Iranian war

Reply Thu 20 Jun, 2019 05:10 pm
vikorr wrote:
Says your PR man?

Says the historical record.

vikorr wrote:
The only real history when it comes to mans doings - is those of the actions. People lie about their motives, and countries (and their politicians) have even more reason to lie about their motives, and more ability to paint false motives as 'history' - so you can't call motives history (well you can, but such does 'history' a great injustice).

That is incorrect. Motives are very much a part of history. And your untrue statements about our motives are contrary to history.

Your statements about our actions are also untrue. We very clearly acted to prevent Communism from conquering the world.

vikorr wrote:
And that great dilemma about how often (every countries) politicians lie about why they (their country) invades another country, leaves people with only one way to tell if the politicians are lying or not : look and see if the actions match the words. And in the case of the U.S., over and over again, the words do not match (the action, suffering, benefit).

That is incorrect. Our actions in preventing Communism from taking over the world are entirely consistent with our stated motive of preventing Communism from taking over the world.

Our actions in preventing Muslims from slaughtering innocent civilians are entirely consistent with our stated motive of preventing Muslims from slaughtering innocent civilians.

vikorr wrote:
The history of U.S' invasions have overwhelmingly been about looking after the U.S. at the expense of other peoples suffering.

That is incorrect. The history of our invasions has been all about preventing Communists from taking over the world, and all about preventing Muslims from slaughtering innocent civilians.

vikorr wrote:
You unfortunately, are just like every other gullible patriot who fell for their leaders nonsense about the need to invade another country. Your gullibility is arguably worse, because your country has a very clear history of invading other countries and making them suffer, for it's own benefit.

That is incorrect. We have a very clear history of preventing Communism from taking over the world, and a very clear history of preventing Muslims from slaughtering innocent civilians.
Reply Thu 20 Jun, 2019 05:11 pm
Australia, and plenty of other countries ordered these on the understanding they would be multi-role capable, including air combat.

My understanding, which could be wrong, is that no platform is good at all things, but that they tried to make the F35 such - and this is where a lot of the delays have come from. My supposition is that this is why there is a difference between what is, and what politicians want.
Reply Thu 20 Jun, 2019 05:12 pm
Says the historical record.
Written by the politicians who told the story? Or from quotes of the politicians who told the story. Oh yes, that is very reliable.

That is incorrect. Motives are very much a part of history. And your untrue statements about our motives are contrary to history.

Go through the history of U.S. invasions. In each of them, write down:
- who invaded who
- whether or not the invaded country suffered, and how much
- who benefited, and how

After you have done that for each U.S. invasion of other countries, then we can talk about whether or not my version, that the U.S. invaded other countries for it's own benefit, is correct or not.

All you have is propaganda, which you can only believe by ignoring the base actions and results of your countries invasions.
Reply Thu 20 Jun, 2019 05:16 pm
HabibUrrehman wrote:
Thanks for speaking the truth.

There is nothing truthful in denying that the US prevented Communism from taking over the world.

There is nothing truthful in denying that the US is preventing Muslims from slaughtering innocent civilians.
Reply Thu 20 Jun, 2019 05:17 pm
vikorr wrote:
Uh uh. Other than the great corruption shown by it's 'policing' (and this has already been pointed out), why does it ignore so much 'crime' in Africa...oh wait...the answer is very clear because it matches the the pattern found in which countries it invades (those that benefit the U.S. to invade)....there is no benefit in it for the U.S to invade African states.

Our reach and resources are not infinite. We have enough trouble protecting the civilized world. Civilizing the savages in Africa would be quite an effort.

And I can just imagine the whining and caterwauling that we would face if we actually tried to civilize those savages.

vikorr wrote:
So again, if it's a police officer, it's quite corrupt.

