Thanks for the link - troubling is a mild description of my feelings reading this article! It's now kerplunked straightaway into one of my blogs. A man to "follow", eh?[/size][/color][/i]
Yes, Tartarin, that article is very disturbing to me as well. And it exemplifies this administration's polarized perspective. The discussion about the quote ("you're either for us or against us") itself is an example of overly circumstantial and concrete thinking. It also is representative of the Christian fundamentalist's perspective. The idea being that one must take the "word of God," the Bible, literally. This way of thinking will be both Bush's claim to infamy and his downfall. Or at least I hope so.
Excuse me for getting on what for me is shaky territory, Lola, but isn't the either/or, for/against kind of characteristic of personality disorder? I was going to say self-esteem problem, but we've gotten so gooey about self-esteem... It seems to be a part of the make-up of those who say (or mean), You Don't Love Me Enough.
inadequate personality disorder?
I am new here, I consider it an Imperialistic Act, I figure that's the reason Blair brought Great Britain along so rabid and rapidly -
I'd like to bring in here a description of Bush in last Sunday's NYTimes. If you don't mind. I'll be back in a miny-mo.
An American Myth Rides Into the Sunset
The remarks of Woolsey seem typical of a former beauracrat who thinks he is a diplomat.
Dubya has said in his "Axis of Evil" speech that our enemies are North Korea, Iraq and Iran. It seems that Dubya, in order to rid the world of "evil," must now turn our guns in the direction of Iran and North Korea.
Some pundits have theorized that since we now already have a huge military presence in the Middle East, it would be easy to go ahead and take out Iran next.
I certainly don't think Iran and Syria will be overlooked!!
Wolfowitz has been quoted as saying we need to take out Saudi Arabia also. Hmmmmmmmmm. Then there is Jordan and Lebonan.
The article looks good, but I can't stop to read in now. Back later.
And I agree we shouldn't get into the business of diagnosing any specific person out side our offices, still we can speak in general. Concrete, either/or thinking is a symptom of a narcissistic personality disorder, if you add the arrogance, posturing, bull headedness, and disregard for the rights of others, that's several more characteristics contributing. And as you say, pathological narcissism does have everything to do with poor self-esteem, though as you say, the term has been beaten to death in the popular self help genre. The man in question apparently feels really poorly about himself, although it appears he's not consciously aware of it. I'd feel sympathetic, except he's doing so much damage..........and besides, as you know, this type of person can be very trying and obnoxious. So isn't this just great? Look what the Supreme Court has given us. Yuck!
We may as well invade and conquer the entire world since we have so much time and money. Talk about ethnocentrism.
Dubya, of course, would be President of the Planet Earth.
if we rely on heaven to forbid we're freakin' doomed. lets vote out the _(*^Q%_(*&^%
Lola, moving from the psychological or psychiatric towards the psychosocial and cultural, I'm beginning to think narcissism could be a national personality disorder, so to speak -- a facet of the culture. I'm thinking back, thinking back dimly to remembered threads of "Civilization and Its Discontents" read years ago, but don't remember this issue specifically. Think I'm going to have to do some rereading. I've continued to be stunned and puzzled by what I found in the US when I returned here. (I don't exclude the possibility that I'm the really weird one though!)
I have some experience with psychiatric nursing and yes your statements about Busha and symptoms of a narcisstic personality disorder do ring true, especially along with his history of drug abuse and alcholism. Narcisstic personality disorders demonstrated in cases that I have seen are literally crying for help, but they do their best to refuse that help due to their grandiosity and refusal to take responsibility for their conduct. Everyone else is to blame. As you know, unless they are desperate for help, they refuse it. and blame others. I have a stepson with it... and he refuses help because there is nothing wrong with him.
My mother and dad live in Texas, and a family that lives near by them sent their daughters to the same private school that the Bush twins attended. One day the twins went home with the girls to visit. Gov Bush came to the house and was extremely rude to the mother of the other girl, saying "Don't you know WHO Iam, I am not to be kept waiting." The twins were in tears. Apparently there are more similar stories. The man does not appear to have much ability to deal with people; no wonder our international diplomacy is in a shambles. This man thinks he is the center of the universe.
And yes, WilliamHenry, it would not surprise me if he felt quite entitled to rule planet earth. Very frightening indeed.
I don't know. He seems much more driven than entitled, VNN, but it could be parts of the same thing.
Dys, it's my version of Heaven I was speaking of......and my version is a lot like earth. But you're right, let's vote him out and all his cronies with him.
Tartarin and Vietnamnurse,
There is healthy narcissism and there's pathological narcissism. And I think it's the pathological kind I associate with our unpresident. What you say Vietnamnurse is very interesting to me. My daughters attended the same private school you're speaking of. Hockaday. And your story fits right in with my experience as well. I have some stories I can tell, but I'd rather do in on PM. Anybody interested, let me know. It is horrifying to think that this man is president.
Rereading Civilization and it's Discontents can be interesting. It would be fun to compare notes on it. I've been looking for 15 minutes now for a Freud quotation. When I find it, I'll send it.