Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 11:51 am
squinney wrote:
How many major events have broken into the news only because an unnamed source had a conscience?

How many bogus stories have been printed in the name of an "unnamed source"?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 11:52 am
Hard to know which way to go, isn't it?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 11:53 am
Ticomaya wrote:

Bear in mind that the only way to prove absolutely whether WMD existed was to invade and inspect, as was done. Saddam wasn't cooperating with UN inspectors. It would have been poor leadership to take the word of a murderous tyrant, and ignore the intelligence reports that indicated Iraq had WMD.

In contrast, Newsweeks publishing the story was not intended to ferret out the truth and safeguard the nation. It was intended to try and embarrass the Bush Administration.

But surely you saw that distinction.

Excuse me? Saddam wasn't cooperating? What the hell is that crap? Find me one instance of him not coopertating with the inspectors in the 3 months prior to invasion.

Sorry Tico. You don't get to make up facts.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 11:55 am
squinney wrote:
That's not the way a free press works, Intrepid.

If it were, there would be no talking by inside sources that want to let the world know the crooked dealings taking place. There would have been no Watergate, no Iran Contra revelations, no understanding of what happened with the crash of the Savings and Loans, etc. There would be no inside information if every source had to risk their job (Life?) in order to let the people know there's wrong doing within the government.

How many major events have broken into the news only because an unnamed source had a conscience?

However, it would be a way to ensure the truth is provided to news sources without hiding under the cloak of anonymity.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 12:04 pm
parados wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:

Bear in mind that the only way to prove absolutely whether WMD existed was to invade and inspect, as was done. Saddam wasn't cooperating with UN inspectors. It would have been poor leadership to take the word of a murderous tyrant, and ignore the intelligence reports that indicated Iraq had WMD.

In contrast, Newsweeks publishing the story was not intended to ferret out the truth and safeguard the nation. It was intended to try and embarrass the Bush Administration.

But surely you saw that distinction.

Excuse me? Saddam wasn't cooperating? What the hell is that crap? Find me one instance of him not coopertation with the inspectors in the 3 months prior to invasion.

Sorry Tico. You don't get to make up facts.

And Saddam didn't get to fake cooperation in the last months before the invasion in another attempt to delay his requirement to prove compliance. That's the game he played; his bluff was called.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 12:06 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
parados wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:

Bear in mind that the only way to prove absolutely whether WMD existed was to invade and inspect, as was done. Saddam wasn't cooperating with UN inspectors. It would have been poor leadership to take the word of a murderous tyrant, and ignore the intelligence reports that indicated Iraq had WMD.

In contrast, Newsweeks publishing the story was not intended to ferret out the truth and safeguard the nation. It was intended to try and embarrass the Bush Administration.

But surely you saw that distinction.

Excuse me? Saddam wasn't cooperating? What the hell is that crap? Find me one instance of him not coopertation with the inspectors in the 3 months prior to invasion.

Sorry Tico. You don't get to make up facts.

And Saddam didn't get to fake cooperation in the last months before the invasion in another attempt to delay his requirement to prove compliance. That's the game he played; his bluff was called.

Do you have proof of this?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 01:02 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
parados wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:

Bear in mind that the only way to prove absolutely whether WMD existed was to invade and inspect, as was done. Saddam wasn't cooperating with UN inspectors. It would have been poor leadership to take the word of a murderous tyrant, and ignore the intelligence reports that indicated Iraq had WMD.

In contrast, Newsweeks publishing the story was not intended to ferret out the truth and safeguard the nation. It was intended to try and embarrass the Bush Administration.

But surely you saw that distinction.

Excuse me? Saddam wasn't cooperating? What the hell is that crap? Find me one instance of him not coopertation with the inspectors in the 3 months prior to invasion.

Sorry Tico. You don't get to make up facts.

And Saddam didn't get to fake cooperation in the last months before the invasion in another attempt to delay his requirement to prove compliance. That's the game he played; his bluff was called.

