Vietnamnurse...lovely to see you again! Sorry our reintroduction has been brought about by the gale force God-wind.
Vietnamnurse: echoing the sentiments of blatham, welcome to you dear Lady! You may realize that I have been impacted greatly by your contribution by the change in my signature this afternoon. Your words struck me with the simple description of all that I have been feeling today. Some folks I know keep saying that "it does no good to think about it" or "worry about what is happening" because it is going to happen anyway. In good conscience I cannot just sit, wait and not say "THIS IS WRONG!".
Wished I'd seen the Catlin show at the Smithsonian, Vietnamnurse. I think he's brilliant!
(Not to digress from the topic here. Just trying to have something positive to think about today...)
Oh, Cobalt, you move me to tears...I wish that tonight and the next hours would not happen, but just knowing that others feel the same is somehow reassuring.
Hello again, Blatham. Have you read the latest Lewis H. Lapham in Harpers? I can't give it to you online yet, but will as soon as I can. He is wondrous as usual.
It was so "splendiforous" (my made up word) that I cannot put real words to my reaction to the paintings. We bought one of the reproductions that the Smithsonian lovely.
Vnn, old friend, today I am in need of cheering up. I cannot believe this is happening. In my local paper today I came across this article from the Christian Science Monitor. We have discussed the peace and protest marches so much (and you have participated and I have wanted to), and this article gives a thoughtful view to those marches, to the role of many religious thinkers, to the deliberate blindness of the Bush cabal to the views of others - not just those who march, but those who don't agree.
I've realized, too, that one of the things I'm bothered by is the feeling that this is really Bush playing with a new game - a toy - that he hasn't really got any idea or care for life outside his little room. We have a boy to do a man's job, and all his uncles are egging him on.
bookmarking for the moment.
Welcome gezzy and mamajuana! Isn't it nice to be able to discuss thread issues and not be stalked by an imposter or disrupter? The bulk of the morning I spent in updating blogs and websites with excellent and vital llinks for those wanting to look at "OTHER" media and viewpoints than the controlled TV broadcasters.
In fact. last night, my family and I paid very close attention to the Iraq news broadcast with photos and coverage from around the world. We were amazed to see the content from Spain, Britain, and the US, as well as other countries that are not primarily oriented to Middle Eastern politics and demographics.
There are two common thought-deadening comments I hear and we shall grow sick of: 1. "Now that we are at war it is time to fall in with support of our President" and also the ever-popular 2. "My country, right or wrong".
I can't imagine who in their right mind does not see that there is no logic to support the first. And the second: did you ever notice that folks who do not think through things in depth would prefer platitudes over discourse? It worked for Raygun, and now it's been working for GW for years.
The last horror of a soon-to-be-intoned phrase is: "It's no use talking about it, we are in it now." Well, is passage of the Patriot Act II goes through as proposed, we won't have much to fear for talking would be expected to cease. Remember everyone: "You are either FOR us or AGAINST us!"
PS. If anyone can explain to be the logic of the first statement, I'd appreciate it!
There are two common thought-deadening comments I hear and we shall grow sick of: 1. "Now that we are at war it is time to fall in with support of our President
Tell it like it is. What you hear is now that we are in it let's support our troops. What else would you expect.
I disagree with you, au. I hear "Support our President" more often and especially on the TV.
"Support our troops" is almost a non-term these days. To me, it means bringing them home safely as quickly as possible. And it also means 'Do not send them in harm's way for an illegal war.' And it means support our own who work to protect the rest of us in this country. It does NOT mean whatever they are ordered to do is right, nor should we back 'home' condone any means to an end.
I think both protesters and military troups understand what happened after vietnam well enough that we won't be having that kind of mess again.
Whatever way you go round the block, if you kick someones door in with malice aforethought, it's hardly merry Xmas. I'll call it war.
And as a Brit, I have no compunction about dumping Blair.
Saddam is not a threat. the whole world is watching him. He can not do a thing unless the USA/UK hits first, otherwise he becomes the Bad Guy and deserves all he gets
Thoughtful and wonderful comments, everyone. I voted for invasion, but am not sure why. What is the difference and does it matter much? Are there points to be gotten with one versus another?
And as to your first question, or option, cobalt; I think that human and group psychology has a great deal to do with it. We may preface our getting up from our haunches with "Aw, ****", but we get up and move forward nonetheless.
Somehow it would seem that reality and you are strangers. The reality is that the "war" is about to start and our troops will be in harms way. Putting your head in the sand or yelling it is not a just war will not change that fact. Yes, many people who do not support the Bush doctrine and I am one of them,under these circumstances are now voicing support of the troops. They are as our sons and daughters and grandchildren and deserve and should expect our support. Those American citizens who don't feel that our troops deserve their support should get a one way ticket to Iraq.
Steissd just sent me a PM saying he has been called up, the Isralie Army, and will not be on A2k until his return from service.
People ARE supporting the troops, but they do not support the president. It is not their fault that they are being sent to do something that is fundamentally wrong. By dissenting, we are not jeopardizing the safety of the troops. Bush is to blame for that, in my opinion.
I signed up for Blueear! I love it, and I want to thank you!
I attended the peace march in Washington, DC on Saturday, March 15th with my husband and 6 friends...many of them from Abuzz. The march was peaceful and I believe the only arrests were when some crazies broke away and tried to enter the World Bank.
There were a few memorable signs that of them was carried by a women that stood out because of its neon chartreuse color, and also for the message: "Bombing for peace is like F---ing for virginity!"
Another: "Somewhere in Texas, a village is missing it's idiot"
and: "Be afraid, paranoia is patriotic."
Bravo, President Bush...
George W. Bush, has my full support.