georgeob1 wrote:OK, then just name one or two. That shouldn't be hard. Do they compare to PBS? Isz what is being funded political indoctrination of the public?
One is Bush's funding of "faith-based" organizations. They are comprised of all political spectrums, not just the right.
Another is the tax exemption for religious organizations. Many of them violate the rules permitting them that exemption. The taxes they don't pay have to be made up by other tax payers like me.
As an atheist, I hate that my tax money is used in this manner.
Among others are the taxes I have to pay along with other taxpayers to make up for the loss of federal tax revenue for various tax evasion scams. Some of the most oderous are:
Corporation Sole. Since September 2004, the Department of Justice has obtained six injunctions against promoters of this scheme and filed complaints against 11 others. Participants apply for incorporation under the pretext of being a "bishop" or "overseer" of a one-person, phony religious organization or society with the idea that this entitles the individual to exemption from federal income taxes as a nonprofit, religious organization. When used as intended, Corporation Sole statutes enable religious leaders to separate themselves legally from the control and ownership of church assets. But the rules have been twisted at seminars where taxpayers are charged fees of $1,000 or more and incorrectly told that Corporation Sole laws provide a "legal" way to escape paying federal income taxes, child support and other personal debts.
Abuse of Charitable Organizations and Deductions. The IRS has observed an increase in the use of tax-exempt organizations to improperly shield income or assets from taxation. This can occur, for example, when a taxpayer moves assets or income to a tax-exempt supporting organization or donor-advised fund but maintains control over the assets or income, thereby obtaining a tax deduction without transferring a commensurate benefit to charity. A "contribution" of a historic facade easement to a tax-exempt conservation organization is another example. In many cases, local historic preservation laws already prohibit alteration of the home's facade, making the contributed easement superfluous. Even if the facade could be altered, the deduction claimed for the easement contribution may far exceed the easement's impact on the value of the property.
During the last three months, I couldn't avoid attempts at religious indoctrination via the media. First there was the Terri Schiavo case, then the Pope became ill, then Easter arrived, then the Pope died, and finally a new Pope was elected. These events dominated the news and it was almost impossible to avoid it. Add to that the Religious Right majority of the Republican Party's attempt to take over the entire US government and the constant coverage by news networks, especially cable. To try to avoid spin I watch C-SPAN to get the actual words of speakers. C-SPAN is my favorite network---even ahead of PBS. I love it's weekend book and panel discussions coverage, which represent all political point's of view. Would the government try to shut down C-SPAN or dictate it's coverage?