How do people know what service to contact and what plan to sign up for? There are dozens of companies. And lots of hotlines with which you can get help with coverage plans and find out about additional benefits.
I was in the market for better dental coverage. I contacted UHC about Dual Complete because my mother persuaded me to sign up for it. She told me she know someone who had Dual Complete and was very satisfied with it, and she listed off some of the benefits.
I contacted someone at UHC and asked them for info about Dual Complete.
Every time health coverage companies would pop up on TV in ads I would jot the phone numbers down for them. One day I was rummaging through my list of numbers and I called EHealth. EHealth is a service that comparison shops for health coverage plans for you.
WellCare Health Plans, Inc. is health coverage company that has a branch in my hometown. I met a rep from Wellcare at my local supermarket and briefly spoke with her over the phone.
A rep from EHealth told me the two best plans that suited what I needed are Humana Gold Plus and UHC Dual Complete. These two plans are very similar but Dual Complete offers better dental coverage so I went with that. I called the person I met through UHC and told her to sign me up for Dual Complete. She told me Dual Complete was the best plan for someone with both Medicare and Medicaid and that Medicare supplement plans are too costly.
I was going to call HealthMarkets, but I think I am satisfied with what I have. I recall calling New York State of Health, but I couldn't get the health coverage plan I wanted through them because it conflicted with my Medicaid and Medicare and Social Security benefits, if I remember right.
I remember complaining that I didn't have Aetna coverage when my mother and brother had it at one point. I called Aetna up one day- I forgot the reason they said I couldn't get it. I think they said I couldn't get it in NY, which doesn't make sense.