aren't most therapists a waste of space?

  Selected Answer
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 03:05 am

you're some stranger trying to mess with me. why do you assume i must be content with this?

I have offered several suggestions on how you can verify if you're being messed with, including information from 3rd party sources on how you can check if a stranger (like myself) is 'messing with you. People who actually play mind games don't offer suggestions for how you can check through independent sources.

That you haven't actually bothered to verify through an independent source. This is your own responsibility to yourself, but you haven't done it.

I have suggested several times you show this conversation to professionals, and seek their opinions. People who play mind games won't suggest you do this. That you haven't actually done this is obvious, and your own responsibility.

People who play mind games would have lost patience with you by now. It is odd then that I haven't.

I have suggested you seek guidance elsewhere. People playing mind games don't do this.

I haven't frequently qualified my replies to explain that I do not think worse of you for such - people playing mind games don't do this. Mind game players tend to be quite callous.

how can you know if I'm mentally ill or not
- Plenty of exposure to mental illness;
- your inability to see the accuracy of rogers initial reply (it was a very accurate observation - your title didn't show in the body of your post)
- Plenty of examples provided by you of irrational perceptions regarding other peoples motives in this thread
- In this forum - your apparent belief that so many people strangers are against you (this is highly irrational)
- your seeing aggression in numerous places where there is none
- you talking about a person I've never interacted with as if I have
- your belief that normal conversation is constant mind games (and this despite many suggestions on how to verify such, the number of times I've suggested you seek guidance elsewhere, etc)
- etc.

This is the thing about normality - it enables one to articulate what their suspicions are based on. I've asked you to do this (regarding your belief in mind games), but you haven't. None of this by the way, is having a go at you, or suggesting you are a bad person (again, you may be a very nice person). It is only pointing out that there are some things going on in your mind that are not functioning normally.

Once again - if you are not satisfied with such answers, then I would encourage you to show this conversation to a professional. I would encourage you to start reading as many books as possible regarding manipulative people.
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 03:08 am
Ok, so the gist here is:

- random strangers try and play mind games on me, and try and implant **** into my mind, when i dopn't know them from Adam.

- it's not OK for me to post naive points when i'm a human and don't know it all.
- there is some "hidden rule" out there that i cannot do this, but then https://able2know.org/user/jgoldman10/topics/ but then because he is white and meets your standard, it's fine for him to post naive stuff and get away with it.

- you gain powers from trying to manipulate people into negative ways online, and possibly in real life too.

- you do this to express your dark personality, and possibly are very aggressive and projecting in real life.

- y0u do this also to try and feed whatever unhealthy impulses you have, and think people universally are fearful of you.

- you reckon that other adults fear you - which isn't the case. but then perhaps where you live.

- the issue here is your own bias and prejudices. and how you project these onto random Web strangers and the world at large.

- you mention mental illness often, again to try and **** with me, but then you don't even get the diagnostic criteria. it's not about being "nice" - it's about being in a happy mental state. Read the actual texts, and you'll see this is so.

so yeah - this situation in a nutshell. perhaps act like grown-ups, and don't project your morals or inner feelings of life.
Please show this to a doctor.
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 03:10 am
my observations are correct.
the fact you're so intent on reading my character and being shows that you're going on some agenda.
is this how you typically engage with random people? I guess my point about your neighbourhood or culture is pretty true then.
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 03:12 am
you're doing this again.
I'm just right here.
0 Replies
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 03:28 am
my observations are correct.
There is every chance that you simply aren't aware that they aren't correct. You have after all, refused to seek third party verification. You have also refused to consider all the evidence contrary to your view. Are you able to articulate why you feel the way you do?

Below is a reason you may not know how irrational some of your statements have been. They are from generic health websites that do not know you at all.

Impaired awareness of illness: Anosognosia
By Dr. E. Fuller Torrey

SUMMARY: Impaired awareness of illness (anosognosia) is a major problem because it is the single largest reason why individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder do not take their medications. It is caused by damage to specific parts of the brain, especially the right hemisphere. It affects approximately 50 percent of individuals with schizophrenia and 40 percent of individuals with bipolar disorder. When taking medications, awareness of illness improves in some patients.
Impaired awareness of illness is a strange thing. It is difficult to understand how a person who is sick would not know it. Impaired awareness of illness is very difficult for other people to comprehend. To other people, a person’s psychiatric symptoms seem so obvious that it’s hard to believe the person is not aware he/she is ill. Oliver Sacks, in his book The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat, noted this problem:

It is not only difficult, it is impossible for patients with certain right-hemisphere syndromes to know their own problems …And it is singularly difficult, for even the most sensitive observer, to picture the inner state, the ‘situation’ of such patients, for this is almost unimaginably remote from anything he himself has ever known.

