ossobuco wrote:Mills, slappy has a persona here on a2k which pushes envelopes many of the times he posts. I don't know myself if this slappy the envelope pusher or the realslap speaking.
Oh, was my response too simple/obvious for this thread?
Not you personally, but I'm amazed at how many times people on this board just outsmart themselves.
That definition I posted is from the f'n dictionary. Yes, it's a simple definition, because it's a simple diagnosis: HE IS A PEDOPHILE. I don't see how there's any inadequacies there. It's one thing to drive down the street, see a skirt, check it out and think "oops, didn't realize it's a kid," rather than "I'm sexually attracted to junior high schoolers, and I realize it's a constant thing that's on my mind."
If you're attracted to kids, you're a pedophile. Go into all this evolutionary crap you want, but what it boils down to is this guy would f#ck kids if it wasn't for the laws.
And if you EVER do act on it, I hope you're mercilessly beaten. I noticed the thread starter mentioned something about how it's now "less LIKELY" now he's older....that means the possibility still exists.