Leaving aside for now CJ's attempt to suggest by inference that Amnesty International is a cover for a partisan American group, i'd like to take note of this little piece of disingenuous absurdity by McG:
Captain Unamerican wrote:Too many Americans believe, as I do, that prisoners in Guantanamo are being treated exactly as they should be. As prisoners. Just like the hundreds of thousands of other prisoners the US holds that have not been abused and tortured.
There is a big distinction between those who have been convicted of a crime by means of due process of established law, those who are awaiting their opportunity for due process of law and who have access to legal counsel and an opportunity for bail, an those held for years without due process of law, nor any immediate likelihood of due process. Futhermore, it is precisely because there is a great body of accusation of abuse and torture of "detainess" that Amnesty International cries shame at the mightiest nation on earth, and it is the more picquant given the hypocritical and self-righteous smugness with which the Shrub habitually portrays himself. The comparison of people in the prison system in the United States with those "detained" by the military, and in light of the administration's proven attempt to get legal advice which would authorize any treatment they saw fit--isn't simply absurd and disingenuous, it is either a product of errant stupidity, or seeks to cozen the rest of us as though we were stupid.
The reference to other nations' behavior is meaningless, it's a playground tactic of "oh yeah, well look what
he did."