What is impaired awareness of illness?
Impaired awareness of illness means that the person does not recognize that he/she is sick. The person believes that their delusions are real (e.g. the woman across the street really is being paid by the CIA to spy on him/her) and that their hallucinations are real (e.g. the voices really are instructions being sent by the President). Impaired awareness of illness is the same thing as lack of insight. The term used by neurologists for impaired awareness of illness is anosognosia, which comes from the Greek word for disease (nosos) and knowledge (gnosis). It literally means “to not know a disease.”

How big a problem is it?
Many studies of individuals with schizophrenia report that approximately half of them have moderate or severe impairment in their awareness of illness. Studies of bipolar disorder suggest that approximately 40 percent of individuals with this disease also have impaired awareness of illness. This is especially true if the person with bipolar disorder also has delusions and/or hallucinations.

https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-disorders/schizophrenia-signs-and-symptoms.htm<br />
There are five types of symptoms characteristic of schizophrenia: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, and the so-called “negative” symptoms. However, the symptoms of schizophrenia vary dramatically from person to person, both in pattern and severity. Not every person with schizophrenia will have all the symptoms, and the symptoms of schizophrenia may also change over time.

A delusion is a firmly-held idea that a person has despite clear and obvious evidence that it isn’t true. Delusions are extremely common in schizophrenia, occurring in more than 90% of those who have the disorder. Often, these delusions involve illogical or bizarre ideas or fantasies, such as:

Delusions of persecution – Belief that others, often a vague “they,” are out to get you. These persecutory delusions often involve bizarre ideas and plots (e.g. “Martians are trying to poison me with radioactive particles delivered through my tap water”).

Delusions of control – Belief that your thoughts or actions are being controlled by outside, alien forces. Common delusions of control include thought broadcasting (“My private thoughts are being transmitted to others”), thought insertion (“Someone is planting thoughts in my head”), and thought withdrawal (“The CIA is robbing me of my thoughts”).

Again, I would encourage you to talk with a doctor. If there is no problem, then it can't hurt. If there is, then it will be good for you.
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 04:40 am
stop using these techniques to try and force me to your bidding. do you actually have a life? if not, then why spend it ******* me around?

Stop using suggestive psychological tones.
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 04:58 am
You do realise that you are exhibiting the exact behaviours described by the website as 'Delusions of Control'?

No one can make you do anything. Nor have I attempted to make you do anything - I have suggested things, and explained why. What you do with that is up to you. As for '******* you around' - you do realise I have suggested multiple times that you seek advice elsewhere? You are able to go elsewhere, or stay here. Such is up to you.

I would still suggest you see a doctor. You are very obviously unwell.
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 05:17 am
you realise you have used quite provocative language and tones. and then are trying to assuage it. lol. if this is how you behave it's not really on. perhaps man up, and acknowledge your own conduct.
Trying to label some online stranger with conditions -what to just try and embarass and humiliate me? lol.
for what, and why? to give you kicks? and for which purpose?

this shows your character.
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 05:22 am
tell me when it's acceptable to say what you wish to online people and then not expect a comeback?

i guess you're the big bad man everybody fears. it's a shame that not how most people engage.
0 Replies
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 05:32 am

and you say this isn't charged language?
where do you get this notion that people fear you?
0 Replies
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 05:35 am
Trying to label some online stranger with conditions -what to just try and embarrass and humiliate me? lol.
I've already said the purpose is not to embarrass or humiliate you - it is to encourage you to seek help. Others on this forum have also suggested you seek help. Your own posts acknowledge you have a mental illness, and that you've wanted to be 'sectioned' as you put it. As for people fearing me - that is your illness talking.

The language I use is because I see no need to be disrespectful towards you. Being respectful does not mean having to avoid difficult conversations.

Once again, I would encourage you to see a doctor. You are obviously unwell.

In relation to the underlined, I will continue to encourage you to seek help while you continue to display such obvious signs of being unwell. No responsible person could do otherwise. Please. Go and see a doctor. A new one if you have to.
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 06:36 am
your purpose is to goad, humiliate and undermine me. lol. why am i supposed to respond to this in a civil manner?
i feel based on your character you do wish for people to fear you. it's pretty standard.

you've proven you have some selective issues here. i've said that JGoodman posts worse stuff than I do - but you ignore him. Why? is it because he's an American too? or some other random bias you hold? The forum rules don't lend to this - and your own personal morals or views of interactions mean little here.

