kelticwizard wrote:If Ken Starr is so justified in going after Clinton because he lied under oath at a trial, then why didn't Ken Starr go after Paula Jones when she was found to be lying under oath at the same trial?
McGentrix wrote:I'm going to have to go with the idea the Clinton was the FREAKING PRESIDENT!!!
Paula Jones was not.
Hey, Starr went after all kinds of people in the Little Rock part of his investigation. The McDougals, Jim Guy Tucker, a whole host of people he got indictments on.
His supporters were congratulating him on it.
Remember, Starr was only supposed to investigate the Whitewater land deal. That was all he was originally supposed to do. And when Starr found wrongdoing by people other than Clinton there, he indicted them.
So then Starr came across evidence that Clinton denied an affair under oath in the Jones trial, which was
not a matter he was charged to investigate, Starr suddenly decides that he has to investigate the matter because of it.
And when Starr says investigate, he means devote a whole office full of lawyers and prosecutors to it.
Starr hands down indictments against many people in the Whitewater aspect of the investigation, but when it comes to the Paula Jones part of his investigation, he doesn't look at Jones' lying. He only decides to investigate Clinton's lying.
How come? If lying under oath is so important that Starr has to investigate a trial he wasn't even supposed to be concerned with in the first place, why didn't Starr indict Jones when the judge found that
she lied under oath at the same trial?
Got any answers?