Eorl wrote:OK I'll give it an amatuer try......
This is how I see the position you could find yourself in....
1. Gods may or may not exist.
2. Other people may or may not know a gods will.
Conclusion: I cannot know if a god expects me to obey it's will as expressed through others who claim to know it's will.
(edit > simplified)
This does not direct yourself to the question you raised that caused me to ask you to evaluate it in syllogistic form...but, let's deal with the three statements. (It is not a syllogism)
And let us suppose each of the three statements is correct.
Fact is, Gods may or may not exist.
Fact is, Other people may or may not know a god's will.
And, fact is, I DO NOT KNOW (I prefer not to use "cannot")...if a god exists and I DO NOT KNOW (if a god in fact exists) what it's expectations are of me or of anyone else.
I really do not give a rat's ass what other people say about the existence of gods...or about what they suppose the gods expect of me.
You quoted me saying: "In any case, I would have a very difficult time "proving" that the world was NOT "created" yesterday complete with all memories...so I would NOT assert that it is a definite fact that it was not."....and then wrote:
Quote:Yes, this is where I see the weakness of the position, not a logical weakness but a practical one. I'm not asserting that you think all options are equally likely but rather the fact that you accept the possibility that I may be correct when I claim to KNOW for a fact that the Giant Snail is real gives my claim more credibility than it deserves.
I cannot prove that the Giant Snail does not exist....and I acknowledge that.
How is that a weakness?
I think it is a bunch of horseshyt....and if you ever asserted it to me with any degree of real conviction, I would laugh at you and tell you I considered it a bunch of horseshyt.
I do that very thing with the theists I argue with all the time.
I CANNOT PROVE the Bible is bullshyt...and I cannot prove that the god described in it does not exist...but I sure as hell can point out all the evidence that indicates that the Bible is primarily a book devoted to a rather self-serving, fanciful history of the ancient Hebrew people....with a comic book quality mythology intertwined.
So where is the weakness you perceive in being honest? Please explain that.
You quoted me saying: "For the atheists asserting there are no gods...the problem arises for him to establish how he knows the true nature of REALITY...so as to be able to dismiss one of the possible REALITIES"...and then wrote:
Quote:Why can one not take a practical position on the matter and say "it seems from every observable aspect of the universe that no supernatural power was or is required for it to function as it does and therefore when I build a rocket to fly to the moon I will discount the likelyhood of supernatural intervention and I will not factor gods into my calculations."
You can do whatever you want.
But....simply because "...it seems from every observable aspect of the universe that no supernatural power was or is required for it to function as it does..." does not mean there is no supernatural force at play....and it certainly is no argument for asserting that it does not exist.
This makes as little logical sense as asserting there are no gods because we cannot see any....or that the theists cannot produce any.
The bottom line is: It seems from every observable aspect of the universe that we do not know if a supernatural power exists...and it further seems there is no way right now that we can determine one way or the other on the issue...
...so why not take the practical position on the matter and simply say "WE DO NOT KNOW."
Why on earth do you suppose that simply guessing in the opposite direction of theists on the question makes more sense...or is in any way superior to simply acknowledging the obvious?
Quote:(Note: JLNobody pointed out that I seem to be suffering from absolutism, that may help to explain my obstinacy

Bizarre as it may seem....some people have accused me of being obstinate also. So I simply discount any of that stuff.