Tres, "Failure of reason" is often unilateral. War, IMHO, is the result of that failure, regardless whether the failure is unilateral, bilateral, or multilateral. If reason triumphs, peace reigns. If reason fails, war looms.
blatham wrote:Censorship of anti-war protest (or anti-government protest) simply cannot be appropriate in the context of liberty, democracy, and free speech principles.
blatham further wrote:In such a context, a war is justifiable only if it reflects the will of the people
Here we disagree, at least in principle. "The Will of The People" should be no determinant. It was "The Will of the people" that we engage Spain a bit more than a century ago ... that did not legitimize that conflict. It was "The Will of The People" that we not become involved in WWI, and again, at least until Pearl Harbor, it was "The Will of The People" that we not become involved in WWII. That did not illegitemize either conflict.
and in conclusion blatahm wrote:and such can only be determined where all speech is permissable.
Freedom of speesh is at once a boon and a burden. All rights entail obligations. In the exercize of some rights, some folks fail to acknowledge the obligation part. I suppose that is one of their rights, too.