Cooperation was fake? oh, I see. There was no cooperation because you just get to make up facts when it suits you. Yep, no evidence. You just get to characterize what actually happened with some outrageous claim and then demand that we accept it as truth.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 01:04 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
And Saddam didn't get to fake cooperation in the last months before the invasion in another attempt to delay his requirement to prove compliance. That's the game he played; his bluff was called.

Do you have proof of this?

It seems you are being a bit insensate today, Intrepid, which is not like you. Earlier in another thread, you said, "Normally, we would see something from Tico at this point demanding that proof be provided for this statement." Which is odd since you have been the one constantly demanding proof ... not me.

Let me recap what has happened today vis-a-vis demands for "proof." After a number of posters had blithely commented that Bush lied, I replied to Squinney as follows:

Ticomaya wrote:
squinney wrote:
Don't go there on the who's more moral crap. I'll have to post a gazillion links of proof that this was a total fabrication in order to win religious right votes.


So I questioned her use of the word "proof." (I don't think she ever did provide any.)

Then you asserted Bush lied, and I said, "Except Bush didn't lie." To which you said:

Intrepid wrote:
Is that your opinion Tico, or is there proof someplace that the rest of us missed?

So, as you see, you were the first to demand proof of me. You wanted me to prove that Bush didn't lie. I then pointed out to you that the burden of proof that he lied should be on the ones asserting that he did lie. I only asked you to prove your assertion that Bush lied after you made that demand upon me.

Later, after I asserted that Clinton lied, you again requested proof of me to back up that assertion:

Intrepid wrote:
You claimed that Bill Clinton lied, but you did not indicate what he lied about or what proof you have to back up this claim. I doubt that this will go anywhere but except in circles with he said she said testimonials.


Which I did.

At this point it appears that you are the only one repeatedly demanding proof.

Or are you just being pedantic?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 01:10 pm
i happen to find it interesting that all of the allegations of desecration have come from detainees. The reason being that these are detainees suspected or known to have ties to terrorists and it would benefit them to make such statements since they know it would outrage others of their faith. It would seem that the detainees hated the US to begin with otherwise they wouldn't be in the position they are in, and why not use any opportunity to rally any one who would listen to their cause and incite more violence. I went to and read the site that one of you dared republicans to go to and again, all allegations are from previous/current detainees or their lawyers who are repeating what detainees told them. this is just a comment from someone who read through the entire thread and found this particular point not mentioned and a little strange.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 01:10 pm
parados wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
parados wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:

Bear in mind that the only way to prove absolutely whether WMD existed was to invade and inspect, as was done. Saddam wasn't cooperating with UN inspectors. It would have been poor leadership to take the word of a murderous tyrant, and ignore the intelligence reports that indicated Iraq had WMD.

In contrast, Newsweeks publishing the story was not intended to ferret out the truth and safeguard the nation. It was intended to try and embarrass the Bush Administration.

But surely you saw that distinction.

Excuse me? Saddam wasn't cooperating? What the hell is that crap? Find me one instance of him not coopertation with the inspectors in the 3 months prior to invasion.

Sorry Tico. You don't get to make up facts.

And Saddam didn't get to fake cooperation in the last months before the invasion in another attempt to delay his requirement to prove compliance. That's the game he played; his bluff was called.

Cooperation was fake? oh, I see. There was no cooperation because you just get to make up facts when it suits you. Yep, no evidence. You just get to characterize what actually happened with some outrageous claim and then demand that we accept it as truth.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 01:25 pm
Tico wrote:
At this point it appears that you are the only one repeatedly demanding proof.

Or are you just being pedantic?

I am not about to go to the trouble of sifty through threads to either prove you right or wrong. It is just not worth the trouble. I suppose I could do that and pick and choose what to include in a response, but it would not be fair to either of us since it is easy to clip from several threads to make a point.

Let us just say that I was prompted to ask for proof because I have seen that in so many of your posts. I thought it was a 2 way street.

It is possible that I many have been a bit insensate, but I suppose that depends on whether you meant in the context of foolish or unfeeling. I would prefer the latter, if given a choice.

Sorry, but I do not consider myself pedantic.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 01:41 pm
Intrepid wrote:
Let us just say that I was prompted to ask for proof because I have seen that in so many of your posts. I thought it was a 2 way street.

