of election realities nor, one supposes, because the dems aren't wimpy and girlish and cowardly when one of them advises such a timetable.

It is to light a fire under the Iraqi government.

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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 4 Sep, 2006 11:19 am

Related online report in the Chicago Tribune (printed on page 3 today):

`A horror show for Republicans'
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Mon 4 Sep, 2006 12:32 pm
Additionally, I'm quite pleased that in NM governor Richardson has a big lead in polls:

http://i4.tinypic.com/2870l6s.jpg http://i4.tinypic.com/2870sgn.jpg http://i3.tinypic.com/2870v88.jpg
source: Albuquerque Journal, 04.09.06, frontpage and page A4.
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Reply Mon 4 Sep, 2006 07:25 pm
G.O.P. Hopeful Says Rumsfeld Should Resign

State Senator Thomas H. Kean Jr., the Republican nominee for United States Senate in New Jersey, says he is so frustrated with the Bush administration's handling of the war in Iraq that he is pushing for something that few Republicans have supported: the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.

In an interview at his campaign headquarters here, just shy of midnight on Friday, Mr. Kean said that he had become dissatisfied over the summer with what he said was Mr. Rumsfeld's refusal to consider "competing points of view."

But what compelled him to advocate publicly for a "fresh face" leading the troops, Mr. Kean said, were Mr. Rumsfeld's recent remarks chiding critics of the war for "moral and intellectual confusion," and comparing them to those who advocated appeasing Nazi Germany in the 1930's.

"By engaging in that kind of rhetoric, this secretary has stepped over the line," Mr. Kean said.

Mr. Kean stopped short of criticizing President Bush [and he] says he does not support a timetable for the withdrawal of American troops, because he thinks that could lead to a humanitarian crisis and destabilize the region.

Still, Mr. Kean's call for Mr. Rumsfeld to step down comes as more Republicans are distancing themselves, however gingerly, from Mr. Bush and an unpopular war.

Nowhere has this change of heart been more prevalent, perhaps, than in places where Republicans are engaged in close races. In Rhode Island, Stephen Laffey, a populist Republican who is challenging Senator Lincoln Chafee in a hotly contested primary, has called on Mr. Rumsfeld to resign. In Connecticut, Representative Christopher Shays recently changed his mind on a phased withdrawal and now supports a timetable, something that many Democrats have long advocated.

And then there is New Jersey, where Mr. Kean is locked in a tough fight with his Democratic opponent, Senator Robert Menendez. While Mr. Kean says that he would have voted for the original resolution authorizing the use of force, he agrees that the United States has made some "egregious mistakes."

As examples Mr. Kean cited the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib, what he called a poorly executed plan to purge Baathists from the Iraqi military and a lack of sufficient troops at the outset of the conflict. He said he was also stunned, earlier this year, by the number of retired generals who called for Mr. Rumsfeld's resignation. [..]
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 12:41 pm
Well, if a New Jersey state senator has called for his resignation, you better believe it's going to get some attention now.
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 01:25 pm
Wow!!! a New Jersey State Senator!!!!

You don't say!!!! We will see what happens on Nov. 7th. I have read the polls and the pundits. Most of them are from left wing sites. I am very much afraid that the left has forgotten a CRITICAL point.

Polls do not elect people.


But TURNOUT does!!!! We shall see!!!!!
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 01:31 pm
Mr. Walter Hinteler has revealed what may be one of the best things that can happen to this country---the possiblity that the Senate may remain in Republican hands and the House revolve to the Democrats-


However, the House is responsible for all money bills. They may, if they are under Democratic Control after Nov. 2006 vote NOT to fund our war effort in Iraq. I wonder if they would have the political courage to do so?

If the Democrats take over the House, we shall see.

In the meantime, I am sure that President Bush will not falter from his drive to keep the terrorists outside of the United States instead of relaxing the pressure on them!
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 01:37 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Well, if a New Jersey state senator has called for his resignation, you better believe it's going to get some attention now.

Ehm.. are you not following the news about your own candidates? Kean is the guy who's running a high-profile campaign to become the New Jersey Senator in Congress.

He is actually standing a good chance too, against Menendez. They've been close or tied in many polls.

His race has been considered important enough for the Republicans for both Cheney and Bush Sr to come out to campaign for him.
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 01:43 pm
We have GRIDLOCK now, and that's with both houses of congress controlled by republicans. Also, although some people refuse to "see it," the congress performance rating is in the twenties. Will we see improvement in November?

The same people that rates congress also votes for them; there's no consistency.
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 01:44 pm
Nimh shows again that he knows NOTHING about what REALLY happens in US elections--Someone on Kean's staff has searched the internal polls for the coming Senatorial Election and has decided that it would be to Kean's advantage to oppose Donald Rumsfeld.