And why are you encouraging me?
I'll go from this thread now - largely because you have taken this time to try adn scope, judge, and use some psychological tricks to **** with me.
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 02:50 pm
JGoodman has never visited this thread. You and I have never conversed in another thread. I don't know who he is. This is what is called Delusions.

You are unwell. Please go and see a doctor.
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 08:21 pm
so does trying to bully an online stranger make you feel powerful? I guess you NEED the "doctor". it's common sense. if you have a standard, why do you select this standard? JGoodman posts ****, but you leave him alone. i wonder why (same nationality....)

Thu 24 Oct, 2019 09:42 pm
Schizophrenia is a mental illness that has a large variety of symptoms and can seem very different in one person from another. It causes an altered experience of reality and affects people's thoughts, perceptions and behaviour.

Someone with schizophrenia will have symptoms for more than 6 months. They may have unusual ideas or beliefs about themselves or the world around them, which may be frightening.

They may hear sounds or voices, or see things that other people can’t see (hallucinations). They might feel someone else is in control of their body or thoughts.

They might find their thoughts are jumbled and they can’t make sense of what other people are saying.

The signs someone you know might have schizophrenia include:

they behave in bizarre or unpredictable ways
they jump from subject to subject – their words don’t make sense
they are very paranoid and distrustful
they do strange things to ‘ward off’ their thoughts
they have trouble concentrating
they may be violent (although this is very rare)
they may be unpredictable, either not responding or moving in a very strange way
they can’t function normally – they may neglect their personal hygiene, withdraw and lose interest in everyday activities
they may seem to lack emotion, not making eye contact, not changing their facial expression and speaking in a monotone

See a doctor if you or someone you know seems to be experiencing any of these symptoms.

Signs and symptoms
Hallucinations, such as hearing voices or seeing things that others do not experience.
Beliefs that are odd or that others do not share.
Trouble thinking logically.
Agitated or repetitive body movements.
Lack of emotional expression when talking.
Speaking little.
Lack of pleasure in everyday activities.
Difficulty paying attention.
Trouble applying information to make decisions.
Problems with working memory (a type of short-term memory involved in processing information).
0 Replies
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 09:51 pm
A sizable proportion of people with schizophrenia have to rely on others because they are unable to hold a job or care for themselves.

Many may also resist treatment, arguing that there is nothing wrong with them.

Some patients may present clear symptoms, but on other occasions, they may seem fine until they start explaining what they are truly thinking.

The effects of schizophrenia reach far beyond the patient - families, friends, and society are affected too.

Symptoms and signs of schizophrenia will vary, depending on the individual.

The symptoms are classified into four categories:

Positive symptoms - also known as psychotic symptoms. For example, delusions and hallucinations.

Negative symptoms - these refer to elements that are taken away from the individual. For example, absence of facial expressions or lack of motivation.

Cognitive symptoms - these affect the person's thought processes. They may be positive or negative symptoms, for example, poor concentration is a negative symptom.

Emotional symptoms - these are usually negative symptoms, such as blunted emotions.

Below is a list of the major symptoms:

Delusions - the patient displays false beliefs, which can take many forms, such as delusions of persecution, or delusions of grandeur. They may feel others are attempting to control them remotely. Or, they may think they have extraordinary powers and abilities.

Hallucinations - hearing voices is much more common than seeing, feeling, tasting, or smelling things which are not there, however, people with schizophrenia may experience a wide range of hallucinations.

Thought disorder - the person may jump from one subject to another for no logical reason. The speaker may be hard to follow or erratic.
Other symptoms may include:

Lack of motivation (avolition) - the patient loses their drive. Everyday actions, such as washing and cooking, are neglected.

Poor expression of emotions - responses to happy or sad occasions may be lacking, or inappropriate.

Social withdrawal - when a patient with schizophrenia withdraws socially, it is often because they believe somebody is going to harm them.

Unawareness of illness - as the hallucinations and delusions seem so real for patients, many of them may not believe they are ill. They may refuse to take medication for fear of side effects, or for fear that the medication may be poison, for example.

Cognitive difficulties - the patient's ability to concentrate, recall things, plan ahead, and to organize their life are affected. Communication becomes more difficult.
0 Replies
Thu 24 Oct, 2019 10:30 pm
you are playing games.

if not, then don't use these techniques to try and scope me out.

your points are being deliberately provocative.
0 Replies

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