It is possible that I many have been a bit insensate, but I suppose that depends on whether you meant in the context of foolish or unfeeling. I would prefer the latter, if given a choice.

Sorry, but I do not consider myself pedantic.

I believe your impression that I was demanding proof in many of my posts is mistaken, and if you were to take the time to check, you would see that. You would also see that I only asked someone to prove Bush had lied after I was asked to prove that he hadn't lied.

And there's nothing wrong with being pedantic. I've been accused of being that way myself. (The liars! Laughing)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 01:44 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
parados wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
parados wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:

Bear in mind that the only way to prove absolutely whether WMD existed was to invade and inspect, as was done. Saddam wasn't cooperating with UN inspectors. It would have been poor leadership to take the word of a murderous tyrant, and ignore the intelligence reports that indicated Iraq had WMD.

In contrast, Newsweeks publishing the story was not intended to ferret out the truth and safeguard the nation. It was intended to try and embarrass the Bush Administration.

But surely you saw that distinction.

Excuse me? Saddam wasn't cooperating? What the hell is that crap? Find me one instance of him not coopertation with the inspectors in the 3 months prior to invasion.

Sorry Tico. You don't get to make up facts.

And Saddam didn't get to fake cooperation in the last months before the invasion in another attempt to delay his requirement to prove compliance. That's the game he played; his bluff was called.

Cooperation was fake? oh, I see. There was no cooperation because you just get to make up facts when it suits you. Yep, no evidence. You just get to characterize what actually happened with some outrageous claim and then demand that we accept it as truth.


Yeah, and? where are those WMD that were claimed?
The document presented had lots of nice rhetoric about Saddam had to truthfully declare his WMD or be invaded. Saddam claimed he had none. It appears that Saddam fulfilled his requirements.

Which part of his not cooperating are you claiming? I don't see any evidence yet that he didn't do so.
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 01:47 pm
newsweek did not lie

newsweek had to comply
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 01:55 pm
The piece you claimed proved Saddam didn't cooperate said....

This situation has just about reached a boiling point, and the entire world is watching. Rightfully so. This is what Monday's report told us: since the passage of UN Security Council Resolution 1441, Iraq's last chance to disarm, Iraq has refused to hand over or destroy its chemical and biological weapons; Iraq has refused to identify the location and fate of its considerable stocks of anthrax, botulinum toxin, VX, sarin, and mustard gas; Iraq has refused to surrender its mobile biological capabilities, which are essentially germ laboratories tucked into the back of a Mack truck; and Iraq has refused to account for tens of thousands of empty -- and full -- chemical and biological warheads. And, mind you, these are just the materials and the weapons we know about, just some of what UNSCOM catalogued in 1999 after inspectors were kicked out of Iraq in 1998. We do not know what Saddam Hussein may have amassed in the years since.

Interesting, isn't it? The entire world is watching and not one of the items cited on this list of what the Bush administration claimed Saddam had to turn over has shown up. No anthrax. botulunum, ,VX, sarin. No Mobile labs to create biological weapons. No tens of thousands of chemical warheads. NOTHING. Yet the very thing you posted states, "these are just the materials and the weapons we know about." We KNOW about them but they don't exist? Hmmm. kind of makes me wonder.

I guess Saddam didn't cooperate when he failed to turn over items that didn't even exist. Wow. Is that your lack of cooperation? Saddam didn't cooperate because he failed to do the impossible.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 02:01 pm
parados wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
parados wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
parados wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:

Bear in mind that the only way to prove absolutely whether WMD existed was to invade and inspect, as was done. Saddam wasn't cooperating with UN inspectors. It would have been poor leadership to take the word of a murderous tyrant, and ignore the intelligence reports that indicated Iraq had WMD.

In contrast, Newsweeks publishing the story was not intended to ferret out the truth and safeguard the nation. It was intended to try and embarrass the Bush Administration.

But surely you saw that distinction.

Excuse me? Saddam wasn't cooperating? What the hell is that crap? Find me one instance of him not coopertation with the inspectors in the 3 months prior to invasion.