The fact that we don't act to prevent every single crime on the planet does not make it fair to deny those cases where we do act as a force for good.

vikorr wrote:
Being a police officer is just an image it painted of itself in order to lend 'legality' to it's invasions

Bank robbers always try to claim that police officers are no better than they are.

vikorr wrote:
bur Iraq showed that if the court is not on it's side, it will ignore the court

What court?

I get that you are speaking metaphorically. But I don't think that people who opposed the war had any authority to declare the war illegitimate.

Regardless, Iraq 2003 was a fluke. We had a need to smash something Islamic after 9/11.

vikorr wrote:
It's a slogan people could chant without thinking, to 'make it sound good'.

The best slogans are the ones that are backed by facts.
Reply Thu 20 Jun, 2019 05:18 pm
There is nothing truthful in denying that the US prevented Communism from taking over the world.
And you have no evidence whatsoever that it would have taken over the world...just supposition. So the statement 'Communism would have taken over the world' is not truth. It is supposition. And hysterical supposition at that.
Reply Thu 20 Jun, 2019 05:21 pm
vikorr wrote:
Some people don't like what I see as the truth.

The trouble is sometimes you are wrong about what is true.

vikorr wrote:
Unfortunately, many are so bought into their view of things that no matter how many examples you show - that illustrate the same things, the ideologue makes excuses for each and every one, never looking at the whole, nor how the individual excuses don't match the whole (whole here can mean a whole country, or part of a country that is openly different - and considers itself a whole, or a whole series of events, or ideologies and whole but separated branches of the parent ideology etc)

When a whole is made up of untrue components, that whole is just as untrue as the components that make it up.
Reply Thu 20 Jun, 2019 05:23 pm
HabibUrrehman wrote:
Keep up the good work please, it is important that we speak the truth even if the whole world is against us.

The truth is that the US is a force for good in the world.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 20 Jun, 2019 05:29 pm
Our reach and resources are not infinite. We have enough trouble protecting the civilized world. Civilizing the savages in Africa would be quite an effort.

And I can just imagine the whining and caterwauling that we would face if we actually tried to civilize those savages.
Right, so only countries that benefit america to invade.

The fact that we don't act to prevent every single crime on the planet does not make it fair to deny those cases where we do act as a force for good.
Uh huh. Invade countries that benefit the U.S. to invade, and make those people suffer. Avoid countries that don't benefit the U.S. to invade. And now, call yourself good. Call yourself a police officer. Wow...aren't I good? If the judge disagrees, well I'll just bully the judge, and if that doesn't work, I'll ignore the judge. I'll prop up mob bosses. I'll removes mayors. Man am I a GREAT police officer Drunk

What court?

The United Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan, declared explicitly for the first time last night that the US-led war on Iraq was illegal. Mr Annan said that the invasion was not sanctioned by the UN security council or in accordance with the UN's founding charter.

Every police officer must be answerable to a higher power / court. The UN is that court in this case. You cannot call yourself a police officer while bullying and ignoring the court...well you can, but it's because you are a pretend police officer (in fact a mobster) who does what they like, then tries to legitimise it.

We had a need to smash something Islamic after 9/11.
Afghanistan? Which appears to actually have had ties to 9-11? (though not as much as Saudi Arabia likely had - but SA was the U.S' main ally in the Gulf, so it wouldn't benefit the U.S. to invade SA...oh wait, there it is again...only invade if there is benefit in it).

Or that wasn't enough for bloodthirsty Americans? The police officer wanted something more substantial, even if had nothing to do with 9-11? So the police officer lied, and invaded a country to satisfy it's bloodlust?

Oh yes, a wonderful, wonderful police officer.
Reply Thu 20 Jun, 2019 05:37 pm
The trouble is sometimes you are wrong about what is true.
Which is fine by me. For I know I can be wrong.

What you are doing though, is quite different. You are asking me to believe words that do not match the actions, the consquences of those actions, nor the pattern of actions, nor the pattern of the consequences of those actions. There is no truth to be found in words that do not match the actions...ever.

