Yeah, i keep fergettin' 'bout that . . . hey EB, "liberal twit?" What, did you get a promotion?
There are always Jokers on the left of me, Clowns to the right, but I would imagine that I'm stuck in the middle with normal people, as opposed to someone who would take that site seriously.
Wait a minute, some of that would make a great song !
What do you think?
Well, you got a good solitciter?
Some "rightie" on A2K labeled somebody as a liberal twit as if to characterize the whole of us. I kind of liked it and adopted it.
"Well, I wonder what it is I should do....dum dee dum dum dum dee's coming me out someone, I think I'm on to something....could make a No.1 methinks.
You get any perks, or is it just the honor of the thing?
When asked how he felt about being elected President, Lincoln said it put him in mind of the man who was run out of town on a rail: "If it weren't for the honor of the thing, I'd rather walk."
Well, I've got the first verse!!
Well I don't know why I came here tonight
I've got a feelin' that somethin' ain't right
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair
And I'm wonderin' how I'll get down the stairs
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you
Good eh?
well edgar, unlike conservatives I'm sure you will find that all liberals come out of the same box. The really neat thing about consevatives is that their opinions originate from deep thoughtful critial analysis with an independence of mind and aspiration for knowledge whereas liberals all tend towards group-think. (kinda like an orgy) In my case I've never actually had a thought of my own and rely on the Weekly Reader for all my stated opinions and fortune cookies for my wisdom.
I think I should hurry and go for copyright on this one.
dys, I would write a reply, but I would be using the same words and thoughts you just expressed, the dum to your dee.
Wow, that's just exactly what i was thinkin' ! ! !
That is so, like . . . cosmic . . .
mysteryman knew you were gonna say that.
I find it interesting that while all of you have condemned me for the link,and my opinion of the site,NONE of you have condemned it.
I find that rather telling.
Telling of what? I don't have time to go around condemning things other people want me to condemn.
But whatever you need to support your ideology, you go right ahead and take from the discussion.
just so I understand what mysteryman said Quote:NONE of you have condemned it.
I find that rather telling.
I think that myseryman suffers from lack of reading comprehension skills
site, in the name of v.i. lenin, i condemn thee!
there, all better?
mysteryman wrote:I find it interesting that while all of you have condemned me for the link,and my opinion of the site,NONE of you have condemned it.
I find that rather telling.
You have been condemned? Where?
I had a read of the site. But what's to say? It's just someone's opinion and an example of Newton's Third Law in operation.
I didn't even check the link. How telling is that?