Mon 17 Mar, 2003 10:41 pm
Okay, I have a question for all those who have been telling us how they are protesting the war but will "support the troops" if the war begins:
Now that it seems clear that the war is absolutely going to happen, do you want our troops to WIN?
Feel free to expound on your answer, but I'm looking for a simple "Yes" or "No", so try to be sure you throw one in there somewhere.
i find it hard to believe that anyone (american) wants a failed effort but that does not lessen our fears of unneccessary mayhem to come from Saddam.
Yes, but I am against this war!
Yes, it will just be a tiny bit less embarassing that way. It allready is embarassing enough (and I am not an American, just living here). Glad to hear that a British cabinet member has resigned just a little while ago, every little thing counts.
dyslexia wrote:i find it hard to believe that anyone (american) wants a failed effort but that does not lessen our fears of unneccessary mayhem to come from Saddam.
Now Dys, I didn't see a "yes" or a "no" there. C'mon now pardner...
Re: "I support the troops..." ???
trespassers will wrote:
Now that it seems clear that the war is absolutely going to happen, do you want our troops to WIN?
I fervently wish they had never been put in this situation (& I refer to Australian troops, too).
WIN? Who the hell is going to win out of all this?
The politics of war making and the fighting of political war are two distinct issues. Of course we support and love the young men and women who are be ordered to fight this war. The war is not their doing.
It's natural to support troops as individuals even though one opposed to a war.
(Otherwise one is involved in the operation strategically or tactically in one direction.)
Yes, The war will be easily won. Just because its hard to loose a war when the enemy hasn't an army. But remember, technically the Vietnam war was won. 1 million enemies killed against 60000 US soldiers. I do not see any signs that Iraq will become a second Vietnam IMO=>the third Gulfwar will be known as "the war that wasn't a war"
But its what comes after that war. General Clarke, he is preparing "Irak after the war" said the US wants to stay for 8 years. It will be chaos. A little doom thinking. The Kurds want more autonomy, they trigger the kurds in Turkey to do the same. Turkey wont allow the Kurds and they attack North Iraq. The Kurds in Iran wont let theire fellow Kurds slaughtert by the Turks and intervene. Iran sends troops to the North because they dont want Turk troops to enter their country in their pursuit of the Kurds. Meanwhile in the South the Sji'its have declared their independance and want the Americans out. ..... It will be 8 long years!!!
Three cheers for our men and women in the military. They have a rough job to do, and I think that they are more than capable of accomplishing it.
Let them go in, get Saddam and his honchos quickly, and come home!
The WTC attacks have nothing to do with Iraq!!!! There is no connection whatsoever
frolic- I want to propose something to you. How about you and I having a discussion about this say, a year or so from now, when a lot of the truth comes out? If I am wrong about Iraq and 9/11, I will apologize publicly to you, in huge writing. If I am right, I would expect the same from you. Deal??
I support the President and our troops.
Phoenix32890 wrote:frolic- I want to propose something to you. How about you and I having a discussion about this say, a year or so from now, when a lot of the truth comes out? If I am wrong about Iraq and 9/11, I will apologize publicly to you, in huge writing. If I am right, I would expect the same from you. Deal??
And you want to kill thousands and thousands of Iraqi and destroy even more lives just because there may be a a link? And what if the truth comes out and there is no connection? Just apologize for the people that died isn't enough. You dont fight war because there MAY BE a link. You've got to be 1000% sure about it.
Why dont we attack Saudi-Arabia? That link is more obvious, most of the hijackers were Saudi. There have been inspectors for months in Iraq and all they found was a missile that flew some 20 miles over the UN restriction. Big deal! You want to kill and destroy for that?
frolic- It is quite obvious to me, and it should be to you, that I have nothing to say about whether we go to war or not. The decision has been left to Saddam Hussein. I still want to know if you accept my offer!
Quote:Why don't we attack Saudi-Arabia?
Who is that WE you are talking about. You certainly are not one of the "we"
Your question has been answered on many posts in the last few days. Everyone supports our troops, with one possible exception, however, very few support the Bush war.
We or U or They? What the heck!
I dont gamble when lives are at stake. The chance you are wrong is much higher than you are right. The weapon inspections showed that already!
You'll see. The war will be won. But the war for public opinion will be lost for years!!! You lost all credit in the war against terrorim. And Russia showed(They blocked an agreement on Nuclear weapons) today how the US will be treated for the years to come.
The "world" is a fickle place. Friends today are tomorrow's enemies and today's enemies are tomorrow's allies. Public opinion is like a stalk of grain in the wind. It goes whichever way the wind blows.
Er - I hate to intrude on such a serious discussion - but, just say I was planning to support our troops, how exactly am I supposed to do it?
I mean, they seem quite upstanding chaps and chappesses, don't seem to need support garments, or anything. Do I buy them flowers, and send them to Iraq via Interflora?
What exactly does this putative support mean I am supposed to DO?