By the way - if you think about it - you know that I am quite capable of arguing what you are arguing for you - how america is good, well meaning etc. I look at multiple sides of each argument in all it's permutations. And at the end of the day, my question to myself is 'what matches the actions', and if it is ongoing in nature 'what matches the pattern'. The U.S. is good sounds great, and in many ways it's true. But in other ways it is not true. The U.S. looks after it's patch, and doesn't particularly care if non allies suffer. Here in Australia, my own government is the same (East Timor, and West Papua in case)...even while I know most Australians are good, well meaning people.
Reply Thu 20 Jun, 2019 09:19 pm
No there will be no war with Iran unless they start it. Wars are risky and expensive and we cannot afford to spend the money or the troops.

There is little doubt that we would win an air and or naval war with Iran, but I am not so sure about a land war. The population of Iran is about one hundred million we out number them better than three to one. But it is not about how much potential a nation has but about how much of that potential can be employed against the enemy. I think about the best we could do is 250,000 combat troops and that would be calling up the reserves. I suspect that Iran could mass ten times that number. I don’t know if they could support that many, but they might fool us. I don’t think Trump is willing to take the risk.

In a way, we are already at war with Iran or at least they are at war with us and have been for a long time. They have been killing Americans for a long time at least as far back as the Reagan administration.
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2019 12:45 am
Oh i am not suprised that you would lie about this embarassing American ****-up.

The F-35 was designed as a multirole striker AND fighter with the aim of replacing several US and UK aircrafts, the majority of which are F-16s. It will never succeed in doing that, meaning all the nations who bought it, including UK and Canada, will be incapable of aerial fight by the time they were planning to rely on the F-35 for that. This will create a significant gap in these countries' defense, in about 10 or 15 years.

I'm happy the Germans and the French had the good sense of not buying it. No need to waste perfectly good euros on this American scam.
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2019 02:07 am
A land invasion of Iran would be next to impossible, unless one is ready to kill millions of people and suffer tens of thousands casualties. If the US does anything there, it'll be limited to air strikes.
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2019 06:36 am
longly wrote:

No there will be no war with Iran unless they start it. Wars are risky and expensive and we cannot afford to spend the money or the troops.

The Iraq war refutes that argument. That war was expensive and sucked troops from the Afghanistan effort, but we went forward without a second thought.
mark noble
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2019 07:38 am
WHO benefits from a 'US-led war with Iran'?
The Good thing about Trump IS - He plays a good clown - But is quite the opposite.
All targets he's ever struck have been vacant or (knowingly) abandoned.

His 'Hands' are 'CLEAN'

You NEVER make the Right Deals with 'DIRTY' Hands.
Nor Thereafter.

So - Who's setting-up Iran?
That's the only question you need answer.

I'd tell you - But a little 'squirming' maketh less 'squirmy', given time - And the journey's worth taking:)

I'll finish, as I began -
WHO benefits from a 'US-Led War' with Iran?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2019 08:13 am
vikorr wrote:
Written by the politicians who told the story? Or from quotes of the politicians who told the story. Oh yes, that is very reliable.

The Cold War has been amply documented by historians.

vikorr wrote:
Go through the history of U.S. invasions. In each of them, write down:
- who invaded who
- whether or not the invaded country suffered, and how much
- who benefited, and how

After you have done that for each U.S. invasion of other countries, then we can talk about whether or not my version, that the U.S. invaded other countries for it's own benefit, is correct or not.

The beneficiary of our Cold War conflicts has been the entire world.

The beneficiary of our conflicts in the War on Terror has been the entire world.

vikorr wrote:
All you have is propaganda, which you can only believe by ignoring the base actions and results of your countries invasions.

Our defeat of Communism is a matter of recorded history. So is the war on terror, although that is still ongoing.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2019 08:14 am
vikorr wrote:
And you have no evidence whatsoever that it would have taken over the world...just supposition. So the statement 'Communism would have taken over the world' is not truth. It is supposition. And hysterical supposition at that.