When the election is over and Kean is the new senator from New Jersey, I will search for a picture of Kean and Rumsfeld shaking hands.

Don't you have a clue about what happens in US elections, Nimh???
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 03:19 pm
nimh wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Well, if a New Jersey state senator has called for his resignation, you better believe it's going to get some attention now.

Ehm.. are you not following the news about your own candidates? Kean is the guy who's running a high-profile campaign to become the New Jersey Senator in Congress.

He is actually standing a good chance too, against Menendez. They've been close or tied in many polls.

His race has been considered important enough for the Republicans for both Cheney and Bush Sr to come out to campaign for him.

I don't know what you mean by "your own candidates." I neither live nor vote in New Jersey.
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 03:56 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
I don't know what you mean by "your own candidates." I neither live nor vote in New Jersey.

Republican candidates... Rolling Eyes

I mean, you normally seem to be pretty well-informed and eager to discuss any Republican achievements and issues, no matter where in the country they take place. Odd, the sudden claim of disinterest/ignorance.
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 04:48 pm
nimh wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
I don't know what you mean by "your own candidates." I neither live nor vote in New Jersey.

Republican candidates... Rolling Eyes

I mean, you normally seem to be pretty well-informed and eager to discuss any Republican achievements and issues, no matter where in the country they take place. Odd, the sudden claim of disinterest/ignorance.

I am a registered Republican, but I'm not sure I live up to the billing you're giving me. I do generally vote for Republicans, but not always, and I will always vote for the best candidate, IMO (9 times out of 10 it's the Republican). I've helped with the campaigns of various Democrat candidates over the years, and as a matter of fact, I'm campaigning for the Democrat candidate in the upcoming election for my State Representative.

You've misremembered aspects of my personality/character in the past .... do you suppose this is another example of that?
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 05:42 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
I am a registered Republican, but I'm not sure I live up to the billing you're giving me. I do generally vote for Republicans, but not always, and I will always vote for the best candidate, IMO (9 times out of 10 it's the Republican). I've helped with the campaigns of various Democrat candidates over the years, and as a matter of fact, I'm campaigning for the Democrat candidate in the upcoming election for my State Representative.

I am very encouraged by your answer, Tico, if not perhaps for any reason you intended. Razz

If even you, who have made something of a name here by consistently, and oftimes acerbically, arguing the Bush/Republican administration line in pretty much every political contention that has appeared on these boards over the years, with little but scorn for your opponents, and whom I have not caught in ever criticizing the Republican establishment and Bush administration on any issue of major import (at least not from the left) - now apparently experience a wish to clarify that you're not really all that tethered to the party - that, you know, you've campaigned for Democrats too; that those aren't, in fact, all bad - that surely is a hopeful sign! As hopeful as this sentence was overlong, in fact.

The situation must be worse than I would even have hoped. I mean, Tico - diplomatically taking the opportunity to point out that, you know, it can't actually be assumed that he always supports Republicans - a better illustration of the sudden need felt by even stalwart Republicans to burnish their "Indie" credentials that's covered in my other thread, I could not hope for. Cool

Ticomaya wrote:
You've misremembered aspects of my personality/character in the past .... do you suppose this is another example of that?

I think I have quite a good handle on at least your online personality - not much ambiguity in how you present yourself here. How different you are IRL, of course, I can't possibly know. It would be silly to presume to know what a fellow debater here might be like face to face. You might well be a chummy, open-minded, tolerant, charitative, modest and respectful guy.
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 06:00 pm
What Nimh said.

I don't think I can survive the shock.

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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 06:14 pm
What next, eh? Foxfyre coming out to declare that she's always been a bipartisan kinda gal? Brandon taking offence at being assumed to instinctively favour military action?

This might still become a long thread..
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 06:29 pm
nimh, It's already a long thread. A few more hundred pages won't make any difference in people's positions or opinions. Your perceptions about most people and their positions are probably right on target.
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 11:29 pm
Ascerbic? Scornful? Moi?

nimh wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
I am a registered Republican, but I'm not sure I live up to the billing you're giving me. I do generally vote for Republicans, but not always, and I will always vote for the best candidate, IMO (9 times out of 10 it's the Republican). I've helped with the campaigns of various Democrat candidates over the years, and as a matter of fact, I'm campaigning for the Democrat candidate in the upcoming election for my State Representative.