Sorry Tico. You don't get to make up facts.

And Saddam didn't get to fake cooperation in the last months before the invasion in another attempt to delay his requirement to prove compliance. That's the game he played; his bluff was called.

Cooperation was fake? oh, I see. There was no cooperation because you just get to make up facts when it suits you. Yep, no evidence. You just get to characterize what actually happened with some outrageous claim and then demand that we accept it as truth.


Yeah, and? where are those WMD that were claimed?
The document presented had lots of nice rhetoric about Saddam had to truthfully declare his WMD or be invaded. Saddam claimed he had none. It appears that Saddam fulfilled his requirements.

Which part of his not cooperating are you claiming? I don't see any evidence yet that he didn't do so.

When are you going to retract those two remarks about me making up facts. You not agreeing with Armitage's testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee does not equate with "Tico made up facts."
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 02:02 pm
Parados: Focus on this bit from Armitage:

Richard Armitage wrote:
Iraq has refused to identify the location and fate of its considerable stocks of anthrax, botulinum toxin, VX, sarin, and mustard gas;

and Iraq has refused to account for tens of thousands of empty -- and full -- chemical and biological warheads. And, mind you, these are just the materials and the weapons we know about, just some of what UNSCOM catalogued in 1999 after inspectors were kicked out of Iraq in 1998. We do not know what Saddam Hussein may have amassed in the years since.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 03:22 pm
"Credible or Not"
Two questions for Newsweek.
by William Kristol
05/17/2005 5:00:00 PM

(1) In its May 9 "Periscope" item, Newsweek claimed that "sources tell Newsweek" that "interrogators, in an attempt to rattle suspects, flushed a Qu'ran down a toilet. . . ." In its May 23 "The Editor's Desk" note, editor Mark Whitaker explains that Michael Isikoff's and John Barry's "information came from a knowledgeable U.S. government source. . . ." If there was only one source for the "information," why did Newsweek originally claim there was more than one source?

(2) In the May 23 issue, Evan Thomas provides an account of the original story, the rioting that followed, and some of Newsweek's subsequent exchanges with the Defense Department. Here is the penultimate paragraph of Thomas' article:

More allegations, credible or not, are sure to come. Bader Zaman Bader, a 35-year-old former editor of a fundamentalist English-language magazine in Peshawar, was released from more than two years' lockup in Guantanamo seven months ago. Arrested by Pakistani security as a suspected Qaeda militant in November 2001, he was handed over to the U.S. military and held at a tent at the Kandahar airfield. One day, Bader claims, as the inmates' latrines were being emptied, a U.S. soldier threw in a Qu'ran. After the inmates screamed and protested, a U.S. commander apologized. Bader says he still has nightmare about the incident.

No one is quoted in this account. It is not clear if a Newsweek correspondent spoke directly to Bader. There is no evidence that Newsweek even tried to check this story with military authorities or others
conversant with what happened at the Kandahar airfield. Is this alleged incident, significant enough to have allegedly caused an apology by the U.S. commander, attested to by anyone else? Did Newsweek make any effort to corroborate Bader's account?

Moreover: might it have been appropriate for Newsweek to inform its readers, as "the indigent blogger" at Vagabondia was quickly able to discover and inform his readers, that: (a) Bader is now demanding compensation from the U.S. government for his imprisonment; and (b) Bader was interviewed by the Associated Press and by China's Xinhua news agency in Afghanistan shortly after his release last year. In those interviews, he seems to have said nothing about such an incident, and indeed told AP that he was interrogated "150 times" by the Americans but never abused. Only now does Bader recall this incident and its resulting nightmares.

Is Bader's claim credible? Did Newsweek even attempt to check it out before publishing it? Or does Newsweek believe that inserting the phrase, "credible or not," at the beginning of the relevant paragraph, absolves them of this journalistic duty?

William Kristol is editor of The Weekly Standard.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 04:25 pm
Newsweek didn't lie; but it was forced to retract. This is shameful.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 May, 2005 06:59 pm
Two Brits in a row saying Newsweek did not lie, but will go to their deaths believing Bush did.

0 Replies

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