The Soviets' attempts to take over the world were quite well documented by history.

They said they intended to do it.

They tried to persuade the world to join them.

They used their agents to subvert other governments.

They used military force to overthrow other governments.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2019 08:15 am
vikorr wrote:
Right, so only countries that benefit america to invade.

I guess the continued existence of democracy is beneficial to us.

vikorr wrote:
Uh huh. Invade countries that benefit the U.S. to invade, and make those people suffer. Avoid countries that don't benefit the U.S. to invade. And now, call yourself good. Call yourself a police officer. Wow...aren't I good? If the judge disagrees, well I'll just bully the judge, and if that doesn't work, I'll ignore the judge. I'll prop up mob bosses. I'll removes mayors. Man am I a GREAT police officer Drunk

We succeeded in saving the world from Communist dictatorship.

vikorr wrote:
The United Nations secretary general, Kofi Annan, declared explicitly for the first time last night that the US-led war on Iraq was illegal. Mr Annan said that the invasion was not sanctioned by the UN security council or in accordance with the UN's founding charter.

I do not recognize Kofi Annan's authority over the US.

vikorr wrote:
Every police officer must be answerable to a higher power / court.

I disagree.

vikorr wrote:
You cannot call yourself a police officer while bullying and ignoring the court...well you can, but it's because you are a pretend police officer (in fact a mobster) who does what they like, then tries to legitimise it.

The fact that we are protecting civilization and democracy makes our actions legitimate. We have no need to legitimize anything.

vikorr wrote:
Afghanistan? Which appears to actually have had ties to 9-11? (though not as much as Saudi Arabia likely had - but SA was the U.S' main ally in the Gulf, so it wouldn't benefit the U.S. to invade SA...oh wait, there it is again...only invade if there is benefit in it).

The people who carried out the 9/11 attacks are actually the mortal enemies of the Saudi government.

vikorr wrote:
Or that wasn't enough for bloodthirsty Americans? The police officer wanted something more substantial, even if had nothing to do with 9-11? So the police officer lied, and invaded a country to satisfy it's bloodlust?

Well, we didn't lie. But otherwise yes.

vikorr wrote:
Oh yes, a wonderful, wonderful police officer.

Democracy still exists because of us.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2019 08:17 am
vikorr wrote:
What you are doing though, is quite different. You are asking me to believe words that do not match the actions, the consquences of those actions, nor the pattern of actions, nor the pattern of the consequences of those actions. There is no truth to be found in words that do not match the actions...ever.

Our pattern of actions in the Cold War is entirely consistent with our claim to have opposed Communism.

Our pattern of actions in the war on terror is entirely consistent with our claim to be preventing Muslims from massacring innocent people.

vikorr wrote:
By the way - if you think about it - you know that I am quite capable of arguing what you are arguing for you - how america is good, well meaning etc. I look at multiple sides of each argument in all it's permutations. And at the end of the day, my question to myself is 'what matches the actions', and if it is ongoing in nature 'what matches the pattern'. The U.S. is good sounds great, and in many ways it's true. But in other ways it is not true. The U.S. looks after it's patch, and doesn't particularly care if non allies suffer. Here in Australia, my own government is the same (East Timor, and West Papua in case)...even while I know most Australians are good, well meaning people.

I think that "looking after your patch" can be fairly described as "acting in the role of a police officer".
Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2019 08:20 am
longly wrote:
There is little doubt that we would win an air and or naval war with Iran, but I am not so sure about a land war. The population of Iran is about one hundred million we out number them better than three to one. But it is not about how much potential a nation has but about how much of that potential can be employed against the enemy. I think about the best we could do is 250,000 combat troops and that would be calling up the reserves. I suspect that Iran could mass ten times that number. I don’t know if they could support that many, but they might fool us. I don’t think Trump is willing to take the risk.

We'd win a land war, but it would be quite a major invasion, and we would not undertake such an invasion without serious provocation.
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