I am very encouraged by your answer, Tico, if not perhaps for any reason you intended. Razz

If even you, who have made something of a name here by consistently, and oftimes acerbically, arguing the Bush/Republican administration line in pretty much every political contention that has appeared on these boards over the years, with little but scorn for your opponents, and whom I have not caught in ever criticizing the Republican establishment and Bush administration on any issue of major import (at least not from the left) - now apparently experience a wish to clarify that you're not really all that tethered to the party - that, you know, you've campaigned for Democrats too; that those aren't, in fact, all bad - that surely is a hopeful sign! As hopeful as this sentence was overlong, in fact.

The situation must be worse than I would even have hoped. I mean, Tico - diplomatically taking the opportunity to point out that, you know, it can't actually be assumed that he always supports Republicans - a better illustration of the sudden need felt by even stalwart Republicans to burnish their "Indie" credentials that's covered in my other thread, I could not hope for. Cool

I suppose you believe you've made some point in that self-acknowledged run-on sentence/paragraph, but not really. What I've said here is truth, and what I have always said here on A2K when I have been asked about my voting tendencies. So, if you think this is a "sudden need" to "burnish my Indie cred," you are just plain mistaken. I have consistently pointed out that I supported the best candidate in the 2000/2004 elections, and that sure as hell wasn't Gore or Kerry. Should the Democratic party ever manage to nominate the best candidate in an election, it is quite likely I will vote for them.

I submit that while you are very encouraged by my answer, it is for the wrong reason.

Ticomaya wrote:
You've misremembered aspects of my personality/character in the past .... do you suppose this is another example of that?

I think I have quite a good handle on at least your online personality - not much ambiguity in how you present yourself here. How different you are IRL, of course, I can't possibly know. It would be silly to presume to know what a fellow debater here might be like face to face. You might well be a chummy, open-minded, tolerant, charitative, modest and respectful guy.

I think your grip on the handle of my online personality is tenuous at best, colored perhaps by a tendency to create a "false memory" of something I said, or a position I took, based solely on your reading of a certain tone into my posts. You've done that before on at least 3 occasions, and this appears to be no different.

In any case, I am indeed a friendly, open-minded, tolerant, modest and respectful guy IRL.
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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2006 11:47 pm
Ticomaya- I think Nimh is a rather bright fellow BUT he knows almost NOTHING about the real political nitty gritty that one finds in the USA in the real world--(NOT IN THE MAGAZINES OR NEWSPAPERS)--but rather in the real world. The kind that you find when you do as you are doing--working for a candidate.

When one works for a candidate, a person discovers, as I have, that when a prospective office holder( let us say, Kean in New Jersey) declares that he does not have confidence in Donald Rumsfeld, people like Nimh( who do not know the real world of politics in the USA) say--
Ah-ah! a split in the party!!!

When the truth is that if Rumsfeld got together with Kean, Rumsfeld--an old time experience politician--would say---I know what you are doing and why--the objective is to win--and Kean would say--Nothing personal, Don--and Don would answer--I know that--good luck!!!

If you look at a bogus poll referenced by Nimh, Ticomaya, a poll of fully 600 people from Illinois, Nimh would have you believe that it is true that 72% of the people polled think Obama is a good Senator.

Because I have worked on the ground in Illinois, I know that this result is bogus and not at all reflective of how the people really feel about Obama.

There are numerous studies to show that people will always give the African-American an assent in a poll but will then VOTE AGAINST HIM OR HER IN THE VOTING BOOTH.

Nimh seems to be astounded that you worked for a Democrat, Ticomaya.

I have done similarly--I will be explicit. I have worked as a volunteer for





All Republicans


It may be that because Nimh is a European, he does not understand that one's principles may lead to the support of a person belonging to a party which is strange to him.

I do not think Nimh will ever REALLY understand politics in the USA!!
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Reply Wed 6 Sep, 2006 03:37 am
Ticomaya wrote:
Ascerbic? Scornful? Moi?

You dont believe those words apply to your posts on the Politics board here? Seriously?

I submit that would say more about the disconnect that often occurs between people's self-perception and the impression they make on others, than about anything regarding your posts..

Ticomaya wrote:
What I've said here is truth, and what I have always said here on A2K when I have been asked about my voting tendencies. So, if you think this is a "sudden need" to "burnish my Indie cred," you are just plain mistaken.

Oh, I dont doubt that it is the truth - I see no reason why you would lie about it. And it is perhaps also true that you would have said so if anyone had specifically asked about your voting tendencies. But saying anything kind or even nuanced about Democrats is certainly not something you have ever done much spontaneously; it seems to be a dont ask-dont tell kind of thing. So I'm glad to see you coming out of the closet, as it were.

Ticomaya wrote:
In any case, I am indeed a friendly, open-minded, tolerant, modest and respectful guy IRL.

I am glad to hear so. Here's to looking forward of seeing more of that open-minded, tolerant, modest and respectful persona on A2K as well.
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