HabibUrrehman wrote:
Quote:To believe anything without proof or evidence is foolish and there is no proof or evidence for a hereafter. So no.
Fair enough.
Suppose a person killed 100 people and never get caught, he lived a good life and died of natural causes. How do you justify his actions in his life? Where is the justice?
Now take the second scenario, let's suppose that this person is caught and is sentenced for life. Is it justice to take life of one individual at the cost of 100 innocent lives. Why should the family of this killer suffer in this world because of his actions.
Let's look at this in a different angle now. I am sure you believe in good and bad but how you define what is good and what is bad? It is generally accepted that robbing people is a bad idea but if it benefits me and I am so powerful that law enforcement agencies can't arrest me then you can ever stop me from robbing/stealing. If I will never be punished in this worldly life. Where is the justice?
Let's look yet another situation. Suppose, I am born in a very rich family and is not that smart but I have a well established business empire and my every night is spent with a different girl even though I am married. I do all crimes in the society but people still respect me on my face because I am rich. Is this all because I am smart or is this because I was born rich. What if I was born in a poor family. Could I afford doing all this? Why we have double standards for rich and poor. Where is the justice? Why one need to go through suffering and other lives a luxurious life?
Life and if we get justice, at the end of the day, is a coin toss buddy.
No one ever guaranteed anyone justice, health, wealth or a decent body.
That is why secular law has worked so hard to mitigate the damage we can do to each other.
Your thinking is ok but think globally/demographically and not locally.
You get a different view sometimes.
I just answered another query with links that speak to how good or evil the world is.
Let me reprint it here.
Without a ruler to impose order, we would have chaos.
You would like that even less.
I hate to burst your delusional bubble as to how evil the world is, but listen to this first quick link and if you believe the data, there are stats at the end of the second link that shows just how well we are doing buddy.
You see a half full glass of goodness while I see an overflowing glass of it.
The third link is for a giggle if you recognise your thinking as false after the first two links. No peeking ahead now.
This next is just to show you the history of our collective benevolence.